Hideout Showcase

They look great but if i went into any of those my game would crash almost instantly.
Zizaran R.I.P.
Somebody made a hideout themed for the last crusade....and he DIDN'T dress his exile in the harbringer outfit with another friend using the outlaw set.

He chose....poorly.
I remember Chris mentioned possible ability to save hideouts or something similar to that. Any idea if this capability will be available before the league ends? As much as I'd like to try a new one my old one took nearly a month and I'd hate to do make one just to delete it before the merge.
I wonder if Hillock-Senpai will notice me when I go to town??
Thanks for the showcase!
All are great and full of creativity and production of perseverance good works (Hideout editing tools are still very time-consuming inconvenience)

Whether it can add Hideout background music options, even microtransactions, options are also acceptable
still waitting the day where npc in hideout can freely move and do their thing.
Any ETA on the abililty to save/load Hideouts? I made a really elaborate one I love last league, and would love to be able to transfer it to the current league.
WOW ho's with 5fps! /ignore
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Hideouts are an unique and fun feature of PoE. Its just a shame that you can't share them among leagues. I only play temp leagues for example and never get to finish one due to the time it takes to make on, and I would really like an import version, where you an import your HO from standard whenever you unlock the appropriate HO and size.

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