About getting the account stolen..

You got phished and you didn't realize it. That's completely what happened. You can deny all day, doesn't change the fact that you're gullible and it happened.

Well, either that or you lied elsewhere. I'm fine with you denying, I like people who use map hacks and claim linux as their safety blanket.
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
Last edited by TehHammer#0539 on Feb 25, 2013, 6:10:04 PM
Morgawr wrote:
So like, I haven't logged into this game in weeks (been busy irl, university, work, whatever) and in my 10~ years of MMORPG gaming I have never been hacked once..

And today I got an email from pathofexile saying that my account got entered by somebody from China.

Suspiciously I logged in the forums, checked my inventory and all my chaos orbs were gone.

Now, I've read the thread about their security "not being breached".

Let me tell you this is bullshit. I do not really care either way, I haven't played in some time and my drive to play further has been going down slowly as more things keep piling up irl... however I do not believe the excuse that it's my fault somehow.

I have never used third party software related to my account, I'm not an idiot, my password is decently strong and yet somebody entered in my account? While I hadn't been playing for weeks?

Yeah no, you guys got a security breach, at least tell us the truth.

i'v been playing 24/7 and my password is prob the shortest most obvious password ever and i've never been hacked, prob downloaded more stuff then you have, it's called using common sense when downloading stuff, think before opening it, something you don't have cuz you got keylogggedd And now you're lying to us and trying to blame GGG, noob.
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
VoxelSquid wrote:
Morgawr wrote:
VoxelSquid wrote:

Whether or not you get hacked depends on whether you fail a "get hacked" check, which depends on the number of attempts made by hackers against you (# of dice rolled) and your chance to get hacked. Right now, due to the hype around PoE, the number of dice rolled by hackers against PoE players has increased. Even if your chance to get hacked did not change, your overall chance of failing the "get hacked" check is higher, because more hackers are trying.

I'm sorry, I don't really mean to be rude or anything but this is totally wrong on so many levels I can't even begin to explain it properly.

The most likely case is they got access to a database of clean text passwords (I don't really know) or what you guys are saying about non-unique passwords (which I find hard to believe considering this was a unique password by itself). I very much doubt they actually took their time bruteforcing at random every single user account.


My example was meant to be an extreme simplification. I wasn't trying to say that hackers are actually brute-forcing you, but that they are simply putting more effort into hacking PoE players, whether it's by stealing GGG's databases, using keyloggers, or any other method. Many of these methods don't even neccessarily involve the user being unsafe and using unsecure passwords. Because hackers are focusing their attention on PoE right now, all PoE accounts have a higher chance of getting hacked, no matter how careful the account owners are.

Are you, by chance, implying that a game like Path of Exile has so many hacking successes because "it's so incredibly famous that a lot of hackers are targeting it"?
I haven't seen stuff like this happen so much on World of Warcraft or whatever other triple A mmorpg is the cool thing nowadays. Don't you think hackers would rather try to hack bank accounts or stuff like that?

By your (flawed) logic people would have a much higher chance of getting hacked (successfully) in their bank account than on a videogame.

No. Simply just... no.

We've already talked about security issues, everybody knows that every security system is as strong as its weakest link, for most community programs (like this) it lies on the user and it's most likely the user's fault that he got hacked. I do recognize that. However this doesn't mean that it's legit to dismiss any other claim.

I'm a conscious user who knows what he's talking about, I know how security works and I know how to take care of my passwords and accounts. This had never happened to me before (again, in 10+ years of using internet systems and online games too) and I can say with some confidence that there *might* be something going on.
monkuar wrote:
Morgawr wrote:
So like, I haven't logged into this game in weeks (been busy irl, university, work, whatever) and in my 10~ years of MMORPG gaming I have never been hacked once..

And today I got an email from pathofexile saying that my account got entered by somebody from China.

Suspiciously I logged in the forums, checked my inventory and all my chaos orbs were gone.

Now, I've read the thread about their security "not being breached".

Let me tell you this is bullshit. I do not really care either way, I haven't played in some time and my drive to play further has been going down slowly as more things keep piling up irl... however I do not believe the excuse that it's my fault somehow.

I have never used third party software related to my account, I'm not an idiot, my password is decently strong and yet somebody entered in my account? While I hadn't been playing for weeks?

Yeah no, you guys got a security breach, at least tell us the truth.

i'v been playing 24/7 and my password is prob the shortest most obvious password ever and i've never been hacked, prob downloaded more stuff then you have, it's called using common sense when downloading stuff, think before opening it, something you don't have cuz you got keylogggedd And now you're lying to us and trying to blame GGG, noob.

I'm sorry but anecdotal evidence when dealing with highly probabilistic cases (see: a massive amount of players) don't mean jack shit. You didn't get hacked, neither did I at time T where T = from 0 to a few days ago. That doesn't still mean anything.
I'm "very well versed" in "security," too. I work in malware removal and research.

If my account was accessed, I'd be mad. I'd comb my history, and every access point I could think of, but even if my hands came up empty, I'd still assume it's my fault.

If you know the field, you know as well as I do 99.9999999999% of the time, it's the users fault. Your fault. Open a support ticket and get what info you can from GGG, and move on with your life.

Whining on the forums leads me to believe you think higher of your own security than you should.

And security through obscurity is no security at all. Being the farthest away from the barrel of the gun doesn't make you immune to bullets. Anyone who uses linux and doesn't recognize that should google "self satire"

Please continue the conversation there.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.

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