[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!

matizzle_dizzle wrote:
Synestesiaz wrote:
matizzle_dizzle wrote:

BUt a question aside: Can anyone tell me why to use Brightbeak and Prismatic Eclipse in UberLab?

You use them in your secondary weapon slot, they make Leap Slamming around really fast. You switch to your main weapon during battles.

Ahh ok I got it.

So we use them only to run through UberLab. No fighting at all, just doing puzzles etc. as fast as possible and against Argus and Boss fights we switch to Kondos.

Am I gettin it right?

Exactly!May take some practice to swap weapons in some risky situations, because leap slams stucks sometimes at corners or little obstacles (or maybe i'm too dumb) and sometimes enemies hit you in the meanwhile.
Dont forget to cast your enduring cry when enemies are nearby from time to time

@the guy who asked for a budget version: all unique items (kondo, persevance, bloodgrip) + gear with life and ressis + 5l cost under 10 chaos

Why going for "Worthy Foe" is better than "Inspirational"+"Resolute Technique"?
I got the idea about 5% crit chance but IMHO we have a better option from "Inspirational": +speed and a better +damage.
Still seem to be wrecked sometimes :I by fire mobs etc. and I'm full resist, dunno how to link my gear but I hope you can see it on my account :P
Anyway to tweak this build a little bit with items/gems to speedclear maps? Or just should I make an alt for that xD
ShakesGG wrote:
Just insta died 2 times in a row on final boss encounter in Uber lab.. :( with 5,2k life and 75%+ to all ress. Guess i'll be better of doing maps..

Updated your rings, get your gems straightened out too (see page 1 of this thread)
maybe consider going back to belly of beast over Koams for now

see my 90 champion, that's current gear. I'm running like 4400ish HP and I blaze thru uber lab and boss with ease in this setup using kondo's

try to update to Starforge too, it is a significant DPS boost. I went from 60kish to 90kish on my totems with it
Plugsz wrote:
ShakesGG wrote:
Just insta died 2 times in a row on final boss encounter in Uber lab.. :( with 5,2k life and 75%+ to all ress. Guess i'll be better of doing maps..

Updated your rings, get your gems straightened out too (see page 1 of this thread)
maybe consider going back to belly of beast over Koams for now

see my 90 champion, that's current gear. I'm running like 4400ish HP and I blaze thru uber lab and boss with ease in this setup using kondo's

try to update to Starforge too, it is a significant DPS boost. I went from 60kish to 90kish on my totems with it

Ty I will look into it, I see the guide has been updated a bit since I started, since some of the gems have been switched out :P. But I have had a much easier time doing uber labs the last days.
So time went quickly by, and I now have to upgrade all my gear.

Right now I'm using a 5L no-name body armour, with all other gear being decent or good.

I'm thinking about my upgrade path, I have about 5ex that I can spend. I'm thinking a 5L starforge, and then a cheap but nice stat body armour until I can get a Koam's Heart.

But is this a bad path? Would it be better just to 5 / 6 link my Kondo's, and get the Koam's now. I'm softcore so dying is not that bad, and I don't really have any issues yet, AT 5500 life.

The DPS would sure be handy, and the extra life from Starforge is always nice - this would allow me to get a cheapish body armour with nice life roll, until I can get koam's.

Any advice for this build?
Gear wise, 5 link your totems based on the Gem setups in Lifted's OP
more dps = more survivability while leveling.
remember, totem build is set it and forget it, you don't get into the direct combat unless necessary and even then, if you're following the setup, you're merely jumping around with leap slam :)

Gear stats, simple to follow, from the OP as well

Damage setup:

- Ancestral Warchief, Maim, Brutality, Melee Physical Damage, Concentrated Effect (5-link) & Ruthless (6-link).

LiftingNerdBro wrote:


Look for these stats on your rare gear (in priority):


1. Life
2. Elemental Resistances

Not very important:

3. Attack speed & Flat physical damage (only on rings and gloves)
4. Intelligence (only if you need it to progress gem leveling)


- Maximum life
- Physical/Melee/Sword/Totem Damage/Area Damage
- Attack Speed
- Resistances


- 1x Seething Divine Life Flasks of Staunching
- 1x Ample Sulphur Flask of Heat (prevents you from getting frozen when opening strongboxes)
- 1x Avenger’s Basalt Flask of Warding
- 1x Ample Quicksilver Flask of Heat
- 1x Lion’s Roar

Note: until you get more accustomed to the labyrinth traps, I recommend using at least 2 health flasks. Also, before you get a Perseverance belt, consider using a Silver Flask, to apply onslaught.

Why conqueror>worthy>unstoppable>fortitude?
Isnt it better going worthy as last? Buff doesnt seem so great to me,and you wont have fortitude until you get all uber trials and the lab,make unstoppable hero pretty useless
Last edited by sieg_hart#0336 on Jun 10, 2018, 6:35:23 AM
And what about links that we can see in video? Why there isn't anything about cyclone + maim + life on hit link in posted guide? :) Yes, i saw, this video is old, but this link is saving me on maps now. It feels much better - i don't need to hide or run away from damage, i can easy spin in mob packs/bosses, while totems are killing them.
Last edited by faraddox#5532 on Jun 10, 2018, 7:13:58 AM

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