[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!
" Speaking of "Leveling skill-tree 1", Ancestral Bond is the last node in this tree i take. Leveling is really smooth when picking up the damage nodes too. Look for a high phys dps 2h axe/mace/staff and wreck 'em with sunder ;) ps: After act 3 "Sever the right hand" i'm using a "ancestral warchief-maim-melee phys dmg" 3L setup for faster clear besides sunder Last edited by Bisrob#7105 on Jun 2, 2018, 3:57:34 AM
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" I personally didn't go totems until Sunder started to under perform (act 8 or so) Sunder is very strong to work with Page 2 of this thread, the weapon progression is nice to follow if you're able to as well. I did and it was very solid throughout " Kondo's pride then starforge after that. I finally just got my starforge and its a significant difference DPS wise once using it my totems are 93k-ish right now on a 5 link |
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Why run Maim on weapon with Ancestral Warchief when we are using Vulnerability?
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" It's to each their own really. I turned it over to the totems in act 4 and only died maybe 6 times the rest of the way (act 8 boss twice, act 9 shav, act 10 kitava 2 times, and 1 d/c death in a incursion area). Kondo's is down to a chaos right now, bloodgrip's are 4-5, perseverance belts are 4-5, so all in with resistance gear is probably around 16-20c on the end of day 2 of the league. Terminus Est is not worth it, Blood Reaper will dps enough through level 61 (should be mid act 9) |
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started incursion with this build, 46 lv in a couple of days (like 10-15h), 2 totems with limbsplit 4L, sooner i will use kondo cause the actual dps is quite low (must save jew for 5L kondo)
it's really frustrating do alva's temple because my clearspeed it's horrible, so i fail everytime and struggle with effort to try reaching the apex (4 tries, all failed) maybe in lategame this char will go horizontal even with 2 totems and not 3. I was wondering, when i will get more currency, will be better a starforge or an elder rare 2h? with some luck maybe will roll x3 support mods, so if i roll a 6L + 3 mods will be a 9L, is it even possible? |
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" You wanted to craft a 5L Kondo on your own? I am really not a pro, but what i did last league was: buy a 5l chest (already with 4red and 1 blue socket, use "concentrated effect" for lab runs/map bosses, "increased area of effect" for mapping), they are at 1c at day 2 of this league. Why? Because later you will use Brightbreak and Prismatic Ecipse together to move through the labyrinth. In this case you can swap weapons quickly with "x" and you have your warchief setup in your chest. I farmed UberLab last League with a 5L chest and 4L Kondo. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brightbeak https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Prismatic_Eclipse " Kondo is enough to farm ULab to farm enough currency to buy a starforge to go for endgame content Last edited by Bisrob#7105 on Jun 3, 2018, 6:40:55 AM
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How the hell do I get fortify while leveling, i've been using this guide 100%, and now it wants me to spend stat points into "melee damage while fortified" - but that would be a waste when I aint fortified after following your guide :(
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" Just skip those points until you are close to do your first uber lab ^^ Go to the next points and decide on your own which points next would suit your situation best (defense/offense points). To get advantages from the merc lab, just link leap slam - faster attacks - fortify and jump into monsters Last edited by Bisrob#7105 on Jun 3, 2018, 9:01:55 AM
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" This build eventually goes with just kondo's alone. Don't worry too much about alva performance, this isn't designed to map at 50 which is essentially the clearspeed you are looking for. in fact, it's not really designed to be the most efficient mapper either, it just does that well and does ubers fantastically. don't worry a ton about early/mid alva's, it was only there for a bit of loot. instead, worry about getting to Kondo's, getting through Kitava and Cruel Lab, and then getting the belt and amulet. those items bring the quality of life way up on this build. |
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I only have 4L kondos so far, and i clear every incursion with 20 seconds to spare... so dont worry, it'll get much better
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