[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!

Arcaddia wrote:
crono14 wrote:
This is a great build for a league starter. I am currently playing in BHC and level 88. I finally got all the pieces I need and it's so safe now in labs. Even mapping is much more smooth now.

Just trying to focus now on getting a 6L and get some more life and jewels. I am currently just farming lab and T8+ maps to build up my pool. Very safe and tanky build.

My stats:
5.8k HP
42k dmg in HO w/ totems
8.3k armor
5.5k eva
overcapped resists with all


Any reason why you haven't invested/got in a lion's roar yet?

It's on my list of things to get. I am poor mostly right now since I just bought my Belly and Perseverance Belt. I lost a bunch of resist replacing the trash I was wearing, so I had to drop a lot more to buy rings/boots to get my resistances capped again.

I plan on getting one this weekend.
_Sune_ wrote:

"Conqueror --> Worthy Foe --> Unstoppable Hero --> Fortitude"

"Arakali, Act 7:
- 1900-2300+ Life
- 40%+ to all elemental resistances
- Fortify Ascendancy
- 4 or 5-link"

Should you go for Fortitude before Conqueror, or can i accomplish all at act 7 already?

Sorry no, that is an error I forgot to edit out as I updated it for 3.2 =)
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How important is the Bloodgrip amulet ? I don't find bleeding in lab too annoying at the moment and i'm afraid i'll struggle to obtain resists with one less slot for it. Is this amulet really life changing ?
Lumisteria wrote:
How important is the Bloodgrip amulet ? I don't find bleeding in lab too annoying at the moment and i'm afraid i'll struggle to obtain resists with one less slot for it. Is this amulet really life changing ?

It's a very nice amulet with no real downsides to it minus resists. The 100% recovery of live is just amazing imo. One life flask can easily take you from low life to full life after taking a hard hit.

The regen on it and dmg for your totems is also just a plus. I would say it's strongly encouraged to run just because of all the benefits and QoL it provides.
Thanks for your answer !
Is this a viable guardians and atziri farmer if you switch to Kaom's and 6L starforge? Just curious how much I can scale this build.
I've seen some go with Faster attacks on the Warchief and others go with Maim. Which should I be going ?? I currently have faster attack on the Warchief and moved the Maim to the Kondo's like the video suggests.
Day 1

HP - 4.3k
Tooltip - 36k

After doing 10 labs with above gear from level 74 to level 78, I began doing maps for some time until I reached level 80. Upgraded some of my gear. (Devoto's, perseverance, spiked gloves etc.). Jewellery is still extremely budget 1c ones.

Day 2

HP - 4.9k
Tooltip - 49.6k

Currently at level 83. Will continue updating as I progress.

Day 4

HP - 6.95k
Tooltip - 68.7k

Currently at level 87. Couldn't play much today. Still haven't bought a lion's roar. That and better jewellery will be my next upgrade. Ofcourse, still have to get gems to 20/20 as well. Can't wait to start farming guardians. Gotta 6-link my sword as well.

Also, I used the vengeance defense setup that was suggested. I found that a cwdt+frostbomb setup worked much better. Especially against red rares with insane regen, it helps a lot.

Free Atziri Service - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1458846
Last edited by Le_Sanzo#1806 on Mar 7, 2018, 3:48:15 PM

I still haven't bought Lion's Roar or anything like that. Pretty poor-ass setup, yet I don't really care since it's my uber lab farmer, I don't need more at the moment. Just wanted to let people know that with my set-up (cost me around like 100chaos, give or take), everything's pretty easy. Currently just afk farming maps T6-8, no problem what so ever in survavibility or damage. Did Atziri deathless and pretty much could do Uber lab with this setup easily. Just need to find the damn Trials!

Uber lab down, was easy as shitz.

Tooltip DPS is 41k with CONC, 30k with Increased area of effect. WITHOUT TOTEMS UP
Tooltip DPS is 49k with CONC and 33k with INC Area Effect. WITH TOTEMS UP
Life is 4,7k
Life regen is 480/s.
Resist are 96/118/82, not the greatest but it does the job for now.

Last edited by GriswoldsGames#3094 on Mar 7, 2018, 11:55:41 PM
trying to get good enchants for sell

GriswoldsGames wrote:

grab 6/6 from global 820 sharing

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