[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!
yo guys so im playing SSF (in private league with 2 friends) and i found this chest and i got prophecy for 5-link(jewellers touch)so my question is if should i 5-link this chest or should i wait for belly or kaom's drop ? btw i dont have 5-link yet i mean on weapon
Last edited by mario258#2279 on Jun 10, 2019, 1:07:16 PM
The main reason is that I am using it with a "phasing while you have haste" watcher's eyes. The QoL is so huge that is it 100% worth it.
I am also using the brightbeak + 3g prismatic eclipse as a qucikswap for leap slamming around.
I switch to pride during the fights.
I am also using a starkonja since devoto is way to expensive to be worth it and the increased movement speed really isn't noticeable with the new leap slam.
Ive been wanting to mess around using the impale support, has anyone tried the potential damage gain from it?
Moreover: would a tree with resolute technique and the impale clusters, even taking the impale ascendancy and adrenaline instead of the taunt focussed route be an improvement? we lose the blind from kondo's on crit, but since the minimum evade chance isnt 5% anymore the blind might be worse now anyway.
Or with the changed accuracy maybe itd be worth to skip the taunt route altogether and take the impale nodes, but just get some accuracy on gear?
Adrenaline heals you now, making it a good (auto) "oh shit button". and impale seems to be a huge damage boost now with the support gem available and impale effect in the tree.
And with 4 totems the impale should stack up very fast.
Has anyone played around with this idea already?
I still need to get some more currency before i can properly test this. But it seems worth investigating.
Only downside is to lose the totems taunt, which is a huge safety measure against most bosses.
Ive been wanting to mess around using the impale support, has anyone tried the potential damage gain from it?
Moreover: would a tree with resolute technique and the impale clusters, even taking the impale ascendancy and adrenaline instead of the taunt focussed route be an improvement? we lose the blind from kondo's on crit, but since the minimum evade chance isnt 5% anymore the blind might be worse now anyway.
Or with the changed accuracy maybe itd be worth to skip the taunt route altogether and take the impale nodes, but just get some accuracy on gear?
Adrenaline heals you now, making it a good (auto) "oh shit button". and impale seems to be a huge damage boost now with the support gem available and impale effect in the tree.
And with 4 totems the impale should stack up very fast.
Has anyone played around with this idea already?
I still need to get some more currency before i can properly test this. But it seems worth investigating.
Only downside is to lose the totems taunt, which is a huge safety measure against most bosses.
Actually, losing the taunt severely affects your dps.
The main reason we take it is for the no evasion effect rather than the safety, as the build itself is already quite tanky.
Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
Hey! I Made those changes to original build to adapt it to new 3.7 skilltree:
Also i note those changes are for make Uber Lab Runs more comfortable, i think this build if perfect for that. Thats the main reason because i sacrifice 2 Jewel nodes, to obtain a defensive node "Soul of Steel"
I think it is a very powerfull node for us the complete circle gives to us:
+50% Increased armor
+150 Armor
+11% to all Elemental Resistances
+5% additional physical damage reduction
With the nerf of Immortal call i think is a good choice and very powerfull for Uber Lab Runs, and honestly, when we have a Kondo + Bloodgrip and a nice chest armor we are able to make Uber lab more confortable.
We lose 15% Life of Mortal conviction, but we can gain a free Aura, this ofc is optional for our playstile, u can take the node or not, but i think if u dont take it maybe u dont take the 2 10% life nodes and go for Kinetic Impacts, it looks powerfull and a nice damage boost.
I See in other build people taking Resolute Technique, Its a good idea till we get the first 4 Ascendancy points, to help us on leveling, but after that is useless because we got a 100% chance to taunt enemies with our hits with Conqueror node and Worthy foe makes taunted enemies cant evade our attacks, so we got here our proper Resolute technique with the plus we can make critical strikes. So take it is a must till we complete cruel lab, then respec it because is useless for us.
About skillgems i dont touch nothing, vortex setup is customizable so take ur choices in there is the best option.
Im playing this build always as starter since Harbinger, is pretty solid and cheap to get results, also easy and safe playstile with low investment and i made those changes with a little fear but i think they dont change too mutch of the original build and the playstile.
Ofc im waiting LNB Update.
Did exaxtly this. Already hit the endgame lab challenge goal. NEVER died in lab with this char. I leave my profile open: TradeAfterUberLab
This is day 1 equipment and i leave this char like this. HANDS DOWN THE BEST LAB BUILD i ever played and i do those lab challenges every season and beyond. Will roll this again next league and keep going this league. If you have issues with this build its a personal problem not the problem of this build.
I am sorry for the lack of updates. I have been incredibly busy the last week, so much so that I am only level 79 in Legion so far. I have had my own and my wife's birthday to attend to and my daughter and I have been sick. I am not trying to make excuses, just explaining the situation.
I am sorry for the lack of updates. I have been incredibly busy the last week, so much so that I am only level 79 in Legion so far. I have had my own and my wife's birthday to attend to and my daughter and I have been sick. I am not trying to make excuses, just explaining the situation.
I will be updating the build this coming week.
No worries dude, your health and personal life comes first over a game.
The tree has been fairly easy to translate over to 3.7, and experimenting with new options has been great fun, so I'm sure everyone will be cool with a slightly delayed guide update :)
Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
Ive been wanting to mess around using the impale support, has anyone tried the potential damage gain from it?
Moreover: would a tree with resolute technique and the impale clusters, even taking the impale ascendancy and adrenaline instead of the taunt focussed route be an improvement? we lose the blind from kondo's on crit, but since the minimum evade chance isnt 5% anymore the blind might be worse now anyway.
Or with the changed accuracy maybe itd be worth to skip the taunt route altogether and take the impale nodes, but just get some accuracy on gear?
Adrenaline heals you now, making it a good (auto) "oh shit button". and impale seems to be a huge damage boost now with the support gem available and impale effect in the tree.
And with 4 totems the impale should stack up very fast.
Has anyone played around with this idea already?
I still need to get some more currency before i can properly test this. But it seems worth investigating.
Only downside is to lose the totems taunt, which is a huge safety measure against most bosses.
Actually, losing the taunt severely affects your dps.
The main reason we take it is for the no evasion effect rather than the safety, as the build itself is already quite tanky.
I would probably just loose the permanent fortify and take the impale. Leap Slam feels somehow better now and should be enough for fortify. Impale looks extremely powerful, but if you only want todo lab, then you wont need that dmg anyway.
Last edited by Filix80#9472 on Jun 14, 2019, 4:58:21 AM