[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!
The core of this build is quite nice to have different builds while you gather currency for the weapon/armor.
I'm still using just one totem (+ the vaal variant as the 2nd) with a cyclone + endurance on hit in a 5 link -15 mana chest. Combined with immortal call + phase run + duration + CWDT lvl 1. Almost 2s of immortality. No blood magic yet - will leave this and Ancestral bond for the last (need to respec a few points - like diamond skin). Going dual totem right now without a proper sword for damage would suck. Without 6L + weapon, my per totem DPS would be at around 15k. Cyclone is at around 26k + totem dps. I did get stuck with the Feels like it fit's the overall direction of this build? You get 50 life, 2% hp regen, 30% damage increase. |
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Level 84 an still on cyclone? Well, just in case it will be of some use to you. I just bought my wife some cheap gear for level 62, kondo's was 5c all other gear 1alch - 2c max. The only thing that had some price is the jewelers touch prophecy. Here's her pob. Around 60k dps with both totems, thats a bit higher than your's 51.7k dps with cyclone on lvl 84. Not saying except, that leveling with totems is not just doable, but enjoyable, especially having totems leech from konko'd and maim from acendancy.
https://pastebin.com/ENY9kyG0 |
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Was, got the 6L 320% kondo now.
Not a fan of any kind of micromanagement - so i don't count flasks/concentrated ground and situational debuffs into the DPS calc. So if this is what is part of the DPS calc - then i assume my previous numbers would be much higher. With current gear, totem out, tooltip DPS is at 42k. No Eternal lab yet (haven't found the last trial). And gems at 19 - soon 20 (concentrated ground is 1). But can't decide what to do with other gear - with 4 ex/166c left. Last edited by dustofdeath#7022 on Sep 8, 2018, 5:34:56 PM
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use general 820 chat room and ask for trial u need.
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No flask dps was accounted. Regarding gear, toy can get 5l belly, or a good belly + jewelers touch prophecy as a starter armor, get devotos or starkonja, use the rest to cap res and max your life. Overal you gtg.
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I feel good to survive, my res are capped, but i'm in lack of damage, any reasonable tips?
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Has anyone actually killed a Shaper/Elder with this build? I have EVERYTHING needed, sans a 6L starforge (mine is still 5L), at level 91, have died 40+ times, and still can't beat the Shaper Guardians. Don't get me wrong, it is still the most solid build I have ever played, but can't seem to get further than tier 15.
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" I played this build in 3.2 and 3.3 and it is possible to kill Shaper/Elder. That said, i tried uber elder and the build is lacking damage bigtime for that. I would say you need a 6L starforge to kill shaper/elder comfortably. You should aim for around 7,5k life at least, lifereg should be around 1000-1300life. Try to use jewels with 0.8% life regenerated while moving and at least 40-50life flat. This should boost your survivability even further. This build was designed to run uber lab as fast as possible and that it does. Also you can use lifegain on hit with cyclone and faster attacks to get back to maxlife pretty damn fast. Also you should use warlords mark with curse on hit to get endurance charges. The guide focuses on making the best possible lab farmer, for guardians/shaper you need to tweak some of the things previously mentioned. Good luck! |
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Just wanted to give a shout to Lifting. The build has been great for me. Just downed Shaper for the first time. Used one portal, just too many balls inside Zana's bubble the last phase.
Been a great start to Delve league, sitting at depth 220 or so right now. |
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" Did you make any changes to the build, or beat it with it "as is"? What level were you? |
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