[3.4] Shams Juggernaut 2h Mace Sunder , Uber Lab / Guardians - League Starter

Smerfik wrote:
deleteded wrote:
Here is my current character:


Looking for recommendations on which pieces I should upgrade immediately, or any other gearing / passive tree suggestions that any of you have (specifically sham!) Also, I am lost on what flasks to use. Any help is very much appreciated!

I am currently able to do tier 8 maps, I still have the last lab to do, but I am not quite there yet.

Thanks a lot for this build Sham, my first poe build and I am having a blast!


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First at all get some jewels, actually you can have one, invest two passives in jewel sockets and buy what you think is the best for you (best choice i guess is life%/armour% + 2 dps like attack speed and physical dmg/dmg etc. etc. - they may be quite expensive), get some budget jewels 3 for 10c or craft by yourself

Next one is helmet - you need to have high armour on helmet/armour - Royal burgonet is the best choice, strenght/all atributes + life + double res + armour%.

Also you can get better weapon, Coronal Maul with rolls like Sham is good (expect critical strike multiplier that is for crit version, on this build you can't crit anyway).

Boots - You need Kaom's roots with high life roll (185+). Monsters are annoying when they knock you back.

Rings and amulet aren't good too, but first of all take boots and helmet, you don't have bad dps on weapon, but think about it too.

How much currency do you have?

Btw jewelry must have "adds physical damage to attacks"
Last edited by Smerfik#1727 on Aug 16, 2017, 12:18:29 AM
Hey Sham, I just recently acquired a at level 73


is this viable at this level or should i try to upgrade to the Unique with 400+ Phys Dmg? (Mahori Erqi)

Also, still go for Kaom's Boots? (no gem slots but no stuns/slows)

Keep your maul hes 410 dps and a lot faster then Mahori Erqi.

Yes kaom's boots are needed in the build, they are crazy good.


I guess conc effect support doesn't work with ancestral protector, do you prefer something instead conc effect for boost DPS on ancestral protector?

It's worth to wear Tabula Rasa instead Astral Plate until i buy/craft 5-6 link?
I guess conc effect support doesn't work with ancestral protector, do you prefer something instead conc effect for boost DPS on ancestral protector?

It's worth to wear Tabula Rasa instead Astral Plate until i buy/craft 5-6 link?

Get faster attacks on protector.

Yes get tabula rasa, for your level its needed to do fast mapping.

But be sure your res are capped.

Can you tell me on what should i change at start, on what I should focus? (Got Kaom's boots)
Whats the best 2h mace for this build? Brain Rattler can be?
Whats the best 2h mace for this build? Brain Rattler can be?

Never tried this mace, but it does not look bad.

so what do u prefer?
I always go with rare maul high phys dps.


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