Dual Totem Dual Curse EK Witch level 83 6.1k dps ( Video and Guide )
Passive Tree
I am level 83 on default. People streaming this build : http://www.twitch.tv/protosori# Gameplay Video
Here's me running a level 66 map.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ-HCXdGo-0 I was level 75 with 3.4k dps and 3.2k hp. I changed my build an leveled a bit. Now I have 5.5k dps and 3.1k hp It is my first gameplay video, and it was a bit laggy so, sorry for noobish gameplay and lags. Level & Build Progression
level 1-20
Passives1 - Get the Freezing Pulse from the first quest. - I usually skip the first quest and fetid pool quest and directly rush to the Ledge. Fetid pool and Hailrake could be very dangerous since we don't have any hp or es at early levels. - Farm the ledge until you hit level 13. Since mobs are coming groups and close to eachother, you can use ethereal knives rather than freezing pulse. - For Brutus fight, I recommend Fireball. - For Merveil, I recommend using Poison Arrow since we got enough dex thanks to +30 dexterity node. level 20-40 Passives2 - Now we can start the long path to the Dual Totem and Curse nodes. - Choose +40 hp reward from bandits. - For Vaal, I recommend Poison Arrow again. - Skip the Bear trap boss at City of Sarn :) My first death was by his hands :) - Hit level 40 at docks before fighting Piety. - Get spell totem. If you can't afford, Flame Totem works too. - Get Clarity. Level it up to level 7 and leave it there till you get Eldritch Battery. level 40-60 Passives3 - Get atleast a 3 link piece with GGR. Link Ethereal Knives with Spell Totem and Fork. - Get Temporal Chains, Vulnerability and Projectile Weakness. You can use Enfeeble too. - Choose Physical Damage reward from Oak. - Get 2 resistance nodes at Templar area to be ready for Merciless. - Farm Docks or City of Sarn till you hit level 59-60 level 60-80 Passives4 - Kill all bandits. - Pick Eldritch Battery if you are well above 2k hp. - With Eldtrich Battery now you can run Hatred, Haste, Clarity and Discipline at full level. You can change haste to determination if you want defense. - Start working to improve gear. The Magnate belt is must have. Check my gear for more info. Skills and Links
- Ethereal Knives/Spell Totem/Added Fire Damage/Faster Projectiles/Faster Casting
- Projectile Weakness/Vulnerability/Increase Area of Effect/Reduced Mana - Temporal Chains/Increase Area of Effect/Reduced Mana - Clarity/Hatred/Haste/Reduced Mana - Discipline/Enfeeble/Reduced Mana Enfeeble and Reduced Mana on curses are optional. Stats
Hp: 3625
Sheet Dps : 6107.8 Linked Skills : Ethereal Knives, Spell Totem, Added Fire Damage, Faster Projectiles and Faster Casting Armour : 1050 Evasion : 645 Resistance : % 59 fire, % 30 cold % 58 lightning % -60 chaos Mana : 2231 Mana regen : 91.0 Life Regen : 38 Gear
Suggestions on my build, skills or items will be much appreciated. I won't be updating this build and items anymore. Last edited by zekerferc#6511 on Mar 8, 2013, 3:39:26 PM
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how does it work on maps?
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Well, in theory this build is a good idea.
Since the biggest problem with an EK build is the whole oneshotting yourself on reflect mobs thing. Annoying with totems too, but resummoning totems all the time is better than killing yourself. How do you feel about the DPS, that was my biggest concern. Especially since EK casts rather slow anyway and a totem doesn't help that - with the penalty and all. Also not sure about Chain, I didn't like Chain with EK much, not sure if the totem would change that. |
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" I am planning to spam maps when i am level 75. Finished just 1 solo yet, was quite easy even the map was filled with flicker strike mobs. Unique boss went down under 1 minute. " Yeah I feel too comfortable when facing physical reflect mobs. Totems usually die after 2-3 spells . I just have to spawn 2 more to kill them. I farmed level 69 to 73 at City of Sarn. Usually it took 3 mins to kill all mobs in the area. Dps is very good imo cuz all i have to do is spawn 1-2 totems and cast 2 curses and ran away to next mob group. Totems are killing the group in 2 shot. 1 if Critical. I have to use faster casting and cast speed mod on all my jewelery to overcome the cast speed penalty. On bosses, I dont even use bear trap. Killed Piety in 2 mins. Because I spawn 1-2 totems and run off to the next mob group, I need to make sure that totems killed the first group in 1-2 hits before I spawn another totem for the next group. So I use chain for that because the aiming sucks on totems. And Chain helps to kill the mobs behind the totem. Last edited by zekerferc#6511 on Feb 24, 2013, 5:10:39 PM
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Bump. I need people's thoughts on my idea to get a 6l chest and link it with added lightning damage with my current setup. Or do not bother lightning at all and just add faster projectiles to the 6. socket ?
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very interesting, could u maybe make a video^^?
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" Maybe :) I guess I ll give it a try :) |
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Usually Iron Will is a good choice. But your build has not enough strength to make that worthwhile I guess.
I'd consider the 6th link a pure luxury, though. I'm not sure you will shock all that much where it really counts (bosses, champs) just through the added lightning dmg of the support gem. It doesn't hurt though, so if you can get a 6L, have fun. I have yet to ever even possess one and I'm playing since CB ^^ €: On a different note: Why do I see so many builds that are already near a hp regen node, but don't actually pick it? How could you not want to regenerate life? I just don't get it. I mean, yeah, 1% won't do all that much but it's still better than nothing, isn't it? And you are already there ... Last edited by Unimatrix#6268 on Feb 25, 2013, 5:06:19 AM
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" Iron will would be a very good idea actually and I think my strentgh is high enough to make it viable. Currently I have 198 thanks to the magnate, and I plan to add another 50 more through passives ( life nodes at eldritch battery area ) Yeah getting 6l will be very hard but I predict that it will cost around 20-25 exalts, getting that many exalts wont be too hard I guess. I didnt need any life regen so far but I guess it would not be a waste of just 1 passive point , especially for chaos damage maps. Ty for your suggestions :) Last edited by zekerferc#6511 on Feb 25, 2013, 6:13:53 AM
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Does Hatred work for your totems btw.? It has to, why else would you run it.
I'm starting to feel an itch to play this build ^^ Have you considered switching out Chain for Faster Projectiles? With totems you don't need the huge radius because you have to sources of the knives, but still. Chain is usually a bad idea mostly because it makes EK really really expensive. On a totem this might not matter that much. I was thinking about a new EK build lately (I played various, mostly very tanky ones) that focuses more on actually hurting than being super-tanky. EK is strong anyway but I just got bored of being all defensive. And there was the mentioned reflect issue. Using totems helps in both, going more offensively without having to worry about reflect and also you can be less tanky since you have your totems to attract most attention. Definitely going to try this, I like it already - in theory at least. Last edited by Unimatrix#6268 on Feb 25, 2013, 6:29:16 AM
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