The Fall of Oriath: More Information about the Beta

Tell me about the new Supporter Packs.

We want to keep them a secret until release, but these are my favourite ones yet. We have juiced up the value of the higher packs by introducing an additional pack earlier in the progression, so the top packs have masses of value and variety (six weapon effects, for example). Every single one of the new armour sets exceeds the quality of any that we have released in the past.

Is the Pantheon System included in the Beta?

Yes. We are also currently working on the mechanic where you can capture the souls of map bosses, and expect to have that ready very early in Beta.

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
When is the xbox beta?! I'm dying to try this game on console.
Looking forward to it.
Got more hype from reading this thread than reading anything concerning the "D3 Necromancer" lol lets go!!
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar#2123 on Jun 6, 2017, 6:37:49 PM
I got several packs, how can I know if they all add to 500$?

In my account I can only see the packs, not the price or the total.
ara va de bo, que de bo va!
I'm so excited...:O
nom nom nom
"I mean to beat you to death, and drink your blood from a boot."
Thanks for always being so open and communicative. Cant wait to see all the new stuffs!
So much excite
Im so EXILED :o

Will support, thx for the game ;)

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