[3.8] Demi's FlyingPurplePeople Cyclone/Bladestorm/Earthquake/Ice Crash Slayer Guide
" You have not a single gearpiece with more than 45 life. Not a single jewel with life. Several of your equipped items have no life overall. So i would say you have around 3.5-4.2k life at best, which is far to low for endgame melee. Then you have several gems socketed (heralds etc.) which you cannot use with blood magic, but you lack a lightning golem and almost none of your gearpieces is even 4 linked. You have a double strike setup in your chest, which is completely useless since you cant use it when you use lacerate, so why take it overall and so on. Fortify+endurance charge on leap slam is for example a big survivability boost, too. What i would recommend and is cheap to change: Try to get a 5l rare chest with a lot of life like this (there are dozens online for literally 1c which is pretty affordable): http://poe.trade/search/oniwosorukusos and follow the build guide for the socketed gems. And try to get as much life (80+ on gloves, helmet, boots, 50-60 on jewelry) on your gear, before you try to step by step replace the parts for more uniques. You need 75% res on everything except for chaos resistance on your gear, too. If you do this (costs around 5-10 chaos orbs) you will have around 5k or more life and it should be pretty easy to finish mercy lab, and maps to up to tier 5 or so. Also get an atziris promise flask for example (1c) and later a lions roar. The build is really fine for at least up to tier 10 maps, if you want to bring it to endgame, you need some investment, but i just rolled through 1-5 maps one week into the league on lvl 75 and with 10c gear. |
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" Im pretty sure my profile is not private so you can check out my gear. Im running a Tab 6 link with a 4 link ancestral, and 4 link leap slam/fort and a 4 link CoDT for ice golem and Vaun. I have an effective DPS of 37.5K Dual slash on Lacerate, with and additional 15k DPS when I pop Vaal Ancestral. Been playing around with my gear a bit so ive lost most of my cold resist and it hurts but im working on it. I have not finished act 10 yet, but will do mercy lab first before the second 30% resist loss. I can literally face tank anything but the two syndicate people. For those you just have to leap a bit out of their one shot skills. As said before I have more HP at 65 than you do at 69. I get it gear isn't easy to come by especially at the start but you defiantly need to get that up. Secondly your DPS is really bad because you skipped the biggest part of our DPS, either the sword branch or the axe branch or whatever you want to take. If I un-allocate that tree i lose over 10k DPS. I would re look the guide over and play with it in Path of Building to really see what does what. I did cruel lab at lvl 55 without a death. I face tanked the bosses at their lvl. This build compared to a few others i have tried is perfectly viable. The fact of the matter is there are a few betrayal members that are grossly overtuned right now and will one shot you if you don't stack chaos res. Personally I don't think its worth it but YMMV. EDIT: While looking it all over again I came across the largest thing wrong with your build. You have blood magic as we all do but you have reserved 51% of your HP for spells. Meaning your HP pool is only 1629HP. I mean no wonder you get one shot. Your build has gone off track somewhere! Last edited by TranceEmotion#7816 on Dec 17, 2018, 7:08:01 PM
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" Oh and Demi, when starting out I found that even at lvl 12 when you get Lacerate running double strike up till you get Multi Support at 38 was much smoother. Combine DS with Ancestral Call, Melee Splash, and I believe Faster Attacks? I tried Lacerate before Multi and I went back to DS with the AOE setup right away. Might be something to try one time. I had the luxury of Vaal DS but even regular DS felt better for the lvling experience. |
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" 3.3 k life actually. Lower than your expectation. But what do you replace? Anything I find has to be weighed against what stats it has, sockets and links. I can't replace my rings unless I want to tank my resistances(Oh and it's Syndicate. You NEED some Chaos resistance). And yeah, I don't have a lot of sockets(WTF kicking socket crafting into RNG delve, good idea) I'm surprised that hasn't just risen the price of everything. Golems die way to fast and for awhile my INT wasn't good enough to support them. I just prefer throwing out a totem. Only herald I really use is Ash for the AoE burn on kill. I noticed earlier that things weren't dying fast enough so I put that on and kinda left it on. Other gems have been tossed on based on what slots I have. I was messing with Purity earlier just to see what makes it good and I really don't see it. Unless it's due to the full war banner effect buffing them, but I already have something like that. I don't use double strike. I use VAAL double strike to put some fast attacking minions out. They seem to chunk through bosses and elites pretty well and with the splash on them they tend to be okay against Syndicate spam. And with all this life stacking, where's the damage coming from then? Part of my big complaint is more the changes to crafting than anything in the actual build. I'm blowing through a lot crafts for anything reasonably useful and my Chaos orbs is sitting at 2. I can't magically upgrade everything and again it's weighing the loss of Resistances vs Gaining Life. Especially when I'm about to get -30% total soon. But my gear was about the same last league and I don't recall having THIS much trouble. EDIT: I see someone else mentioned this too. So lemme cover that. Not every skill gem slotted actually gets used. Why would I slot them if I cant use them? Testing, leveling, checking things out, want to hang onto till I can maybe link it, or just have nothing else I can toss in that slot at the time. Last edited by MerlinCross#3710 on Dec 17, 2018, 7:20:42 PM
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Ahh okay that's fine. When I saw that I was just alarmed. Having skipped all those DPS nodes though, doesn't matter how much hp you have if you cant burn them down at all. I just looked at your build compared to the guide and there are nodes everywhere that aren't in the guide.
Getting some 4L is your best bet and it isn't that hard. You get the recipes for making 4 sockets, and linking 4 sockets really early on delving. After that im not really sure as im quite new myself but I just followed the guide and its going well. |
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" I just started focusing on defensive nodes and crafted mods because I'm dying so fast to Syndicates. I figured if I could get a 5L that would help my damage out a bit but I'm not having any luck with drops or getting Chaos orbs. I'm grinding delve right now to try and get some stuff. I just don't recall last league hitting this hard. That's not to say I don't like the build. Hell, I stopped playing Tornado shot because of how squishy that was and came back to this one. Edit: Also about the weapon tree branch, well I've had to jump back and forth between swords AND axes for what would give me the better upgrade. So rather than putting points into either tree, I settled for more board damage nodes. Like anything for Two hander. Last edited by MerlinCross#3710 on Dec 17, 2018, 8:02:41 PM
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There has really been no nerf for this build or in harder encounters except for syndicate since last league.
I already saw that you bought a 5l chest which i recommended buying. For the Chaos Resistance: It is a nice bonus to mitigate Chaos Damage, however it is not recommended to be maxed on Chaos Res in most builds, since you do not so often encounter enemies that do chaos damage and its hard to fill up the cap. It's a plus, that you can go for, if you can afford it. I have only 20% on my gear and 35% through atziris promise flask and have no problem whatsoever to do up to tier 10 maps and syndicates in it (currently i have 6,3k life for example, my gear is worth around 5-6 ex i think, but that comes mostly from the starforge). So a few more tipps what to get next: Try to get some of the recommended flasks, a atziris promise with 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect costs only 1 chaos and boost your dmg, life leech and chaos resistance. Also try to get a basalt flask of heat (you can buy a basalt flask for 1 alch and beastcraft the of heat suffix) to not die everytime you get freezed. Lions roar would be another suitable upgrade, but i would recommend to save for a perfect one (25% more melee phys damage) which costs a couple of chaos. Gear wise you should use your offhand weapon slots to level gems you need in the future. you can buy 3l weapons or shields from a vendor for few low currency items. If you want to make some chaos to buy stuff you can do the unid chaos recipe: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipe_system#Full_Rare_Sets You need a full, not identified rare set of ilvl 60-74 items (you can check the item level by pressing alt) to change it for 2 chaos. does not sound like much, but you can easily make 20-30chaos an hour like this and for a relatively beginner in this game this is much more than they would make otherwise. Last edited by Karlchenkeule#4529 on Dec 18, 2018, 3:35:17 AM
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My gear has been updated, broke now, but I got some lucky results in delve to afford them and changing my passive around a bit.
but I'm still pulling only close to 7k on Lacerate. Granted the in game tool tip is a bit clunky but too tired to plug everything into build. My HP doesn't break 4k though and is actually 3.7k because of warbanner. I've swapped to that as while it takes away HP its pretty small compared to the other auras and helps my accuracy out too. I'm not a crit build just yet but due to the sword I have I'd rather keep the small chance to crit. But my physical reduction has dropped down to 46% as opposed to the around 65% it used to be. I question how you use your offhand weapon to level up gems. In a twohander build. Next thing on the list is either flasks or Jewels. I also have some Gems I need to level up. And I have rebuy Ice Golem as it won't work with Cast on Damage after a certain level. But my gear and the passives I picked out were based on the problems i was having at the time. I'm taking too much damage, shift some stuff to defense. I have a really good slot link with this, it should't hurt me too much to use it. Guide just says "Follow and Lacerate till 100". I was following it, and Syndicate kicked my teeth in during the acts so I had to shift to not die. I'm about ready to drop this and go Jugg. Or Arc because that's what everyone god damn does. Last edited by MerlinCross#3710 on Dec 18, 2018, 4:05:45 AM
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Playing a current meta build or this build does not make that much of a difference.
There is a learning process required to figure out, which stats you need to be able to run every build. I levelled much faster and smoother and took early map content with this build than with many i did before, not because it is a much better build than before, but because i played several characters to 85+ and know what to look for gear better than at the beginning, how the mechanics in a lot of fights work and so on. And the fill in rares to get life/resistances are pretty much the same in every league and every build. For Physical damage mitigation you use a lions roar flask (3000 armour and 20-25 more melee damage) and a basalt flask, as recommended in the build guide. To get high armour etc. on your gear is not as important as having enough life. Just look at the high end rares the build author uses. you dont find many increased armour nodes on them. If you want to improve on your gearing process in general, there are several guides for that on the forum. If you have specific questions for your character, maybe you ask that in a specific forum post, because the problems you come across with this build are not build specific, but since you lack alot pretty much some basic character building rules that you will come across in most builds. What i meant with offhand weapons is your 2nd weapon set you can equip. Just look at my character for example and you can see that i have an unused 2nd set of weapons with gems in it to level them to use/sell later. And you dont follow the suggested leveling trees of this build either, you have no resolute technique for example, which is a key aspect of this build, because of the consistency of the damage. Last edited by Karlchenkeule#4529 on Dec 18, 2018, 7:32:47 AM
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" Meta builds seem to roll face with least effort. But I'm here because I actually do want to play the game rather than just auto clear. Arc doesn't seem actually fun to play. Yeah, author doesn't have a lot of armor mods on. And I question how he doesn't just die from the damage rolling out. I didn't find it too hard during the first couple acts, heck found it easier than the tornado shot build. But it's become Rocket tag at this point and I don't rightly find that fun. And no I didn't have it because of the sword I'm using. If it makes THAT much of a difference I'll give it a shot. What building rules do I lack besides not following the guide and seeing it WORK? No seriously, this is a problem I have with guides in general, they only seem to be fun or come online at end game when you have EVERYTHING the maker does. I'm sorry, but if I'm not finding the guide to feel effective or be fun to play during the acts, why should I stick with it till maps? Again I like this better than the last character damn if there wasn't some walls you just slam into and the guide basically goes "hold down attack, win". That doesn't help explain why the build feels weak in spots and why I feel the need to try and gear/passive differently. |
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