[3.7] Frosty Duelist - Dual Wielding Frost Blades

Really like your build. Thanks for sharing it. Used it to revive my first ever always-dying duelist character. When I followed your build, he went from 83 to 88, really snappy. Can't decide if assassin's mark is better than frostbite for bosses. UPDATE - now 90. Considering that I play carelessly, actually suicide-reckless, that's amazing. He's just so fast it doesn't matter if I die.
Last edited by jesmoy#1597 on Jan 15, 2018, 10:59:48 PM
kindly help me to improve my damage.

jesmoy wrote:
Really like your build. Thanks for sharing it. Used it to revive my first ever always-dying duelist character. When I followed your build, he went from 83 to 88, really snappy. Can't decide if assassin's mark is better than frostbite for bosses.

Hi, glad you like it. Yeah The scion gets power charges so I went with frostbite but for duelist I can never decide between the two, better crits or better freeze :)
iSumire wrote:
kindly help me to improve my damage.


hi, sorry the link you have posted isnt correct and your character isn't publicly visible.

isnt Juggernaut a nice class for this build too?

I used your Path of building and use Juggernaut with Undeniable/Unyielding/Unflinching/Unrelenting and the DPS is equal to champion/gladiator!

With Unflinching the endurance charges does a nice damage migration, not only phys, elemental too a bit.

All in all a very viable build with juggernaut. Maybe you add this as fourth option. ;)
A7X89 wrote:

isnt Juggernaut a nice class for this build too?

I used your Path of building and use Juggernaut with Undeniable/Unyielding/Unflinching/Unrelenting and the DPS is equal to champion/gladiator!

With Unflinching the endurance charges does a nice damage migration, not only phys, elemental too a bit.

All in all a very viable build with juggernaut. Maybe you add this as fourth option. ;)

Hi, Glad it is working for you! I'll have to give it a try :)
Going to try this build
just want to thank you for the guide.

helped me alot as a new player

wouldnt even know where to start on the skill tree ^^


able to find a 200 chaos sword to replace my Ahn's after opening the Frenzy charge at POB (cuz of 50% crit multiplier given from Ahn while having no frenzy charge gives a lot of DPS)
570K dps (1.4m with flask,power charge etc.)
What item should I upgrade now? I would like to have more hp while still can maintain my DPS
(currently 5.2k hp)

Last edited by Fap76#3005 on Jan 25, 2018, 4:13:00 AM
Will Cospri's Malice work this build? (Sorry for my English)

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