Donald Trump and US politics

diablofdb wrote:
it's just pure comparison to prove the liberal hypocrisy.....

he is transparent meanwhile Hillary was shady as fuck. Again... nothing burger incoming.

This is exactly the same as during the campaign, Democrats were pressing Trump to release his tax form.... he waited 2-4 months to release them, they kept attacking him OMG OMG DO YOU PAY YOUR TAXES!!!

and when he finally released the taxes form, there was nothing. They just wasted so much time on a nothing burger. I think CNN are going into another wall, this is just another witch hunt.

Trump never released his taxes
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
sorry to tell you this but the only one who didn't release his taxes was Bernie Sanders
faerwin wrote:
diablofdb wrote:
it's just pure comparison to prove the liberal hypocrisy.....

he is transparent meanwhile Hillary was shady as fuck. Again... nothing burger incoming.

This is exactly the same as during the campaign, Democrats were pressing Trump to release his tax form.... he waited 2-4 months to release them, they kept attacking him OMG OMG DO YOU PAY YOUR TAXES!!!

and when he finally released the taxes form, there was nothing. They just wasted so much time on a nothing burger. I think CNN are going into another wall, this is just another witch hunt.

Trump never released his taxes

why would he lol
I dont see any any key!
The Don Jr thing is certainly bad optics but other than that it's basically nothing. As far as we know Don Jr did nothing illegal. No quid pro quo, no monetary value was exchanged... actually nothing of value was exchanged.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
The Don Jr thing is certainly bad optics but other than that it's basically nothing. As far as we know Don Jr did nothing illegal. No quid pro quo, no monetary value was exchanged... actually nothing of value was exchanged.

meeting someone even for informations is never illegal. Hillary engaged some private detective and info agency to get some dirt on Trump for the election, and she got infos from people who were from other countries. That is not illegal is part of the game. So even if Trump Jr would have recieved info there that could have harmed Hillary, it would still be another nothing burger.
diablofdb wrote:

meeting someone even for informations is never illegal. Hillary engaged some private detective and info agency to get some dirt on Trump for the election, and she got infos from people who were from other countries. That is not illegal is part of the game. So even if Trump Jr would have recieved info there that could have harmed Hillary, it would still be another nothing burger.

Correct. There's even a volunteer clause from the FEC which allows foreigners to volunteer for a political candidate as long as there's no compensation.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
diablofdb wrote:

meeting someone even for informations is never illegal. Hillary engaged some private detective and info agency to get some dirt on Trump for the election, and she got infos from people who were from other countries. That is not illegal is part of the game. So even if Trump Jr would have recieved info there that could have harmed Hillary, it would still be another nothing burger.

Correct. There's even a volunteer clause from the FEC which allows foreigners to volunteer for a political candidate as long as there's no compensation.

yeah, Hillary got millions from Saudi Arabia to fund her campaign, she got help from the agency of many countries in which Trump had business before in order to find dirt on him. This is legal and part of the game. The whole Trump tape with the P... grabbing, this was a job from the inside to.

What's illegal is, erasing 35 thousands mails and stalling an investigation. Or..... Taxes fraud like Bernie Sanders xD.

Reality here is, Trump Jr. released his mails because there is nothing to hide, and CNN will make a fuzz about it for the next weeks (Maybe months) and it will end like always, a big nothing.
Xavderion wrote:
The Don Jr thing is certainly bad optics but other than that it's basically nothing. As far as we know Don Jr did nothing illegal. No quid pro quo, no monetary value was exchanged... actually nothing of value was exchanged.

To get it out of the way - if crimes were actually committed (real on the books crimes with previous case law prosecutions prior - not imagined crimes) than the guilty parties should be investigated and prosecuted - AFTER Hillary, Lynch, Comey and Susan Rice have been prosecuted and to the same degree. If the law does not apply to all people it is not the law. If they want to prosecute any Trump aligned groups - the prior crimes by the left must be prosecuted as well.

Considering that they have not yet subpoenaed the DNC server that we keep hearing was "hacked" and that metadata shows those files were not remotely transmitted but almost certainly locally downloaded - I don't think due process or legal diligence is what we will see here.

Optics is the key word. On the face of it, this looks very bad for Trump. That the media had this information for possibly a year and sat on it for that long raises a couple of questions - first, why didn't they run with it during the campaign, and why release it now?

The lawyer who claimed in the email to have info from the Russian govt now says she didn't and doesn't have any ties with them. What's true and innuendo on that remains to be seen. We know she has ties to Fusion GPS - a firm linked to Venezuelan organized crime, and the company that commissioned the original Russian documents that were passed along to spike Comey's interest in the Russian angle. What we are possibly beginning to see are some of the original sources for the whole Russian story, and if this is all there is - it is less than nothing - it is manufactured nothing.

Something to consider - if Trump had official Russian collusion sources, why would they bother with some unnamed Russian source, and how easily could they vet her as an official source or not? (they may not have had such Russian sources at the time - but the investigations and allegations, and possible timelines of data that was unmasked tend to say that they did).

If the MSM knew about this shortly after it happened - why not report on it? Were the media secretly working to help Trump win? Did they think at the time, that having such a polarizing president was worth far more to them in ratings? If so, then their motives once again call their integrity into question.

Lastly - why release it now? If they just got ahold of the information recently, the release makes sense. If they have had it for a long time (over a year possibly) than what is happening now that they want to hide?

Would it be the possible death of the ISIS leader? Would it be Comey's alleged release of classified intel, or something bigger.

Make no mistake - this looks bad for Trump, but as Xavderion says - it is optics at the moment. It may turn out to be criminal, but the track record of the media delivering the truth on Trump has been abysmal.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Jul 11, 2017, 4:13:55 PM

with this.... even if they find something criminal for Trump jr. the next election will be easy.

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