Donald Trump and US politics
" It's not about skill in social decorum - he has it in spades. But he sublimates it to his ego at times. Trump takes things personally. I think even his biggest supporters would say that. It's one of the reasons I thought he'd be a good president. He will inevitably anticipate people framing his tenure historically - his 'legacy'. He'll want it to be On the tweets specifically, I don't really know why he's bothering with those two, other than that it's another example of him thinking with his ego and not his decorum. If not, maybe, as he often does, he wanted the media's oxygen focused on a certain something for 24 hours, or NOT focused on something else for the time period. He's shown time and time again that he can play the media like a puppeteer in terms of what they'll spend their words on. Overall I think PJW covered this well. Should we now be offended on behalf of a media and entertainment industry, who for over a year has been making jokes about Trump's physical appearance when they complain about him doing the same? Should we be offended for those employed full time by Outrage Corp. that he's objectifying Mika, or reducing her worth to her physical appearance? When she does adverts like this? ![]() Or should we be offended on behalf of Mika, who has has her own giant platform that she has used to bad mouth Trump, and can currently use to respond to this and stick up for herself, if she so chooses? Nah. They can duke it out on the social medias. Or not - I don't care. If you think this is 'beneath the office of the president' I'd encourage you to read some presidential biographies. Start with LBJ, or Andrew Jackson, or Teddy Roosevelt, really any of them. They all say things like this, and much much much worse (as I'm sure Trump does too) behind closed doors. Last edited by innervation#4093 on Jun 29, 2017, 11:46:22 PM
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Oh and proof lol You certainly have deluded meaning of "proof" Hearsay to a reporter from a dead man is not proof of anything. Not to mention I expect all GOP operative to shop around for Clinton crimes. That is no crime.
Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jun 29, 2017, 11:50:01 PM
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" All good points. The MSM deserves it for sure. But you have to keep in mind you have to sway the 10-15% independent to win again. This can't help. Git R Dun!
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"Did you realize that the video you linked to was from RT (Russia Today)? Would RT have any biases that would lead them to say nasty things about the CIA? If you are going to use links to support your views, you should choose links that are not so obviously Russian. The link I posted was from the WSJ. While they are clearly main stream US, they are not MSNBC or CNN. And the story was developed by the WSJ staff and not just a reprint from some other source. I don't remember exactly when I started to read (it was probably when I was in 1st grade) and have been a quite avid reader all my life. I still read two to three books (fiction and non fiction) a month. You really don't want to go down the path of comparing my life experience, education, and work to yours. Our age disparity alone will make you come out badly at every turn. The reality of those various events will seal the deal in my favor. Redeem yourself. Given that Trump has acknowledged that the Russians interfered in the election, can you, in your own words, explain to me why the fact of so many Trump folks (Flynn, Sessions, Kushner) "forgetting" their meetings with Russians and why the confluence of events is not suspicious? "Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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The (im)practical side of driving green: " =^[.]^= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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"The only truth I was confronted with was a paywall. I think we can agree that the concept of a unified Illuminati is a myth based in power fantasy. I think we can agree that people who claim "they" without a name or at least a clue as to identity are grasping at straws. But the Deep State concept is not like that, at least not once the tinfoil is removed. There are people in unelected, "nonpartisan" positions of considerable power and influence within governments. While such people serve at the pleasure of an elected official (the President in the US), it is expected that they aren't replaced as a matter of course simply because one political party captures power from another. The goal of these unelected officials is to protect and ideally expand their power. To do this, such people, through their organizations, hoard comprising information or, barring that, compromising narratives, and develop plans to weaponize those narratives as both threats and as retaliatory attacks directed at their bosses. This acts as a defense against both whim and oversight that could threaten their power. Almost always, these plans involve media in some form; Deep Staters seek people within prominent and trusted media outlets to be part of their personal information war, delivering manufactured rumor with the veneer of truth. Nothing about the previous paragraph is conspiracy theory. You can see ALL of it in how former FBI Director James Comey handled direction and criticism from the White House. In fact, you can see it twice — once under Obama when Comey saw that Clinton wouldn't be indicted, and under Trump when Comey saw his firing imminent. In both cases Comey manipulated the media to achieve a result in opposition to his President. Comey wasn't partisan; he saw his place in the FBI as answerable to no White House, regardless of party affiliation. Of course, he was not immune and was fired anyway — but not without a fight. These aren't supernaturally powerful Deep State positions with supernaturally sinister media alliances and a supernaturally deep hatred of democracy. These are real people in real positions with messy and complicated relationships with both elected officials and people in media. It's not all perfect, and the Deep State is vulnerable. But with a president perhaps truly desiring drastically reducing government, obviously the federal bureaucracies would have cause for revolt, in defense of their accumulated power and budgets. So they did. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 30, 2017, 2:43:34 AM
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" The "journalist" referred to in that pamphlet has been deteriotating in a downward spiral during at least the last 15 years to a the point that finally, he probably was at a level with some of those people least connected to reality in this thread. Before that, he was indeed a journalist at the very prestigious Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. As for believing in his findings about the reliability of "mainstream media", he himself is the opposite of trustworthy. For instance, he visited Nigeria in order to report about the supposed large oil spills and devastations caused by the Oil Company Shell there, and found there were very few, if any. Reported about that, too. Forgot to mention, however, that the trip was organized, and paid, by Shell. His latest books, under scrutiny because of him being the author, proved that huge amounts of his quotes were, in fact, false. - - I would even translate it into english were I not sure that it is pointless to argue this case: You, having the ability to read vast amounts of reliable Information in your language, choose to believe in the mad ravings of scaremongerers. How could you possibly believe my translation, when you can't proofread the sources quoted? However, you are not alone, and would not be alone in Germany, either, as Dr. Ulfkotte proved, because his latest books, too, sold. I wonder if there have always been so many wingnuts or if the Internet, in some way, spawned them. |
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![]() GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" Isn't this posted in the wrong thread? Shouldn't that be in the "some sick shit" one? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Kidding of course. But wow. Honestly, I have never had a sex dream period so it may be hard to relate at all because of that, but you've got to wonder if there's something Freudian going on here in their minds! Regardless of my feelings on Trump and his political agenda, I find a mass spike of Trump sex dreams hilarious. Bring back race seasons. Last edited by AbdulAlhazred#4759 on Jun 30, 2017, 6:14:14 AM
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=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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