Donald Trump and US politics
The mad lads are at it again
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
SJW be like:
Top story on r/politcs right now: Trump sexually harassing a reporter. Just watch the video. If you're a cuck you might argue that Trump is acting a bit creepy but that's about it. But seeing sexual harassment in this is Michael Jordan in Space Jam level of reaching. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
" ohhhhh "she has a beautiful smile" is now sexual harassement? |
" Yep, the whiteknights of Reddit are unironically saying this. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
If they found out what direction he wipes his ass in, they would attempt to make in a political issue. That is how sick they really are.
" well they made a political issue about the way he shakes hands and also that he likes having two balls of ice cream instead of one... I like having 2 balls of ice cream too am I a terrible person? |
" Do you wipe yours sitting or standing? (I'm doing a research about this)
Rumors says that one is not aware of the existence of the other:
I've about had it with them.
I moaned about my Obamacare and they went crazy! The party of empathy? Yeah. Right. Tell me another one. And, btw, my moan was justified. There is literally no doctor in my county that takes the fake insurance with the 24k deductible. Before Obama, these policies would have been an insider's joke in the insurance industry but now people defend them as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Pretty stupid. Censored.
" The Republicans who vote for this should be charged with murder for every person who dies because they had their coverage cut. They're so evil. Like, I'm not even sure what they're trying to do at this point, unless it's to try and rival Hitler. And their measure is a very Hitlerian approach; let's kill old and sick people because the State shouldn't have to help them. It's almost too scary to be real. I'm literally shaking. |