Donald Trump and US politics

vio wrote:

i fully supported "the left" (spd + green party) when they got to power in germany and it was a disaster: first they started the first war of germany against another country even without a valid UN resolution after the second world war and then single handedly demolished germanys social system by introducing the harz4 system which put an unbelievable downward pressure on wages.

it's just that america as the world's biggest atomar power is the worst object to have experiments whether this theory works...

So you supported ouer Ex-communist-Terrorists and pedophile Party, nice... well suprise,suprise that we have more poverty now.
Ehm and btw, at a certain amount of nukes, it does not realy mather
Pwnzors87 wrote:

So you supported ouer Ex-communist-Terrorists and pedophile Party, nice... well suprise,suprise that we have more poverty now.

the green party had some questionable guys in their history that's true. but the rest was anti-establishment, anti nuclear protesters and some tree huggers, so not dangerous.

i didn't say i voted for them, i just thought their ideas of changing the way the german economy works were promising. and yes, i was kind of naive at that time.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
btw I heard that one today:

Do you know how liberals call a black Trump supporter?

Low Scum N****
This is beginning of the end, its always the ones you dont see that get you not these hysterical liberals with no power protesting.

Trump intends to setup safezones in Syria. BIG BIG mistake. Gen dempsey said that would take 50K troops. 50K troops uh huh sure like Iraq would take 20K, anyway tens of thousands exposed to IEDs, snipers, etc better uparmed than ever by our "allies" with anti tank missles even. What if Assad desides to buddy up with ISIS - sands and alliances shift all the time in ME. I see Iraq war 2.0 all over but more so. This will kill his presidency. Dont do it Donald. MAGA. not another SAGA.

Oh and for reference Turkey, 2nd most powerful Army in NATO behind us, and not squeamish about Rules of engagement cant even take a little city from ISIS right now. Hundreds dead and total fail. When Americans start flying home horizontal even the base will sour.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jan 31, 2017, 10:00:17 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Trump intends to setup safezones in Syria. BIG BIG mistake. Gen dempsey said that would take 50K troops. 50K troops uh huh sure like Iraq would take 20K, anyway tens of thousands exposed to IEDs, snipers, etc better uparmed than ever by our "allies" with anti tank missles even. What if Assad desides to buddy up with ISIS - sands and a wlliances shift all the time in ME. I see Iraq war 2.0 all over but more so. This will kill his presidency. Dont do it Donald. MAGA. not another SAGA.
I think any solution with US troops in control will invite terrorism, in no small part because the US under Obama and Bush has fucked up the region and people know it. We are the bad guys there, for now anyway, and shouldn't forget that. While I think it's a fantastic idea for Saudi Arabia or UAE to step up and create safe zones - which Trump should be twisting arms to make happen - I agree with Dempsey as far as official US involvement goes. We should get the Muslim world to look after their own.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 31, 2017, 10:25:07 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:

Oh and for reference Turkey, 2nd most powerful Army in NATO behind us, and not squeamish about Rules of engagement cant even take a little city from ISIS right now. Hundreds dead and total fail. When Americans start flying home horizontal even the base will sour.

Turkey is behind France and Uk in military power (2016 data)

For the rest you are right
Poe Pvp experience
vio wrote:

you have to differ between refugees and immigrants, the first come for temporal security and maybe become immigrants if the situation in their home countries isn't getting any better. the latter are moving mostly for economic reasons.

on your claims that migrants are mostly young men: i'm not wondering. paying those guys who promise to bring you across borders isn't cheap but risky.
i wouldn't like to have my family live in concentration camp like areas either. i would send someone who finds a job, organises the papers and have the family follow by plane later on.

Listen, I am living in Slovenia, the Balkan.
In 1990 we got religious and ethnic wars followed by independence wars. All of this in the heart of europe.

Refugees from those time did not took trains to go in France/germany, very little. They went to their neighbors and stayed there before coming back. Croatians/Bosnians came Slovenia.

It was Muslims and christians together and it was only women and children.
Muslims from Bosnia who came as refugees were very good people, helping people who took them home. They did not complain about food, they did not complain about where they sleep or how they sleep. They were respectful of the locals.

Men, olds people they stayed and fought.
The men, They had faith in their country and land and would have never left without fighting.

Those refugee from Syria or whatever Afganistan they really come from, those are shameful. The men leave without fighting, they complain about food and sleeping condition. They do not want to comeback because they just want free money from europe most of them.

They could stop at their neighbors state. Turkey is not a warzone, they are safe there.
But no, they will travel billions of kilometer inside safe zones until they arrive in Germany for free money.
They could stop in other muslims countries like Qatar but nope, those other muslims country with the exception of Lebanon are rejecting them (nice solidarity hu).

Those men in the shape of fighting are shameful really and in Bosnia/Albania, the Muslims find them shameful because when war and genocide came, they (albanians and Bosniaks) stayed and fought for their lands.

I understand, sometime battle is lost and you really need to leave. But then you take your wife with you, you take your children. You don t leave them in "warzone" alone.

They leave their children and wife, why? If fight is lost you move all the family.
They leave their wife and children/ parents because they send them money from germany.

They don t leave because the fight is lost, they leave because free money.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Feb 1, 2017, 12:10:29 AM
Head_Less wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:

Oh and for reference Turkey, 2nd most powerful Army in NATO behind us, and not squeamish about Rules of engagement cant even take a little city from ISIS right now. Hundreds dead and total fail. When Americans start flying home horizontal even the base will sour.

Turkey is behind France and Uk in military power (2016 data)

For the rest you are right

Second largest Army like i said
The Turkish Armed Forces collectively rank as the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces, with an estimated strength in 2015 of 639,551 military, civilian and paramilitary personnel.[2]

UK and France have nukes so OFC they are ranked higher in "global firepower" but pale in comparison to Turkey for fighting that needs to be done to beat ISIS. House to house, Tunnel to Tunnel, block by block. Thats manpower. I doubt UK or France could even take Raqqa without tuning it to glass.

And yeah as much as I dislike Obama he was smart staying out. We shoulda never left after all sacrifice and let it got out of hand so he was dumb there. But at this point its their problem. Last thing Trump need is make it our problem, again.

And this time it would be two if not three countries not just Iraq we'd need to clear hold and baby sit. Iraq, Syria Libya.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Feb 1, 2017, 1:08:48 AM
Best course in ME is let thing run their course and stop enabling. Turks are sick of ISIS. Sunni Tribes are sick of ISIS, Shi'a OFC are sick of them. All decent human beings are sick of them. But as long as we hold up fig leaf that we'll do all the heavy lifting the normals wont do shit. Wuold you put you're ass on the line if dummy America promises rescue? Nope. Anyway Air power and cooperate w/ Russia as much as possible and demand proxies on the ground take action and let them know in no uncertain terms we will not. Or fall to the caliphate. Their choice.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
What if Assad desides to buddy up with ISIS - sands and alliances shift all the time in ME.

This is impossible and would never happen. ISIS are salafi fundamentalists and mortal enemies of the shia, Iran and alawite sect.

"Safe zones" could be established in government areas or areas under SDF (Kurds mostly) control. You wouldn't need US boots on the ground, just stop breathing down russian & iranian necks. RU already has a battalion of military police in Aleppo and no-one is sniping them, even tho the frontline is close by.

Aim_Deep wrote:
Oh and for reference Turkey, 2nd most powerful Army in NATO behind us, and not squeamish about Rules of engagement cant even take a little city from ISIS right now.

TR is now mostly a paper tiger. Erdogan's purges eliminated 50k officers, generals & other capable staff from the army. Also you have to consider that al-Bab is more of a cat & mouse game between Turk, SDF (Kurd) & Syrian gov. And TR was relying in useless "FSA" clowns as their infantry, the "FSA" that lost almost every engagement vs ISIS in the past. Big mistake.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Feb 1, 2017, 2:00:02 AM

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