An Early Look at the New Water System

Is the new water effect only in the starting areas or overrall in the first act?
it looks incredible :D
So when can we start fishing?
water bonus/underwater areas?
dat 25 seconds useless thread ;(
ign: HaruMamberu
How do I disable this? I get the rain being atmospheric, but the particle calculation in the background has become way too heavy. Currently whenever I open a browser for PoE trade I crash in Sarn. This is very vexing. Hope you put some notice for us laptop nubs.
act 5 is underwater confirmed ????
Tartaros38 wrote:
act 5 is underwater confirmed ????

Spongebob the Squarepants confirmed as a5 boss.
How long does it take to do something like this? I would like some insight on the process.
Another direct x11 improvement when 90% of players cannot play in direct x11, game engine sucks and servers suck too. In link with what has been done for XboX, which is useless for current players and another source of complexity at development level.

Game is unplayable in p6, too much effects at the same time, whatever is the connexion or the material.

Can you think about de-activating other players effects for example ? Some transparency options may be ?

Sorry guys, i like what u did all along these years but at the moment the game is taking the wrong path ... of exile
The beach looks much better. Maybe you could add a dynamic wet sand strip?

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