Dual Strike question


I have some problems with the Skill Dual strike and wonder how its damage is calculated.

Here is what i got so far:

My character panel says:

Default Attack: 68.8 dps
Dual Strike: 71.1 dps
Attacks per second is the same on both

Dual Strike says: "Attacks with both weapons"

So shouldn't the dps be like 2 times the dps of the "Default Attack"?

The only explanation i see would be that dual strike deals 50% less damage instead of only 10%

In my opinion either the skill description or the damage calculation is wrong.

what do you think?

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I believe it deals 40% less damage when dual wielding (which is a prerequisite for the ability) and its not mentioned on the description. its the case with cleave but cleave states that there is a 40% dmg reduction from using 2 weapons in the description.
Dual Strike does have a percent damage reduction that gets smaller as you level the skill. It would be way overpowered otherwise.
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tpapp157 wrote:
Dual Strike does have a percent damage reduction that gets smaller as you level the skill. It would be way overpowered otherwise.

thats not 100% correct.

it has:
a FIX 10% damage reduction
a +xx% increased physical damage.
Edit: thats what the description says.

i know its starts with +0% damage increase and on level 7 i got +18%.

if the damage reduction is applied before the bonus, it would make a 6.2% increase of overall damage.

Compared to Heavy Strike (+50% damage on first level) the damage from dual strike is nothing.
Last edited by Aiyana#4468 on Feb 2, 2012, 10:07:44 AM
Skill Feedback - Dual Strike

Generally, when you have questions about skills, it usually helps if you visit the relevant skill page.

Mark_GGG wrote:
Increased (and reduced) is used for additive increases.
More (and less) is used for multiplicative increases.
This explains the 18% and -10%
Last edited by FaceLicker#6894 on Feb 2, 2012, 10:19:12 AM
i dont realy understand what you mean with the additive/multiplicative increase.

could you give an example plz?

And i think Dual Strike is to weak compared to other skills.
FaceLicker wrote:
Skill Feedback - Dual Strike

Generally, when you have questions about skills, it usually helps if you visit the relevant skill page.

That said:
Mark_GGG wrote:
From previous thread:
Dual strike hits with BOTH weapons.
The DPS display cannot currently account for dual strike (and cleave) using both weapons at once, and treats them as all other attacks, meaning it thinks they will alternate using one weapon at a time.
As such, the DPS display is incorrect with this skill.

(That is 0.94 feedback though - may have changed)

NoXterium wrote:
when using dual strike and using normal attacks it feels like i do the same dmg, when i look at the hp of enemies they lose exactly the same.... is it just me? maybe i'm unlucky with hitting at max dmg with normal and with min dmg with dualstrike but i tested it alot and i'm curious.

I wondered this aswell. Dualstrike 'feels' like it is only hitting with one weapon or as if the damage-penalty is greater than it 'sounds' like.

Maybe there's some mathematical 'magic' involved, that I do not get?
Aiyana wrote:
i dont realy understand what you mean with the additive/multiplicative increase.

could you give an example plz?

And i think Dual Strike is to weak compared to other skills.

10% less damage.. is considered to be a multiplicative decrease. But how does it apply?
It certainly isn't just basedamage*0.9

I'll add the information Malice's mechanics thread provides, so you can read up on the matter - even though it does not seem to explain the math behind dualstrike(?):
Malice wrote:
Modifier stacking for skills
Calculations for skills are slightly different, in that the damage stacks multiplicatively between gear (weapons), passive skills, and the skill itself. Modifiers from gear other than weapons are treated the same way as passive skills - they take effect after any on-weapon modifiers, and stack additively with passive skills.

For example, if you had a sword with base 10-20 damage and +50% damage, passive skills granting another +30% sword damage, and used a skill that gave yet another +40% damage, the calculation would would look like this:

Base damage: 10-20
Weapon damage: 10-20 x 1.5 = 15-30
Attack Damage: 15-30 x 1.3 = 19.5-39
Skill Damage: 19.5-39 x 1.4 = 27-55

For spells, there is no difference between on-weapon and off-weapon modifiers. Modifiers from weapons, gear, and passive skills stack additively with each other. Any modifiers on the spell or attached support gems will then stack multiplicatively with that amount.

For example, if you had a spell that did 10-20 base fire damage, passive skills granting +20% fire damage, +60% spell damage on your weapon, +10% spell damage on a ring, and +30% damage on a support gem:

Base damage: 10-20
Spell damage: 10-20 x (1 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 0.1) = 19-38
Skill Damage: 19-38 x 1.3 = 25-49


The above quoted excerpt of Malice's thread currently provides wrong information:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Malice wrote:
Modifier Stacking
Testing of the order modifiers take effect is currently not exhaustive, so there may be inaccuracies here. Especially, quality on gems is difficult to test.
In general (but not always), percentage modifiers stack additively, and integer modifiers are applied before percentages.

Imagine I have 100 life, and two passive skills that increase total life by 15%. The total bonus will be 30%, resulting in 130 life.
Now imagine I am wearing boots that give +40 life, and have a passive skill that grants +20 life. The integer bonuses are applied first, giving me 160 life, then the percentage bonuses are applied to that subtotal, for a final total of 208 life.

One exception is the quality modifier on armour and flasks (but not weapons), which applies after all other modifiers. For example:

[there was an item linked here that has since been wiped. It had +69 armour, +9% armour, and +20% quality]

This Horned Casque has a base armour rating of 428. Then the +69 is added to get 497 armour. Then the 9% bonus raises it to 541, and finally +20% quality results in 650 armour.

Quality on weapons stacks additively with other % modifiers on the weapon.

Modifier stacking for skills
Calculations for skills are slightly different, in that the damage stacks multiplicatively between gear (weapons), passive skills, and the skill itself. Modifiers from gear other than weapons are treated the same way as passive skills - they take effect after any on-weapon modifiers, and stack additively with passive skills.

For example, if you had a sword with base 10-20 damage and +50% damage, passive skills granting another +30% sword damage, and used a skill that gave yet another +40% damage, the calculation would would look like this:

Base damage: 10-20
Weapon damage: 10-20 x 1.5 = 15-30
Attack Damage: 15-30 x 1.3 = 19.5-39
Skill Damage: 19.5-39 x 1.4 = 27-55

For spells, there is no difference between on-weapon and off-weapon modifiers. Modifiers from weapons, gear, and passive skills stack additively with each other. Any modifiers on the spell or attached support gems will then stack multiplicatively with that amount.

For example, if you had a spell that did 10-20 base fire damage, passive skills granting +20% fire damage, +60% spell damage on your weapon, +10% spell damage on a ring, and +30% damage on a support gem:

Base damage: 10-20
Spell damage: 10-20 x (1 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 0.1) = 19-38
Skill Damage: 19-38 x 1.3 = 25-49
There are all kinds of wrong in here which have been confusing people in other threads.
All "% increased" or "% reduced" modifiers to a particular value stack additively with each other, while "% more" and "% less" modifiers stack multiplicatively. "additional" adds directly to the value (most commonly used on things like resistances), and in general "removes" or "subtracts" is I think used as the inverse of that depending on context.
The only major exception to the above that I am aware of is that "% increased" modifiers to weapon damage which are on that weapon will stack additively with ohter modifiers of the same type (if you can get multiples on the same weapon, which I'm not sure is possible at the moment), but because they modify the base damage of the weapon, they technically stack multiplicatively with other, off-weapon increases, which work off the base damage of the weapon, including the modifications from the weapon's own stats. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will do my best to clear them up.

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Last edited by Azhubham#4599 on Feb 2, 2012, 5:54:57 PM
no clue if i get the correct translation, but atleast a try:

additive: relative to your equipped weapon,
like equipping another 1-3 phys dmg Iron Ring.

multiplicate: relative to your complete physical dmg
including all Iron Rings and all passives.

Heavystrike = 1 swing = 150%
Dualstrike = 2 swings = 200%, -10% = 180%

Its just that dualstrike shows only the dps portion of 1swing in the charachtersheets-dps window.
Or did this get fixed already ?
Last edited by Lachdanan#4036 on Feb 2, 2012, 3:44:16 PM
Lachdanan wrote:
Its just that dualstrike shows only the dps portion of 1swing in the charachtersheets-dps window.
Or did this get fixed already ?

That is what Mark_GGG states as well.
It's weird though, that Dualstrike still 'feels' like it does as much damage as the default attack.

Is it just an unreliable 'feeling' or a 'feature' caused by game-mechanics or a 'bug'?

Aiyana wrote:
i dont realy understand what you mean with the additive/multiplicative increase.

could you give an example plz?

I'll try to give an example (that my be incorrect):

- mh does 100dmg per hit and hits once a second
- oh does 90dmg per hit and hits once a second
- default attack alternates between mh and oh dps
- there are no other dmg-modifiers (like chance to hit, crit, mob armour, etc.)
- Dualstrike also hits once a second
- The gem provides a 18% additive dmg increase and a 10% multiplicative dmg decrease
- multis are applied after additives, so gem dmg = ((mh dmg+(mh dmg/100*18))*0.9)+((oh dmg+(oh dmg/100*18))*0.9)
- trivial stuff ;)

mh dps: 100
oh dps: 90
default attack dps: 95

gem dmg: ((100+18)*0.9)+((90+16,2)*0.9)=201,78
Dualstrike dps: 201,78

- the character-panel only calculates mh dmg related dps at the Dualstrike-tab

default dps: 95
Dualstrike dps: 106,2


incorrect! The dps calculation is 'bugged':
Mark_GGG wrote:
As explained in the skill thread for dual strike (and quoted here), the DPS calculation for this skill is wrong because it doesn't know the skill will hit with both weapons, and calculates as though it was alternating between the two.
[The Prison] Crawl a text-based dungeon - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/26299
Last edited by Azhubham#4599 on Feb 2, 2012, 5:49:48 PM

I'll use these to try and make sense of this. Bear with me.. I could be wrong.

It's important to know that Dual wielding currently grants a 10% attack speed increase

Our new average attack speed becomes 1.4 while equipped with both(even though the weapons still swing at their own respective speed.) Now, let's get the rest of the facts:
1)13-30 dmg, 1.35 aps, 50% ipd
2)12-47 dmg, 1.20 aps

Dual Strike
18% ipd
10% less damage

DPS for the Ghost Foil while using dual strike would be 53.63 rounded up to 54 - To get this, we add the 18% from DS to the 50%.

DPS for the Gilded Foil would be 45.94 rounded up to 46.

Add them both.. divide by two and then multiply by .9(10% Less Damage from Dual Strike).

DPS for Dual Strike is 44.68 rounded to 44.7.
DPS for default dual wielding attack is 39.45 rounded to 39.5

It's interesting to note that the DPS for these weapons with a lvl 1 Dual Strike is 39.07 rounded to 39.1

That said, wouldn't you naturally be terrible at something when you first start? Only through experience do you become more proficient. Dual Strike is terrible at lvl 1, at lvl 18 it's phenomenal.

Keep in mind, other item mods, passives, attributes nor accuracy or crit has been figured in. This is just basic DPS calculation. When you swing your weapons with Dual Strike, each weapon has it's own accuracy and crit chance. So when you attack, you might only hit with one weapon. Or you might only crit with one weapon. This is why it's difficult for the character screen to display accurate information.
Last edited by FaceLicker#6894 on Feb 2, 2012, 5:22:25 PM
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