๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

Beta please :)
I am the greatest
I don't see very many beta members on this forum! But thank you spammers for keeping it here instead of on quality threads
Difficulty Level Naming?
cruelty < torture < annihilation
It would be nice to have a beta key, but our please and thank you wont get us closer sadly... unless they do. :O
- End! - Not transmit only rape, smoke, loot. I want to learn world a bit, dad. Can I? Can I? Can I? Father has had a look at I from above bushy eyebrow. It go -. And hun from you so as. Not wait complete . Case , that there would be nice none, two, I feared , that rozmyśli. As that everything I had prepare earlier already, I have carried away I have moved. Only where go? On decide seem luck łut. I have expected on and when military team left city, I have hurried for her also . As that I saw nothing in life beyond grass, I have learned which with close lying and peeping shoulder processing metal , my eyes wandered about after region. Here loose kamyczek, there , some trees. Must be in front curiously more, because they came for I outcry still from there, some convening , I heard sometimes even, as if anybody played on triangle. And I marched behind other so and really, I saw curious nothing so. Through way , because march is as each well .
And I have found curious things few , it sword cracked, as they took place on church fetes in village , but it medalion, but sometimes and klejnocik or noble stone has occurred . Everything I assembled (collect) it thrifty, in order to after return of father resource uradować and show, that otherwise, property than it is possible to assemble by robbery. And I have returned to family house so, but count instead of my resource father, ask jął, I saw that. But I saw I nothing, because from rear behind team Father say, I have managed to way in order to one more time, but everything it has told after return it . Axe has given valid on way me, to armor give it has brimmed feed and it told to move with benediction on expedition once again. Make be poor what ? I have gone. This time I was in the middle, sometimes more in front even. And I have been sure fastly, that it heard that I not outcry joyful earlier, I heard that , combat screams only, spells not convene only śpiewne, but triangle has turned out about sound impacting oręża oręż. I have had a look at axe, but it scanted practice. So, I went further and further, admiring dziwy, and things as after way pretty . It with river biggest burning , awful wood and I have remembered force of monster. Different buildings, called monastyrami, smithies cursed and different habitation, for human unlike. Going so, I pried warriors still, in order to learn secrets of possession weapon. And verge of roam has come on so, I have come in again thresholds of houses. Resources else more zwiozłem, and tell that have at the end. Father has heard me hoary already, head, but it was not satisfied. coat - time you, son, lead expedition, kill monsters and coat glory name. What , I have accepted better in gift axe else, I have bought armor convenient already , and search begin kompanionów. I have found, three we were in amount. In new armor Paladyn, shining, druid in thing płócienne odziany and I, from they most all nieokrzesany. And this time has come, must put forefronts when monster of all sorts and kinds hordom. We have gone. That family house has passed away from eyes hardly , as have attacked in the form of small two prevailing power hostile devil, about skin on blue color. I pounded that power axe, and my shoulder not kompanioni , in order to strike for leg it pomiot. Bumpy battle, three were only. Druid, sign has given most fast in legs , that it will return for moment, then it has managed for city shoot, in order to bring us medicines some as forthcoming from morning defending. It has begun monsters on land with eagerness stick it bringing down once again. It did not be enough power me. I have pushed away it leavings of power hell pomiot and I have jumped in direction tobołka. cure " it red! Voice of druid has resounded in ears " me. Powerfully drink and as if new morale has called I. It was held on legs barely already paladyn, so, I have substituted him personal body defending, in order to it can and renew power . And we chopped up on change so renewing power monster, one at the end, but then, second (other) has fallen on land (earth) right now continuous attack devil. I have announced victory loud outcry, then, it cure right now fearing , in order to next monsters have not loomed from dark. We have had a look at our outfit weary. Broken down, robes in rags, axe poszczerbiony, but it remembered topping times on sword with certitude pinpoint . Has not to say that about stick Druidzkim, because probably, that in teeth before it has been given else . Become medicines a few too. We have turned back without word for village. Some team can leave for some (certain) time once again. Because so solitary, it too early else. It in exactly make -play Path of Exile and it has survived such ...
can i has key today?

im dying inside ๏̯͡๏)
yay, thanks for the key =)
Requesting a beta key. I want to try this out eh.
gigolo1 wrote:
yay, thanks for the key =)

no problem :lol

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