๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key
I would REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like a beta key. :)
I would REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like a beta key. :)
would love a key, but at least the wait is drawing to an end.
I nrrd a key
I could really use a beta key, cant get my own at them moment
I really would like to have a beta key. Played open beta a while back and loved it. Ty in advance!! :)
I want a beta key plz this game looks great.
I would love a key to come join the community and all of you guys in the open beta :) I would be an active player who got sick of Diablo 3 shortly after release and now I'm bored and have been looking for a game to play ever since then, waiting for cabal 2 to be released in North America but isn't looking good :(
Some gentle soul give me a key. (T.T). I really want to try this game.
I made a separate post as well but I am home atm for the holidays and my brother and dad saw me playing this game and are VERY interested in it. Sadly our family is not very well off so we can't really afford much. I would REALLY love to play this game with my family because I don't live near them (I live in Cali and they live across the country in Alabama). I would be so thankful if someone could give me a couple of beta keys so we could play together.