๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

Want to play with friend together this game.
he have allredy key.
pls send me a key!
Thank You
I bought a key but I was deceived, and after three days of play, I took the key by writing in a support that the key owner hacked and I stole the key from him, that really want to play again, but I can not.
That's such a sad story = (
Who can share the key, I will be grateful.
Merry Christmas to all! ^ ^
I need (1) key so I can decide if I should buy 5-6 more PoE keys for my friends as christmas presents!

Thank you.
I would really like a beta key. I'm a big fan of Diablo 2 and this is shaping up to be the true successor to Diablo 2. Merry Christmas everyone!
This game looks so awesome, would love a key if anyone got a spare. Thank you very much, and merry christmas!
Merry Christmas!!! its not snowing and the weather is nice..... i hate it...
i want a key really do...
I want one too :D
I ravish a hairy bush for one! Really Really want!
Thank you kind sir for giving away a key. You will definitely make someone happy this Christmas.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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