๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key
Accompany a beta key!
Boredom is an aftermath poverty of beastblood, experienced at the juncture of all junctures.
I'd really appreciate if someone could be so generous and donate me a beta key. =]
hi guys pls give me beta key
i am hoping that someone will eventually either help me get a key or the beta invite timer will eventually show my name. thanks for the opportunity.
Shake me down...not alot people left around...
I'd love to have a key! I'm really excited about playing in the open beta this weekend!
I'm glad there are so many interested players. I hope the game's a big hit! |
Post. :(
can i have a beta key pl0x
if anyone has a beta key, like an extra...that they dont want....or do want but are willing to give up, or arnt willing to gie up, plz give me one...PLEASE
Beta key for me? Pleeeeeeeease?