๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key
Would be nice :D
"Skill is the illusion of Free Will personified." - DJD |
Ive been waiting since late 2010 to get the beta, i knew it wasnt coming soon but still watched all ur videos and ready to play this game, looks very good.
I really want one?
Realy, realy want beta key! :C
Sry boss, I'm sick and will stay at home today.
no seriously I really want a key. I'm waiting for a winning diablo like for ages. Mythos killed my hope this year. | |
torchlight music coming from xbox.. want poe noawww :(
damn its all i want...or no
Im loseing power in my right arm, no good klick game available!
| |
want 1!!!!
A beta key would be nice. 1 week vacation left a bit of Path of Exile would be awsome. :)