๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key


Still w8ing to get one. I miss those 5 on twitter, random system on page hate me :] soo lets hope i can get one from here

me me me sooo much
Yep I'm in need of a beta key. watching accounts that haven't been active for 5 months getting a beta invitation is ridicullous. Yes I know it's random but ...

Si vis pacem, para bellum
"If you wish for peace, prepare for war"
Give me the key! I'm starting to lose my mind!!!!!!!!

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver
I want a beta key soooo badly T_T
~ :D ~
I would probably start crying from happiness and joy, make a dinner for my wife and give 3 mouses instead 1 to my snake.

You would make 2 persons and 1 creature really happy to divide a key here! :)
What happens atleast once in 60 minutes?

Ingame, forums, irc:

"Nyydia: Brb getting coffee"
Hello I am very sick I need a key or invitation otherwise I have to die no joke real :/ 2h left
BlackKeysus - 73 Witch ( Legacy )
BlackHammer - 56 Marauder ( Legacy )

CtrlAltDelete - 15 ( HC) R.I.P xD

Greetings from Switzerland
I need an invitation
I just really would get one simple message that will give me beta key but...

ppl who got keys from this funny count down dosent eaven know that they where chosen ;) they created account in hope that they will play... and never got back here ;) so plz gimme one of theirs key hehe

Have nice one w8int ;) i will pray for ya

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