๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

im experiencing withdraw from hack&slash drug, and diablo 2 is not doing the trick anymore, PREASE :P
Yeh could definetly do with a beta key being thrown my waym after seeing the WTF is I have to play this game.
I am interested in Path of Exile and i really want to get a beta key, please.

I don't want a beta key. xD
reverse-psychology eh ? hm that might just work :)
Would love for a new game to replace league of legands + world of warcraft
IGN: Bloody_Uber
For the past several months, me and my brother have been trying to find a new game to play together. We tried several things... Dungeon Fighter Online, Vindictus, but he wasn't really interested in games that had an MMO structure. He was more interested in games with a Diablo-like structure. Games like Borderlands and Torchlight and, of course, Diablo. The problem with these was that it was either unfeasible to get a copy for each of us (Diablo II Battlechest is still $40!), we lacked the computer power for it (Borderlands runs awful on this hunk-a-junk even on the lowest settings), or there was no multiplayer at all to take advantage of (the fatal flaw in Torchlight). After seeing what Path of Exile had to offer, I knew that it was the game we had been looking for. Very similar to Diablo, with a skill system that tweaked my brain in all the right ways. I wish it was open beta already so I wouldn't have to wait to get in.

TL;DR: I really, really, really want a beta key for Path of Exile.
I am about to finish Deus Ex Human Revolution and really need something to counter Game Withdrawal Syndrome. I saw TotalBiscuit's "WTF is Path of Exile" and would really want to play this.
This probably isn't gonna be read by any one that could provide me a key, but what the hey.

I'm a Portuguese player and close friend of the editors of the magazine BGamer, here in portugal it is the biggest PC gaming magazine, and I believe I could get their attention to this game and consequentialy increase the scope for this game here.

Here's a link to verify my credentials, since I'm not an editor only a #kind# of consultor I have no official role and obviously I can't quite go and send mails as a representative of the company:


I would really like a beta key. This games got great potential and I would like to participate in helping it reach its goal. I would also be very "grateful"

PM or email tgriffeth@hotmail.com and we can discuss :)

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