๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

could anyone give me a beta key? Thank you very much.
BETA key would be nice for me!
Ill take one of them there beta keys!
Softcore(default) A quiet night at home with some lotion and some internet p0rn.

Hardcore a series of wild one night stands with any hot trashy girl you can find(no protection!)

One is safe and boring the other is adrenaline filled and exciting and might kill you!

Dont be safe and boring.
I also would be indebt to anyone who would be so kind as to bestow a beta key upon me <3
Testing my chances with a post!
Man, I saw a video on youtube of this game. Can't wait until it goes live even if I don't get into beta :)
i rly dont get it why we can`t get cd key immediately from the pool.

This game looks great on video. The beta key is needed ;D
this does not help indeed
Still looking for beta key...
Key -> beta. Haz I can? PLox?

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