[2.4.3] Everyday Normal Casual Assassin CI Blade Flurry
Hey. This is Shadow's Ascendancy class "Assassin" Blade Flurry physical crit build mostly based on utilizing Shadow's power charge generation ability and damage over time bonusses. ![]() Video highlight:
Uber Lab Run with this character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqzaomHUtIo&feature=youtu.be Atziri run with this character: Character level 90 Stats:
Pros and Cons of the Build
+High map clear speed. +Very High single target damage. +Tanky. Can easily get 10k+ Energy Shield. Utilizes armor and evasion. Vaal Pact life leech for some tanking. -CI builds in general are more difficult to build compared to life-based. -Will get nerfed a bit in a new league probably. Leveling
Early-to-mid-game leveling Passive Skill Tree progression(57 points used): Transition to Chaos Inoculation(84 points used): Lvl 90 Passive Skill Tree(112 points used): Lvl 94 Passive Skill Tree(116 points used): To start pick some wands or sceptres with some elemental or spell damage or some flat elemental damage would be perfect and use some elemental AoE spell as you're traveling through bonus elemental and AoE damage passives anyway. Magma Orb, Flame Surge, Storm Call, Firestorm, Ice Nova,.. etc. are all good choices. Some leveling uniques like Lifesprig are excellent. Blade Vortex is great for leveling. You can use melee physical skills like Cleave from the get-go too. It's very nice if you got some nice dps weapon. At level 28 just slam your Blade Flurry into your Tabula or your 3-link that you managed to find on a new league, whatever, and go defeat the world ;) Ascendancy Tree:
![]() Current gear on Essence league:
No specific pieces of gear is required for this build to work. Just try to get optimal amount of energy shield and resists. Flat added physical damage, multiplier, Accuracy, %Energy Shield, Flat Energy Shield on amulet and rings. Maligaro's Virtuosity is an option for DPS if you manage to fit in the resists and accuracy rating and not struggling with your effective ES. Abyssus can work on some bosses. You can swap Valyrium for Ming's Heart or some Steel Ring would be nice for boss fights or mapping in general if you're rarely rolling with your face into packs of monsters and not afraid to die basically. Gem Setup:
Chest 6L: Blade Flurry, Melee Physical damage, Melee Physical damage on full life, Increased AOE/Concentrated Effect, Faster Attacks/Increased Critical Damage, Added Fire Damage/Life Leech Gloves 4L: Cast when Damage Taken, Phase Run, Immortal Call, Increased Duration Weapon 3L: Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, Fortify Shield 3L: Vaal Discipline, Vaal Discipline #2(Or Vaal Haste), Increased DUration Helmet 4L: Orb of Storms, Curse on Hit, Vulnerability, Increased AOE Boots 4L: Discipline, Hatred, Vaal Lightning Trap, Flame Dash You can squeeze Decoy or Wither Totem into your unlinked socket of chest piece. Jewels
Prioritize %Energy Shield, Damage, Area Damage, Physical Damage or Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons or Daggers, Crit Chance/Multiplier Flasks:
The Charge Gain on Crit affix on flasks is really not important. Roll them as you want. Although repel from damage over time effects like Bleed and Ignite on flasks is almost mandatory wanting to prevent some disappointing deaths as a CI character. Bandits:
Normal - Skill Point
Cruel - Passive or Oak for 16% Increased Physical Damage or Kraityn - 8% Faster Attack Speed. Either is okay. Merciless - Alira - Power Charge Last edited by Moda1337#6290 on Mar 9, 2017, 8:38:28 AM Last bumped on Dec 5, 2016, 11:43:58 AM
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This build looks very nice!
Could you post some mapping videos as well? edit: Just a few questions: Why Cruel preparation? Where would you get leech from if not from CoE or Life leech gem? Would you go blood drinker until you get CoE? Last edited by Recovary#0075 on Nov 26, 2016, 9:08:59 PM
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" I'd put Energy from Within into the jewel socket nearby to convert those life nodes into ES. It's just convenient traveling to that ES cluster that way to me. You could get leech on your rings if you really need it. Otherwise it's just CoE leech or gem. I guess you can respec life nodes around Blood Drinker with Energy from Within and get some life leech too. I'll post some mapping video, sure. I just don't have any highest tier maps atm, derp. |
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Edit: oh, just read that you intend to add another energy from within to those life nodes. In that case just the pathing can be cleaned up a bit.
Your lvl94 tree has some extra life nodes and inefficient pathing issues (saved 3 nodes). You also forgot the 8% attack speed in cruel, added that in it as well. I've cleaned it up and turned it into a lvl90 tree.
http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUhBQU1HQVJnQWQ3RFlvdG5JRlBWdmFvd1d2M1g5aEdfVVFyVkk2Mk1STHlzS1hmSXFDM0JTaWRPTU5xWl83VUVPU0dORDh1RkhCdGgydVQ2c1ppemhmZU5XOWR0dWw5Q09paEdXME5DUC12RFZTVkVISHBVdVgycnNHQ3lfRmRlR3JsWmpYRUJVdlJYdGxvdlZ1WF9Hb3FNUHhEdDh1TW9kVHpXNXB5c1JVRzBabF9SU1V6MWZsNVZNc3lCdVVERFpXeHNsUzY3cEFwTW43NGo1TjlmUFNiRy1pcUV2a0J0d1Zwb1QyOVJ0Yk9kMDJ4b1FlNzQ2Nk5ZaTZzTTZLamd0VlJhcVBkRUZmWnUxaE1YUUgtX3JCQWNmQWpiRmkzb0JiLUwzaEVoY2E4TnRiQXNpOURJeUVKTFpocnh2aEtJSG1WbndUSTQ9ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Last edited by PhazerSC#3524 on Nov 28, 2016, 4:04:08 PM
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" Yea, that seems alot better. Didn't notice those when respecking. Thanks! :) |
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Nice guide !!
No change since 2.5? Always Strong? Thanks ;) |
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Nice build. I'll give it a try start of new league on HC.
What other weapons than Bino I could use ? |
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May I ask, what is the use of the Gem Orb Of Storms.
Last edited by evil199#4850 on Dec 1, 2016, 12:04:22 PM
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" Automatic curse. You put Orb of Storms on the ground and it curses all mobs in range while you killing. |
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Cruel Preparations, the life node above Witch start, seems unnecessary. With the nerf to Energy from Within, it's probably better to get a rare jewel in the socket nearby. I would cut it and go with either another jewel socket at level 92, or build complete at 89. Otherwise, looks solid, I'll run it in new league.
Last edited by Weeshnaw997#1047 on Dec 1, 2016, 5:03:02 PM
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