Daily reminder that MF is an outdated mechanic and needs to leave.

j33bus wrote:
Docbp87 wrote:
DarkKaine wrote:
If you take my MF away I will never touch this game again.
Playing full MF and with high ks the drops aren't amazing, they are "acceptable" (still low) for what I expect. The base drop rates just need an increase because right now the chances to get a T1 item are 1:youwillnevergetit, which is bs. We have had a league with plenty of good rewards in the past, the economy took a blow because of it, but if you look at the actual statistics you will see that it had the most people playing to date and many found it to be a much more rewarding experience. I don't see why they are so damn greedy with drops to begin with considering they want people to experiment with builds yet the items needed are practically unobtainable. There's always going to be a market for good uniques even if they come down in price. All currency and rare items would be unaffected by a simple increase of unique item drops and people would have more fun playing the game in general.


They actually have greatly increased the drop rates of high tier uniques (and then adjusted some of them down a teeeeeny tiiiiiny bit). That said, I don't think you know how MF works if you think that MF is getting you significantly more T1 unique drops (or anything close to it). Basically, MF'ing results in exponentially more shit-tier blue/yellow items, and more vendor-garbage uniques. MF'ers use these to do Chaos recipes, or collect thousands of alterations/alchs to sell (with the occasional GG rare, or sellable unique, but not necessarily more of them than you would get just by clearing content efficiently with no MF).

It just increases the odds of things dropping, in this case uniques, if you see twice as many uniques drop you're going to see twice as many t1 uniques drop.

In theory you are right but 2 times seeing zero t1 uniques is still zero t1 uniques. ^^ Docbp87 is right - in practice you are only drowning in shitty yellow and orange items (not to mention the gazillions of useless blue and white items). The clusterfuck is real but you do not even have enough portals to make use of all the yellow and orange items. Chaos orbs from the recipe and alchs from selling the crap is 99,9% of the difference between mf and non mf.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Not quite. You're estimating.

Chance of upgrade(s) = 1-(chance of no upgrade)

1x droprate: 1-(999/1000) = 0.001
2x droprate: 1-(1999/2000)^2 = 0.0009975
Difference: 0.0000025, aka 1 in 4 million

This difference is exactly equal to the chance of two items matching the criterion dropping pretty much simultaneously. However, if that happens, the second one only gets the official "upgrade" nod if it drops higher than the first. (If you just counted this as 2 upgrades, your estimation would be correct.)

There's a bunch of other math I've done before and cannot recall (this is nowhere near a new idea for me), but trust me, it simplifies to this: 1/1000 > 2/2001.
(Because 999/1000 < 1999/2000*2000/2001.)

I will give you this much, though: that's pretty darn close to equal, especially as the denominator approaches infinity. Inequality is definitely a nitpick.

Still, the popular argument for increasing droprates is precisely to increase upgrade frequency. Something we're mathematically confident does NOT happen. Droprates do not significantly impact upgrade frequency.

Of course I am estimating - yes, I could have made this more detailed, but would that have helped anyone? It is very close.

Besides that, higher drop rates - meh. First remove the shitloads of crap that drop and that even in single player games sometimes seem to prevent things from dropping (because there is literally no more floor tiles left where they could drop). It would also increase performance, since the crap would not have to get rendered.

Besides that, higher drop rates would - if you do not trade - decrease the time until your build is "finished". Is that good? No idea. But I would certainly appreciate higher drop quality - the chances of picking up e.g. a Vaal Regalia and it being actually usable for end-game content (500-600+ ES, some resists) are abysmal, I personally have not found a single such item even though I always pick them up in red maps. It just feels bad. Make them drop 10 times less often, and buff the spawn rates of good mods. That would also make self-crafting more viable.

Higher drop rates for maps would certainly make the game more fun for me.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Oct 5, 2016, 1:44:54 PM
@Char: I think the #1 thing itemization needs in an affix-driven game is a deep balance. The type of balance which makes optimization a real puzzle.

If you know exactly which affixes are best for, say, daggers, then every dagger can be put on a strict linear scale ranging from "utter shit" to "perfect." Farming to upgrade feels exactly like the math we were doing earlier.

If you do NOT know which affixes are best, this changes. I'm not talking about multiple viable builds with obvious yet multiple exclusive affixes for each; that facilities trade and is interesting economically, but you aren't changing your build mid-farm. I'm talking about multiple affixes competing for limited slots for a single build, and the community opinion is varied in which is ideal for that build.

The number of real, true upgrades farmed will inevitably follow the mathematical model we detailed earlier. But it won't feel that way if the affix system can challenge players in their valuation skills to such a degree that some drops become suspected upgrades. That is the way to effectively multiply the feeling of upgrade frequency.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
lel, this thread is gold!

I think we should get rid of item rarity.
Item quantity is fine tho. Just more items dropping should be enough to increase your chance for something rare.

also perandus signet is a nice example how things could be further managed:
3% additional chance for Slain monsters to drop Scrolls of Wisdom

Last edited by Scherge#6940 on Oct 5, 2016, 3:05:13 PM
Rather than adjust iir or iiq, I think solution is for everyone to get really, really mad, and post super salty comments with as many hurtful insinuations as possible.
This thread started off well, with a lot of shade being thrown, but the last page and a half or so have been rather civil. This needs to stop.

On a serious note, I don't think the current MF modifiers need changing. It'd be interesting to see what would happen with additional modifiers though. (10-20 % iir of dropped boots etc etc, like Scrotie (I think it was Scrotie) was suggesting)...
Maybe make it a lab mod?
Oh shit, lab hate incoming, defcon 1, run, hide your daughters
Brackets inside brackets! Spoilers inside spoilers!Fffffffffffffff!
I just want to be rewarded when doing the hardest content in the game other then pre-set loot like shaper that's all is that so much to ask?

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
I just want to be rewarded when doing the hardest content in the game other then pre-set loot like shaper that's all is that so much to ask?

Isn't it the same in every stage of the game? I just ran dried lake for a couple of hours and aside from some currency (nothing fancy really) i found stuff that would only make your day mid cruel...
Scherge wrote:
I_NO wrote:
I just want to be rewarded when doing the hardest content in the game other then pre-set loot like shaper that's all is that so much to ask?

Isn't it the same in every stage of the game? I just ran dried lake for a couple of hours and aside from some currency (nothing fancy really) i found stuff that would only make your day mid cruel...

Dunno but when you're doing the most terrible mods in t16 and farming shapers I expect to be rewarded lol other then pre-set loot.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
Scherge wrote:
I_NO wrote:
I just want to be rewarded when doing the hardest content in the game other then pre-set loot like shaper that's all is that so much to ask?

Isn't it the same in every stage of the game? I just ran dried lake for a couple of hours and aside from some currency (nothing fancy really) i found stuff that would only make your day mid cruel...

Dunno but when you're doing the most terrible mods in t16 and farming shapers I expect to be rewarded lol other then pre-set loot.

Well mate, it seems you need to stack some iir then.

I_NO wrote:
I just want to be rewarded when doing the hardest content in the game other then pre-set loot like shaper that's all is that so much to ask?

For this to actually happen there'd need to be modifiers on loot drops as you go up to higher maps.
That said it does already happen to an extent in t16 maps where the bosses drop specific unique items.

Nerfing/removing IR/IQ wouldn't really help accomplish this as you can run them on maps regardless of level (tho gl killing t16 bosses with IR/IQ gear/gems).

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