2.4 Coc Burning Vortex. 1-shot t15 bosses, great clearspeed. Shaper deathless. 11k ES, 5+ mil dps

For the most part the build shouldn't die unless its guardians with damage mods rolled. Anyways if you have enough damage you should kill them in a few procs.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/118853582?t=0h04m25s A quick deathless hydra kill (with extra attack speed mod), would have been faster if I didn't miss my lightning trap

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/118884059?t=0h02m45s full shaper run deathless, very smooth
Last edited by bluebookis#5110 on Feb 1, 2017, 3:06:32 AM
What are the stat priorities on Jewels?

I assume it's something like

Crit Multi > Damage > Attack Speed > Utility?

Izaro's Turmoil seems like it would be sweet, no?
Last edited by livejamie#0512 on Feb 1, 2017, 9:52:03 AM
livejamie wrote:
What are the stat priorities on Jewels?

I assume it's something like

Crit Multi > Damage > Attack Speed > Utility?

Izaro's Turmoil seems like it would be sweet, no?

turmoil is a good cheap option but a 25/25 doesn't beat any of my current jewels. best 3 mod jewel setup i can get on path of building seems to be fire dmg/spell dmg with shield/crit multi
Last edited by crazypearce#3760 on Feb 1, 2017, 3:14:27 PM
crazypearce wrote:
livejamie wrote:
What are the stat priorities on Jewels?

I assume it's something like

Crit Multi > Damage > Attack Speed > Utility?

Izaro's Turmoil seems like it would be sweet, no?

turmoil is a good cheap option but a 25/25 doesn't beat any of my current jewels. best 3 mod jewel setup i can get on path of building seems to be fire dmg/spell dmg with shield/crit multi

in addition to that the cold damage from izaros does not double dip, even though we convert it to 100% fire
Noob question... if Pyre converts all the cold damage to fire, the initial hit and the DoT from Vortex is all fire damage? Because if it's true, then I need something with lightning to hit first in order to make monsters vulnerable to Fire, right?

Edit: Tooltip of Vortex says it does Cold damage per second so I guess we don't need lightning dmg. to proc EE after all, right?
Last edited by zerocx#7293 on Feb 3, 2017, 2:18:24 PM
zerocx wrote:
Noob question... if Pyre converts all the cold damage to fire, the initial hit and the DoT from Vortex is all fire damage? Because if it's true, then I need something with lightning to hit first in order to make monsters vulnerable to Fire, right?

Edit: Tooltip of Vortex says it does Cold damage per second so I guess we don't need lightning dmg. to proc EE after all, right?

Nah, you definitely need lightning damage for EE. The ground effect comes after the initial hit, which is the important part, and doesn't activate EE at all because it doesn't hit.
Any updates for 2.5? :3
Is it good for 2.5?Got atm 6l Shav's can buy/craft Vagan dagger (Also waiting for Vortex MTX :c )
AphexWootz wrote:
Any updates for 2.5? :3
Is it good for 2.5?Got atm 6l Shav's can buy/craft Vagan dagger (Also waiting for Vortex MTX :c )

ye its brilliant. can one shot everything still. would recommend taking presence of chayula for stun immunity and running witchfire brew pot for some damage. you can also switch rumis for a quicksilver for quicker runs.

for the passive tree I wouldn't bother taking doom cast or written in blood. you don't really need the spell crit if you can get a shield with it on. the green dream is also a really good boost if you place it in the templar jewel slot.
crazypearce wrote:
AphexWootz wrote:
Any updates for 2.5? :3
Is it good for 2.5?Got atm 6l Shav's can buy/craft Vagan dagger (Also waiting for Vortex MTX :c )

ye its brilliant. can one shot everything still. would recommend taking presence of chayula for stun immunity and running witchfire brew pot for some damage. you can also switch rumis for a quicksilver for quicker runs.

for the passive tree I wouldn't bother taking doom cast or written in blood. you don't really need the spell crit if you can get a shield with it on. the green dream is also a really good boost if you place it in the templar jewel slot.

Thx, one more thing, there are 2 different types of this build - assassin and trickster, some running with shield charge, some with cyclone.
Trickster - Flat ES, free movement skills.
Assassin - More dmg, and some PC generation on non crit.
Which one do you guys recommend? Asking, cuz some of you already succeed with guardians/shaper/some of endgame content, and can give me some useful tips etc.
Oh and btw, how do you lvl this build? :D

Hey man, why we should take the attack speed in the second bandit reward, if the blade vortex is a spell? It is only for the shield charge?

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