2.4 Coc Burning Vortex. 1-shot t15 bosses, great clearspeed. Shaper deathless. 11k ES, 5+ mil dps
Hi again and thanks for the fast replay on a previous problem ,
could someone explain what must be the problem with ... my dmg on this? tooltip shows 8k+ with charges on ,i have EE ( tested working ) and Elemental Weakness aura-ed. The difference between original posts char (on the 5link shav's) and my gear , should be like non-existance at this point ... im missing a lvl21/20 vortex gem ( have 20/20 ) , spell dmg enchant on vagan's dagger , and around 30%spell dmg gap on our shields , i also have a rare ring in the spot of shav's and 6L vaal regalia +Cont. Destruction. The DPS on original build is shows OP , but i find my self doing fairly low dmg to ( at least some specific ) t8-13 bosses . Easy ones die in 2-3sec , hard ones 10+ ... Point is that i have every *aspect* of the build same with u ( crit / multy etc ) and my DPS shows around 60% of original posts one . but the dmg difference seems MUCH more . Is there something im missing or ... is it just normal that these seemingly low changes will make SUCH a huge difference in dmg ? Thanks ... well , again :P |
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" make your profile public and ill look at your char |
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Sweet build man.
I have a technical question. You pump more spell damage modifiers. ~40 from CoC, ~40 from controlled D, ~30 from low life. Why do you get the fire wheel up north when each point of spell damage is getting the crazy more modifiers? Am I doing the math wrong or is each 10% increased spell damage really like 20% increased double dipping damage? Shouldn't you prioritize spell damage over other generic damage modifiers? Thanks. |
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" fire dmg and spell dmg both scale the same for this build, and both double dip( different for other ignite builds). i do get as much "more" spell dmg modifiers as possible, however the spell damage on the tree is "increased" not "more" (big difference) Last edited by weeprab#1270 on Dec 22, 2016, 1:50:04 AM
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I think I understand but..
You have 0 "more elemental damage" modifiers. You have around 100% "more spell damage" modifiers. So, hypothetically, you can take the spell damage near the witch start or the fire wheel at the north of the tree. The first spell damage node is 10% increased spell damage. We multiply this by 100% because of all the "more spell damage" modifiers. Now the node is effectively 20% increased damage. The first fire damage node is 12% increased fire damage. We do not multiply this by anything because there are no "more elemental damage" modifiers. This node remains 12% increased damage. Is this how it works? Shouldn't you ignore elemental damage and stack as much spell damage as possible? *edit Just tested this. Both elemental and spell damage are increased by the "more spell damage" modifier. Poorly worded game mechanics. Last edited by spencerb#0028 on Dec 22, 2016, 11:28:48 AM
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one of the benefits of using cyclone is that you cannot be stunned while cycloning; which really helps this kind of build.
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hello, first i want to thank you about this build.
It's so great. I have a question How to use three aura : vitality, assasin's mark and elemental weakness ? i just use two of them. I count vitality have 42% mana reserved, assains's mark and EW have same 32% mana reserver.So 42+32+32 = 106% ? I'm using Enlighten level 3 Please help. |
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" Modifiers don't affect each other directly, they simply affect damage differently. Your calculations are incorrect (and it is not the wording of the game mechanics to blame, here) What you need to look at is what the damage being dealt is, in this case it counts as elemental and spell damage (including the DoTs because Vortex). Because of that, you group elemental and spell damage modifiers because they all apply identically. More spell damage means your spells do more damage, not that your increased spell damage modifiers get larger. |
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"There are very few more modifiers on the tree, most of them are keystones (pain attunement, elemental overload, for example). The key word to be concerned with here is more vs increased. Increased spell damage and increased elemental damage are the same thing for vortex (unless you are chaos converting). Cold damage affects only the original hit, fire damage affects everything including the burn. All increased damage modifiers are added together, and multiplied by any more modifier that affects the spell. For example, lets say you have 1000 base damage on vortex, 50% increased spell damage, 100% increased elemental damage, 30% fire damage, 30% cold damage, controlled destruction (~40% more) and pain attunement (30% more). You're using cold to fire, so 50% damage is converted to fire, and ~15% is added as extra fire. First, we have 1000 cold damage base > 500 cold damage and 650 fire damage. (50% converted, 15% added) The cold damage gets all the modifiers except fire damage, the fire damage gets all modifiers (because it was originally cold damage). 500 * (1 + .5[spell] + 1[elemental] +. 3[cold]) + 650 * (1 + .5[spell] + 1[elemental] +. 3[cold] + .3[fire]) = 1400 cold damage and + 2015 fire damage The more multipliers apply to all damage in this case, because all of the damage is spell damage and elemental damage. 1400 * 1.4 * 1.3 + 2015 * 1.4 * 1.3 = 2548 cold damage and 3667.3 fire damage Now let's say you have a chance to ignite and that chance procs. Only fire damage ignites, so you ignite 3667 damage. For vortex, the dot damage scales from spell damage (it doesnt in almost any other case), so in this case, it will scale again from all of the modifiers except for the cold damage. Ignite does 20% of the initial fire damage per second over 4 seconds, for 80% total. 3667 * (1 + .5[spell] + 1[elemental] +. 3[fire]) * 1.4 * 1.3 * 0.8 = 14949 ignite damage over 4 seconds, or 3737 ignite damage per second. If multiple ignites are running at the same time, only the one doing the highest damage will do damage. So, if you crit once leading to a 3000dps burn, and again a second later leading to a 2500 dps burn, the 3000 dps burn will burn for 3 more seconds, then the 2500 dps ignite will burn for 1 more second after that. Obviously, if you're using pyre it's much simpler, because all the damage is fire damage. The cold damage modifiers affect the initial hit, while spell, fire, elemental, area and damage mods affect the hit and the burn. DoT damage would increase only the burn. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Dec 24, 2016, 9:01:27 PM
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"That's almost impossible unless you have accuracy on your gear. Critical strikes have to check accuracy twice, so if you have, say, 95% crit chance and 85% accuracy, you will crit only 70% of the time. I think without any accuracy at all, your hit rate would be lower than 85% too on anything difficult, and that broadly means single target on bosses and stuff, when you're already rolling many fewer times because of less targets. Even if you do have accuracy, your hit rate caps at 95%, which means you only crit 85% of the time with 95% crit chance and capped accuracy. With a vagan dagger, your accuracy is 100%; it doesn't have the 95% cap. You will crit 95% of the time with 95% crit chance and a vagan dagger. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Dec 24, 2016, 9:20:21 PM
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