[2.4] Cospri's Malice Flicker Strike Assassin || Insane Clear Speed and Defensive
" I did assume that adding frostbombs would make cospri to alternately use frostbomb-ice nova That's why I said it may be usefull in stationary/less movement bosses. Frostbombs require more charge up time but should net more damage on explosion.. not to mention the -resist. While the ice nova is there to kill adds that spawns... |
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Hmm, I guess it could work, but yeah you trigger the Ice Nova 50% less, so your clear speed will be slower. I guess the single-target may be higher though. I'm taking a break from PoE so won't be able to respond to questions for a while. |
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Can use herald of ash? not ice
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No you can't use Herald of Ash because it scales on your physical damage which this build has none.
@Geisalt Holy shit you are one salty ass dude. I don't know how you have so much time to go on someone else's build guide and crap on their build. Get a life dude. @Supreme_Pizza Your DPS calculation for your Ice Nova is wrong. The tooltip says 11,324.8 DPS with a cast speed of 0.62 seconds. This means your damage on a single cast is actually 7,021. Assuming you are hitting 9 times a second and you crit on every single hit, this is a max of 63,192 DPS from Ice Nova rather than the "around 100k DPS" you advertised. Overall, I think this is an interesting build idea and I've started a similar build to try to push the idea further. I'm using a Low Life build for extra spell damage and originally intended to use a Malchai's Loop and Cold Snap to consume power charges on every crit. I believe the damage would be much higher, however there is currently a bug with Cold Snap not working correctly with trigger gems to consume power charges to bypass the cooldown. Fresh builds all day.
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Oh another idea, you might wanna try out.
Use a Crown of Eyes, this way you can focus on Spell Damage on Tree / items to scale your attack and spell damage :) |
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This guide/character, as written, is not enough damage to get you into entry-level maps.
You'd definitely need to go into Templar for it's power charge, ele damage, and AOE. As written this build guide is for an assassin character with 110 unspent passive points. Leveling up, you'd need to use something other than Flicker Strike til you are level 85. At lvl 85, yes, this is a lot of damage. But the pathing into Templar would be even more. |
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" If Pain Attunement still worked with Crown of Eyes then I'd absolutely go that route. I think I'd rather get a rare 400ES rare helmet though. I've been debating if I can use a Marylene's Fallacy amulet for the sweet 240% crit multi. Fresh builds all day.
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" Having just leveled to 80 with a similar build, it's a lot easier to level with lacerate and a high EDPS weapon. Hyaon's Fury is a great weapon choice when you hit level 62 but can't afford or use a Cospri's Malice yet. I'm not sure I agree with you on going to Templar, you are going to be pretty thin on points if you want to get the duelist leech nodes as well, unless you plan on using a life leech gem... I guess it would look something like this: http://poeplanner.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 For anyone else considering a Low-Life or CI version of this, The Blood Dance boots are amazing for frenzy charge generation and you can get rid of Blood Rage. The leech from Blood Rage is for physical damage only anyway so it's really not worth it IMO. Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Oct 24, 2016, 6:35:23 PM
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" I only care about efficiency: i can tell if something has a good concept or... if it sucks. So i say the truth: the build sucks, has too low dps on bosses and is not defensive. Maybe my standards are high? but the price of the weapon is too much for such low monotarget dps. So i made my point: very higher dps is acheviable with very lower budget while keeping decent clearspeed. I'm not salty, you can call me crazy because i kinda lost my humanity a long time ago. I havent "crap" on his build, his build is a lie: not offensive not defensive, not budget. The only real good point is the clear speed, and it's quite easy to do. Come on, 20 seconds to kill the gorge boss? It's clearly wrong. The guide doesnt explain the lack of effectviness against bosses. and i have the life that i want : i'm free. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Oct 26, 2016, 1:57:57 PM
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" If you don't like his build just move on. You are literally nitpicking his use of the word "defensive" in his thread title. Grow the fuck up and move on. Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Oct 26, 2016, 2:10:56 PM
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