[2.6/3.1] Shaper down on budget 5-link - The Debuffing Pizza (Tri-Curse CI Elementalist Flameblast)

alphamule wrote:
alphamule wrote:
How do you fit 2 vaal righteous fire into the hotkey skill bar?

I would have to switch between flame golem and vaal righteous fire as there is no room for the 2nd righeous fire.

Switching weapons would kill my dmg.. How do you fit in a second righteous fire?

OP's screenshot only shows 1 righteous fire, but gem setup shows 2.

OP only shows 1 vaal righteous fire on her skill bar, but 2 on the gem setup.

Where am I supposed to fit in my 2nd vaal righteous fire? Do I need to switch between the golem and righteous fire for my 2nd one to be bound to a hotkey?

The VRF n the 6pnk is used. The other one is just a backup.
Goggo2000 wrote:
Hey Guys,
i really need help with this build. Till now i always played life based builds. so i´m at lvl 87, resistances all at cap, 10k ES - but i dont get that f... uber izaro down. 1-2 hits, i am down. i even tried to change curses to enfeeble, tempchains and ew, but i am still a glas canon.

what am i doing wrong ? :( pls hlp me

You can check the Feedback session. There's an Uber Izaro video from a community member.
loonger wrote:
alphamule wrote:
alphamule wrote:
How do you fit 2 vaal righteous fire into the hotkey skill bar?

I would have to switch between flame golem and vaal righteous fire as there is no room for the 2nd righeous fire.

Switching weapons would kill my dmg.. How do you fit in a second righteous fire?

OP's screenshot only shows 1 righteous fire, but gem setup shows 2.

OP only shows 1 vaal righteous fire on her skill bar, but 2 on the gem setup.

Where am I supposed to fit in my 2nd vaal righteous fire? Do I need to switch between the golem and righteous fire for my 2nd one to be bound to a hotkey?

The VRF n the 6pnk is used. The other one is just a backup.

Thanks so much!
I'm just curious, what lets you live with this build? Other builds have lots of defense and life leech etc, but this seems to have none. How do you live?
loonger wrote:
Akinawepoe wrote:
A quick question, what do you think of

Does the Eye of chayula anti stun is really worth-it?

Immune to Stun is a must. You can try without it and you will immediately tell the difference.

I totally agree, it makes such a huge difference. You definitely need Chayula!
IGN: Sweethart
"You can check the Feedback session. There's an Uber Izaro video from a community member"

That Video helps absolutly nothing! He gets hit 1 Time and in this time UberIzaro is down. Thats no Tip for survability, sorry!

So also for other Cases (like written yesterday), some survability tips would be fine
ty for this build.
gave this build a shot in perm. league to test things out. now iam sitting on 18k es and oneshot everything.
wont switch to breach anymore :/ you killed the currenct temp. league for me
VoidMoon wrote:
I'm just curious, what lets you live with this build? Other builds have lots of defense and life leech etc, but this seems to have none. How do you live?

I'm playing T14 maps currently and everything seems quite easy. Basic defenses are golems and Temporal Chains. When I fight in breach or at boss, I use Stibnite Flask. Use Flame Dash to get away from situations. Use distance, your Flameblast can reach quite far. Vaal Discipline is the panic button at bosses. And of course, have a huge ES pool. Currently at 14k ES and I still have something to upgrade.
Last edited by Wermine#1485 on Dec 21, 2016, 12:50:03 AM
Do you convert all gems to 20% when at level 20?
sideshow wrote:
Do you convert all gems to 20% when at level 20?

At some point (way before you reach level 20 gems) you should buy 15%+ quality gems from poe.trade and start leveling those instead. Try to get as high level as possible. That's cheaper than using 20 GCP's on your own level 20 gem.

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