[2.6/3.1] Shaper down on budget 5-link - The Debuffing Pizza (Tri-Curse CI Elementalist Flameblast)

Wermine wrote:
BraneDaBoss wrote:
Hey mate, I just wanted to ask about CWDT gem and Immortal Call gem what quality and level they should be cos I see lot of builds with CWDT with like quality 20% but maximum level of gem is up to 5 but you have level 19 and you said that only reason why CWDT is not on lvl 20 is cos you didnt had time to level it :) So can you clarify what lvl should those gems be and why?

CWDT should be level 20 to be able to summon level 20 golems. CWDT only needs 70 str at level 20, so it's not a problem. Since we have big ES pool, we can take more raw damage than life buids.

Immortal Call needs hefty 155 str at level 20. Personally I have only 123 str so I can use only level 11 IC. But if you don't have any endurance charges, you can leave IC at level 1. If you do have, level as much as your str allows.

Thank you alot kind sir :)
Btw does IC should be 20% quality or not?
Last edited by BraneDaBoss#4957 on Dec 17, 2016, 2:08:26 PM
BraneDaBoss wrote:

Thank you alot kind sir :)
Btw does IC should be 20% quality or not?

Quality gives cast speed. Since we're not casting it it's irrelevant. 0% is sufficient.
Smerte wrote:
Well, actually Atziri/Uber Atziri are both kinda hard for this build as she can't be ignited (and that's where most of our damage comes from). Only reason why I can manage normal Atziri is my high ES pool, as I can't get oneshot by any of the mechanics.

Kriz0r wrote:

i had no problem at normal Atziri (wiht not good gear).It´s important that you remove all curse without Blasphemy. if you curse your self with elemental weakness or Flammability you will die if she hits you.

I belive the problem of sikker is that he wears a Infernal Mantel .... you get 100% Elemental damage if you are low mana and that is a not good at Atziri xD

Getting rid of that Infernal Mantle has helped me a lot. But I still cannot complete an Atziri run. Still dying at all boss fights.

I guess I need to boost my ES even more.

How do you guys take on the twins and triplets? I have been thinking about using Inc AoE on twins to get them both in one hit to minimize the time they are solo.
Last edited by sikker#5501 on Dec 18, 2016, 3:17:52 AM
The triples heal to full when you kill one though. I did get lucky yesterday and get em all with 1 flameblast, they all got ignited and even with the heal, they all 3 went down in like 5 seconds fight. Good times :P
Atziri herself doesn't seem like much of a problem. The main hurdle is to know the fight and not get hit by her shit. And not hitting the reflector :-P

I'm more fearful of the Phoenix, even if the guide says it's doable!

Could you take a look at my gear and advice on what should i change in the first place? Got 3k tooltip dps atm, which seems to be insufficient for some boss fights. I'd appreciate your feedback.

EDIT: Golem's do not proc EE as OP explained to me in a PM. Thanks for the quick response!

Hi, I noticed the gem setup is different in recommended and final gear under Doryani's sockets for ele prolif.

Wouldn't it be better to use lightning golem under final gear for proc'ing EE?

Thanks so much for this spectacular guide! Would love to know which you find to work best.
Last edited by alphamule#5644 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:16:08 PM
Yeah. Atziri runs are kinda afwul. Running in circles for 10 minutes doesn't feel nice. Can't wait to meet Phoenix...
Last edited by Mdramadesu#0064 on Dec 18, 2016, 5:44:17 PM
Mdramadesu wrote:
Yeah. Atziri runs are kinda afwul. Running in circles for 10 minutes doesn't feel nice. Can't wait to meet Phoenix...

Pheonix is actually quite safe to do. No worry.

Tip: You can use iAOE instead of CE for easier aiming.
Tides5 wrote:
The triples heal to full when you kill one though. I did get lucky yesterday and get em all with 1 flameblast, they all got ignited and even with the heal, they all 3 went down in like 5 seconds fight. Good times :P
Atziri herself doesn't seem like much of a problem. The main hurdle is to know the fight and not get hit by her shit. And not hitting the reflector :-P

I'm more fearful of the Phoenix, even if the guide says it's doable!

I've managed to kill Atziri several times now, and my last two runs I only had one death each due to lag on Atziri herself. I have 11k ES and 3k tooltip FB.

Swap iAOE for CE. I use Rumi's, Sulphur, Shock, Quicksilver
I kill the right twin first, who usually dies in 1-2 FB hits with my Sulphur of the Divine flask. The left twin takes about 5-6 FB hits, and using the Decoy Totem is key. If he shoots the electricity thing I flame dash out of the way and pop my shock flask.

Swap iAOE for CE. I use Rumi's, Sulphur, Bleed, Quicksilver and Fire
I kill the archer first, and the one that is usually closest next - They both die in one or two FBs. This leaves the sword guy who spins at you. The trick to him is to just kite him and use decoy totem, getting off FB's when you can. If his sword move hits you, you have to pop the bleeding flask. Flame dash through the black fog if you have to and wait for ES to regen.

Swap iAOE for CE, Ignite for Elemental Focus. Put Flamability on Blasphemy and Crit Striks + Power Charge on crit for orb of storms. I use Rumi's, Sulphur, Bleed, Quicksilver and Fire
This fight is hectic, but ample use of decoy totem is key. The damage boost from Sulphur is too much to ignore, so make sure you're popping it before you let your FB go each time if you can. The mirrors die in 2-3 full FBs and have very little health. Watch a few videos of the fight with ranged characters so you can get an idea of how to run around.

With all my success killing normal Atziri I tried Uber Atziri and failed. I may try it again a bit later, but probably not. I don't think this build has the damage when you can't use both curses and/or ignite.

[Edit] - You're spot on about not hitting the one with the mirror. It's hard to see what they're holding and several times I instagibbed myself hitting the mirror one because I couldn't tell which one was which.
Last edited by TheFrequency#7974 on Dec 19, 2016, 12:27:47 AM
About the Atziri fight: You're swapping iAoE for CE. Put that iAoE on Orb of Storms. I try to find the mirror with the strange purple thing in hand. That usually pops out like a sore thumb and that girl is safe to blast.

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