PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

I couldn't find a way to search just this thread, so I'd like to ask.

My account exists only through Steam, am I still able to use Procurement, and if so, is there a trick to finding out my email/login information?

I haven't been able to identify an email the account is linked to this way either, so I'm not sure if it's something I need to contact support for.
Phonics wrote:
can somebody explain to me whats stopping the author from jacking accounts?

It is open source... and most of the very large traders use it. Not once has there been any problems with Procurement (theft etc).
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Is there anyway to log into Procurement via Steam Accounts? We don't have an "associated email account". We log into the forums fine though....
Hope an update will be released soon for this life-saver lovely program..

At the moment whenever I try to log-in I get an error mesage:

[NOT OK]ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
serlev wrote:
Hope an update will be released soon for this life-saver lovely program..

At the moment whenever I try to log-in I get an error mesage:

[NOT OK]ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

I get this a lot too, just restart it and hope you get lucky.

Successful game with bad trade system causes this. Not much we can do.

Some helpful tips :

Put one item in any stash tabs you might use today.

When you fill that tab up, right click it inside Procurement, on the stash tab itself, and hit "refresh". Do not go crazy clicking if it doesnt respond right away, youll break it and feel stupid. It will respond but can be slightly slow depending on stash size (for ex mine is enormous).

If you have loaded your tabs, and just need to find something, and say Procure crashed or your rebooted, use "offline". This immediately loads the last loaded from GGG stashes and allows you to quickly find something in your index.

Caustion: this is obviously not updated with your newest stuff, you need to proceed as normal or refresh the tab to find those new items.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on Nov 3, 2013, 6:07:31 PM
I get this a lot too, just restart it and hope you get lucky.

I think I am sooo unlucky , I did your suggestion for 50+ times and all ended with "error" msg !!...
sigh, if there is nothing to do on programming side for an update of Procurement then this means Procurement is dead anymore for almost all users :(

P.S. I tried to use it "offline" and got the error mesage below:
[NOT OK]ERROR: There was an error deserializing the object of type POEApi.Model.JSONProxy.Inventory. Encountered unexpected character '<'.

It seems , on some items GGG changed the character usage system.. Hope it helps to reprogram the Procurement for this new character changes at 1.0.0
Last edited by serlev#7732 on Nov 4, 2013, 3:57:43 AM
Hi everyone, here's a long overdue update from me.

First off, I am no longer actively playing/keeping up to date with PoE. The release and new content is amazing, and the final boss is the best arpg boss fight ever imho but for various non-game related reasons I am no longer active.

Secondly, I have tried to reach out to GGG on several occations, I have asked Alpha members to speak to them on my behalf, I have asked in PMs, forum Q&A's and on reddit - short of flying to New Zealand I have tried everything possible to reach out to GGG, so that we can work on an API or simular for Procurement, but they have remained silent, and that's their prerogative. After all PoE is their game and their vision.

I'm just a player who made an app to make my trading easier due to the severely lacking system in the game, and decided to share it. However, Procurement has been out for almost a year, and with zero support from the developer I am constantly swimming against the tide trying to keep up with changes, which can often render the app unusable. By contrast, take a look at how CCP treats the community developers in EVE online.

I don't want to be rehashing the basics just to get the app to work, I want to be working on the new features I planned and had promised!

Issues like the GGG servers not returning inventory or Server 500 errors, my hands are tied, there's nothing I can do about it. The throttling alone is annoying, but without a proper API it's the best I could do. Rather take extra time to get your items than getting nothing back at all.

For steam authentication, wow I didn't even think I'd see something like that. I have no idea how I would approach that, and to be honest a little scared. Now you'd be logging in with not just your PoE account, but your steam account which could have dozens or even hundreds of games on it. So instead, I would have to try find some hacky workaround just so you can login to Procurement, which I'm doubtful would be possible. Then if I did manage to get it to work, the few who requested it would be grateful and others would accuse me of trying to hack steam accounts.


ALL of this would be avoided if a proper API was available, with something akin to the API Key players can create in EVE to allow 3rd party apps to access character data and items (but not login credentials!). Hell if this happened, someone could make a sweet html/js version of Procurement that could run on every device/platform.

In short, I'm no longer actively playing PoE, have minimal free time, and the constant uphill battle with no support from GGG is making me reluctant to update Procurement futher.

While this isn't the reply people were hoping for, I hope that you can see it from my POV. Thank you to all the people who supported me on the forums & reddit, sent me positive PMs, messages ingame, the guys that donated and the guys who tested and reported issues, you were like my own QA team!

I hope that I managed to make everyone's lives a little easier, and trading that more rewarding!
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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Last edited by Stickymaddness#7243 on Nov 4, 2013, 7:29:02 AM
Thanks for all your efforts Stickymaddness, wish you all the best.

I couldn't agree more about the API, I also asked a similar question but also got no response in raptr QA. I have hard time understanding how could GGG give such a poor API while creating such a great game. It really is a shame.

Stickymaddness wrote:
In short, I'm no longer actively playing Procurement, have minimal free time, and the constant uphill battle with no support from GGG is making me reluctant to update Procurement futher.

I guess there is a typo.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
sad to hear that, but thanks for all the work and the nice tool.

serlev wrote:
P.S. I tried to use it "offline" and got the error mesage below:
[NOT OK]ERROR: There was an error deserializing the object of type POEApi.Model.JSONProxy.Inventory. Encountered unexpected character '<'.

have that bug too, but its related to the api as well. some character-inventories are broken somehow. i bet its related to a specific char as it is for me. try to open that inventory on the website, will not work. have reported that issue several times but no response as of now.

E: link to bug-thread:
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
Last edited by Clownkrieger#0827 on Nov 4, 2013, 8:58:47 AM
Fuck, now i gotta Set up my shops by hand O_O Oh god no.
"Success is not the absence of failure. Success is persistence through failure."
Currently Playing: Contagion/Essence Drain IGN: JddoggAscended

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