[Possible 3.0 Update Coming SOON!]"Dbum's Occultist Essence Drain/Decay with a F***ing Bow!"
Hello, my name is Dbum and I was attempting to figure out a Essence Drain build that would utilize Soul Strike and Wicked Ward combo, then they announced Essence League....
Why a bow with Essence Drain? Because these Essences in Essence League.
Deafening Essence of Woe/Delirium
The Decay from Essence of Delirium uses Support Gems from the skill used to proc Decay on mobs. Depending on the skill used, Decay will use supports based off the skill. Essence Drain tags: Projectile, Spell, Chaos, Duration and also has this wording: Modifiers to spell damage apply to this skill's damage over time. This means Controlled Destruction (spell), Rapid Decay (Duration), Slower Projectiles (Projectile) will work with this spell as well as Decay. ![]() Can also use a Essence of Woe for the added Spell Damage to a bow instead of Delirium. ![]() How to Craft Your Bow
Crafting the bow 101
1. Buy your bow (Reflex Bow is great for the 4% movement speed and low dexterity requirement) 2. Use Essence of Delirium on it (The decay mod is a suffix) or Essence of Woe (Spell dmg is a preffix) 3. Repeat step 2 until you get 1 open prefix and 1 open suffx 4. Craft "cannot roll attack mods" with Level 8 Catarina 5. Exalt to get +1 to socketed gems 6. Craft Projectile Speed from Tora Craft a bow and mix this with a well known mechanic utilization, Soul Strike and Wicked Ward. We can use a bow to cast spells and have crazy Energy Shield regeneration.
Soul Strike
Wicked Ward
+100 to maximum Energy Shield
Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began Recently (4 seconds) For a more detailed explanation of the mechanics between Soul Strike and Wicked Ward see LuriFaXx's "Soul Ward" build here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1695998 Video(s)
*https://youtu.be/prZ_tz3Y89Y - Zana Daily Promenade with Ele Weakness - *https://youtu.be/V97jmWYo_Eg - T10 Shaped Peninsula - Minus Max, Temp Chain, +3 Proj, 89% cold dmg, Onslaught *https://youtu.be/6DuGih3zQ40 - Death and Taxes *https://youtu.be/nxyxBKNdCeg - t12 Bad mods Plateau Pros and Cons Pros *Massive amount of ES regen via Zealots Oath + Essence Drain, and Soul Strike/Wicked Ward combo *100% HC viable *Fairly Cheap till LL/Tri Curse *Very good clear speed and boss killing with Essence of Delirium *Any map mod (NO BLOOD MAGIC) Hex Proof is annoying but doable *Dual/Tri Curse (Temp Chains/Enfeebl makes most mobs a joke) Voulnerability as 3rd *High ES *Can grow into much more power with Shavs, Heretics Veil, +1 Curse Eye of Chayula *Reflect immune Cons *Not party friendly without Essence of Delirium Tree and Bandits Bandits *Normal - Kill for Skill Point *Cruel - Kill for Skill Point *Merciless - Kill for Skill Point Leveling Section I had great results leveling as hybrid energy shield and life, stacking res as needed and extra damage. I started out useing Spark and Orb of Storms, until I aquired Essence Drain for completing The Siren's Cadence - http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Siren%27s_Cadence. You could use a variety of other spell combinations while leveling untill Essence Drain is stronger, but I personally love it for leveling. So on to the leveling skill tree(s)
Passive Trees
15 points
First start out taking spell damage nodes, then up to es, life/mana. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQj0GyUsnESrS65VrmpDbRmCEI-mwFTZW9-K37DpAg==
30 points
Continue out the Int and Dex nodes over to your first life/es cluster, then head up to Atrophy. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQceCPQRlhslIvQsnESrSVFLrlWuXEBqQ2wLbRl1nn_GghCHy4-mj_qTJ5Uup5vAVM8V2Vvfit-w6QLw1Q==
45 points
Staying on the right side of the tree we pick up some more damage and life/es nodes in the Shadow area. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQceCPQOSBEvEZYTbRQJGyUi9CaIKwosnDY9RKtJUUuuVa5cQF3yYqxqQ2wLbIxtGXWef8aCEIfLj6aP-pMnlS6dqqebtUi3MLzqwFTPFdlb34rfsOkC62Pw1Q==
66 points
At this point we should have a Blasphemy Support Gem from A Fixture of Fate - http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/A_Fixture_of_Fate, which then we attach Enfeeble. We head up toward Whispers of Doom for +1 additional curse to then add Temp Chains to our Blasphemy setup. Next we need some mana reservation reduction, so we grab the 4% near Chaos Innoculation and head down out of Shadow toward Ranger to Charisma. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQceCPQOSBEtES8RlhNtFAkYahmKGo8bJSLqIvQmiCsKLJw2PUSrSVFLrlWuWAdcQF3yYqxqQ2wLbIxtGW1scLt1nngvfIN85X_GghCHy49Gj6aP-pMnlS6boZ2qpwinm7VItzC86sBUwzrPFdlb34rfsOd06NbpAutj6-7sGPDV9tr7CQ==
88 points
Next we get some more damage and life close to our current tree. Then we connect our right and left sides to get into our end game tree form, and respec 2 nodes 1 int, 1str by Occultist Dominion. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQceCPQNfA5IES8RlhNtFAkYahmKGo8bJRzcIuoi9CaIKPorCiycNj06WESrSVFJsUuuVa5VxlfJWAdcQF3yYqxqQ2wLbIxtGW1scLt1nnaCeC985X_GghCCx4Pbh8uPGo9Gj6aP-pMnlS6boZ2qoS-nCKebrJi0DLVItzC4k7zqvorAVMM6yAzK088V18_ZW9-K37DndOjW6QLquutj6-7sGO-I8NX22vfX-Tf56PsJ
96 points
At this point we are around level 70-72 and we can, or should, spec into Chaos Innoculation. Decent energy shield gear is cheap this league, or you can craft some with Essence of Woe. We respec our life nodes to pure energy shield nodes as well as respec some of our spell damage at Witch start. We need a Energy from Within Jewel at this point to boost our life/es nodes to pure energy shield. This item can be fairly expensive on Essence Hardcore league at the moment, but should be aquired ASAP. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQFvAx4NfA5IEHsRLxFQEZYTbRQJFdcYahmKGmwajxslHNwdTx3ZH0Ei6iL0Jogo-isKLL81uUNUSVFJsUuuVmNXyVgHXEBca13ybAttGW1scLt1nnaCeC985X_GgseESIauh8uIQot6jxqPRo_6kyeboZ2uoS-nCKcrp5u0DLVItzC4k746vorBxcM6w23IDMrTzxXXz9lb2xrfit-w4vfndOjW6QLquutj6-7sGO-I8NX0cfba98H31_k3-ej7CQ==
107 points
If you feel the need you can grab the max mana %/mana regen nodes, then grab the remaining damage over time/chaos damage nodes. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMAAQFvAx4NfA5IEHsRLxFQEZYTbRQJFdcYahmKGmwajxslHNwdTx3ZH0Ei6iL0Jogo-ipTKwosvzW5Q1RJE0lRSbFLrlKvVmNXyVgHXEBca13yYpVn_GwLbRltbHC7dZ52gngvfOV_xoLHhEiGrofLiEKJ4It6jxqPRo_6kx-TJ5uhna6hL6cIpyunm7JwtAy1SLcwuJO7Tb46vorBxcM6w23IDMrTzxXXz9lb2xrdX9-K37Di9-ZY53To1ukC6rrrY-vu7BjviPDV9HH22vfB99f5N_no-wk=
Final level 91
Filling out the rest of the tree with skill effect duration and increases to our curses. After this we can get more damage in Shadow area and increases to curses down past Shaper, or take more jewel slots. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAQFvAx4D7g18DkgQexEvEVARlhNtFAkVfhXXGGoZihpsGo8bJRzcHU8dvh3ZH0Ei6iL0Jogo-ipTKwosvzOHNblDVEkTSVFJsUuuTm1Sr1ZjV8lYB1xAXGtd8mKVZ_xp2GwLbRltbHC7dZ52gngvfOV88H6hf8aCx4RIhq6Hy4hCieCLeo8aj0aP-pEHkx-TJ5uhnDKdrqEvpcSnCKcrp5uycLQMtUi3MLiTu027_L46vorBxcM6w23IDMrTzxXXz9lb2xrdX9-K37Di9-ZY53To1ukC6rrrY-vu7BjviPDV9HH22vfB99f5N_no-wk=
Current Tree (Level 92)
Been playing around with some things, and got rid of Zealots Oath. Trying to keep the same damage while increasing Energy Shield. Added a 2nd Energy from Within for increased ES. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAQFvBAcI9A18DkgQexEvEVARlhNtFAkVfhXXGGoZihqPGyUdTx3ZIuoi9CaIKwospiy_NAo1uTdmOlg9X0J6Q1RJE0lRSbFLrkyzTm1SU1KvVcZWY1gHXEBca13yXypn_GnYakNsC20ZbWxwu3WedoJ4L3pwfOV88H6hf8aD24RIhMWGrofLiEKJ4It6j_qQ1pEHkx-TJ5eVl_SboZu1nDKhL6XEpyunm6yYtAy1SLcwu027_L46vorAVMHFwzrDbcgMytPPFdAf18_ZW9sa3V_fit-w4vfmWOd06NbpAuq662Pr5OwY74jv6_DV9HH22vfX-Tf7CQ==?accountName=dbum&characterName=_DBUM Ascendancy We go Occultist for the very awesome interaction between Wicked Ward and Soul Strike. *Normal Lab - Wicked Ward *Cruel Lab - Void Beacon *Merciless Lab - Profane Bloom *End Game (Uber) Lab - 2 x 8% increased energy shield or if you want +1 curse Malediction. Gearing
Gearing Suggestions and why
Bow Must use a Tier 6/7 Deafening Essence of Woe (t6-95-100% spell dmg/t7 105-110% spell dmg) or Essence of Delirium on a Bow to gain Decay - 1000 damage over 10 seconds on hit. Top 2 other mods we hope for are: +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (very valuable for ED huge damage increase), increased Projectile Speed, and Leo mod "(15 to 30)% increased Damage over Time". Other useful mods are moves speed implicit on certain base bows, and resistances. **We can craft the +1 to Level of Socketed Gems via Catarina mod Cannot roll attack mods and then using 1 Exalt Orb to guarantee the +1.** Quiver **Quoting from LuriFaXx's build** " Body Armour Highest Energy Shield body armour you can get your hands on. Get resists when needed. **If Low Life use Shavronnes Wrappings. Helm Same as Body Armour, Highest Energy Shield body armour you can get your hands on. Get resists when needed. **Can use Heretics Viel for its very nice ES and reduction to curse mana reserve, and massive bonus to curses. Will be required if going low life tri curse on blasphemy. Gloves Same as Body Armour, Highest Energy Shield body armour you can get your hands on. Get resists when needed. Could also craft some needed strength or cast speed from Catarina. The new Fingerless Silk Gloves have spell damage implicit and are amazing. Boots Same as Body Armour, Highest Energy Shield body armour you can get your hands on. Get resists when needed. Rainbow Strides are a great cheap option. These are a superb option for the phasing and pierce. We get 100% pierce for Essence Drain, and less chance to be hit by projectiles while phasing. Also gives a ton of dex! Belt We need energy shield, resistances, and strength here. Adding armour and movement speed are beneficial as well. Rings Must look for a ring with at least one prefix open to craft the Leo mod "(10 to 20)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge" which costs 2 chaos each if you want to stand in traps and face tank phys damage. We can also craft the Elreon mod "5-20% Increased Energy Shield" which costs 1 exalt. Other needed mods include: max energy shield, resistances, mana regen, strength, and max mana. **Can use Valyrium if we get 20% faster start of energy shield recharge, then use a good amulet with %es and flat es. Amulet We use this for its "Cannot be Stunned" mod. Only reason to use this is for this mod. As energy shield character we will get stunned. Stun threshold is based on your life and as CI we have 1 life, as low life we have very low life. Only other ways to get away from this amulet would be Unwavering Stance passive below Marauder, or Skyforth Sorcerer Boots http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Skyforth. **We have to corrupt these with Vaal Orbs to gain the implicit "enemies can have an additional curse" if we want to go tri curse without Malediction. Flasks We need immunity to various status ailments: Stun, Freeze, Curses, Burning, etc. **Very powerful option with tri-curse.**
Current Gear
Low Life Gear
From standard...but gives a general idea of what we are looking for. Tree is the same minus CI and nodes behind, and taking Pain Attunement and Arcane Vision. The bow obviously does not have spell damage but has the +1 gems, with Empower lvl3 I am at 28.8k dps. Gems and Links Main Attack(s) *Essence Drain > Void Manipulation > Controlled Destruction > Pierce > Rapid Decay > Slower Projectiles/Poison/Empower (your choice, Empower is huge damage with +1 to Socketed Gems on the bow)
Choose your Map Clearing 5link
**This set up brought to you by user windz**
*Ball Lightning (Lvl 1 or so) > Curse on Hit > Vulnerability > Void Manipulation > Faster Projectiles/Slower Projectiles **Vortex Clearing** brought to you by user grantj415 I like this one A LOT! *Vortex > Void Manipulation > Rapid Decay > Controlled Destruction > Increased Area of Effect *Contagion > Increased Area of Effect *Spell Totem > Wither Auras/Curses *Blasphem > Enfeeble > Temp Chains > Discipline Support/Movement *Cast When Damage Taken lvl 1 > Immortal Call lvl 3 > Increased Duration lvl 20/20q *Vaal Discipline - somewere maybe with the Immortal Call set up for extra duration *Flame Dash/Lightning Warp/Blink Arrow - take your pick Current Defense and Offense
Essence Drain is linked to a level 2 Empower. It will be much higher with level 3 or 4. ![]() __________________________________________________________________________ To Do List *Add Offensive and Defensive stats *Add More Videos *Pics? *Q/A section? *More detail IGN @Dbum Last edited by dbum#5843 on Jun 28, 2017, 8:35:56 PM Last bumped on Oct 19, 2017, 2:25:38 PM
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IGN @Dbum
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this build look really fun and unique !
i might try this in hc soon |
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" Thanks, I am currently only lvl 74 and having a blast so far. Will get much more fun later on with more damage. Dbum IGN @Dbum
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I'm usually not a huge fan of fringe or unproven types of builds (I generally play cookie-cutter stuff) but this looks quite amazing! I think I'll give this a try on my next character reroll.
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how would explosive arrow work with this?
tree? gems? |
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" this quote "The most important attribute of Soul Strike is the "150% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge" modifier. When Energy shield starts to recharge, it will continue to do so for 4 seconds, thanks to Wicked Ward. These two mechanics become incredibly strong together. It allows us to be almost immune to physical damage, face tank bosses and afk in traps in the end game labyrinth. The quiver puts some limitation on us however, either we have to use a bow or go unarmed. For me the choice stood between Caustic Arrow, Explosive Arrow or some spell caster with Doryani's Fist. My choice was Caustic Arrow (CA), because I love the hit and run playstyle and the Damage over Time effect is very satisfying." just describe how cool the quiver is. EA has nothing to do with the build i think |
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Really looking forward to see the complet guide but this looks like a LOT of fun ! I am definitly trying this as soon as the leveling guide is posted :)
Good job |
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Really like the look of this, will be making an uber lab runner using it. Nice work op.
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Thank you all for the nice words.
Hit level 77 tonight specced into some max mana and mana regen, should be able to spec out of these later will add this to the leveling section later. I should be adding the leveling section probably friday, since I want to continue leveling myself :) Dbum IGN @Dbum Last edited by dbum#5843 on Sep 7, 2016, 11:53:08 PM