Hacked Accounts
" Hi there, You need to email support@grindinggear.com and get them to help you with email code issue. The game does the lock down for the code based on IP address changes so for some reason it sounds like your IP address has been changing a lot on you. Have you checked your spam folders for the GGG emails? Your emails provider may be filtering them out before they reach your inbox. Also I know there was an issue with certain email address providers (thinking yahoo?) but I can't remember exactly - pretty sure no one has issues with GMail, maybe look into changing your email address to see if it fixes the not recieving the email issue. Thanks :) “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” —Leo Buscaglia Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() Last edited by peachii#3920 on Oct 23, 2013, 7:06:25 PM
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"Today i started to play path of exile when i got back from work, when i started to input password in my ingame account of poe it was wrong. Password was incorrect after some time i got account back but my account is hacked and i losted a lot of gear like 6 link death otah astral plate and 6 socket marohi erqi with all currencies and valuable items. Account is hacked from today or yesturday since in these 2 days i didnt play. I need yur help to recover my items. I dont care about currencies i only need my death oath 6 link astral plate and 6 socket marohi erqi are main thing and gems that were in it. Im not scammer or i want make false information.I didnt play for 2 days, i have clean windows fresh puted , i dont use any cheat tools and i dont need it . I just missed some quality times with games and since i finded poe i was rly making it good , im working guy and since i already spended a lot of time in this game i dont have that much time to start again ....Frankly from my side i dont know what i did wrong ... Help my recover my stolen goods to continue play. "
Thats mail i sended yesturday about my account since i worked 2 days and wasnt able to play. First of all my PC is clean for like 2 weeks, fresh windows , original antiviruses and malicious software removal thingies always on (it worked for wow, diablo 3, and some online games that can be hacked like this. To my email i can only access and yesturday i puted pc on scan from my place and from work place while hard drives are clean , on any other places i dont even log my account on page so i dont get some keyloggers or viruses. Frankly to say by this scans and diagnostics this is not my mistake since my email isnt accessable that easy and it is always checked "I could see some changes" ,since i work with some companies that really doesnt allow security breach and since im always on my email again not my mistake. Main prio for me in this game is only my 6 link chest death osath astral plate and 6 socket marohi erqi and gems that were in them are losted for other currencies i dont care.I play this game from beta i invested quite of time on it ( not complaining just saying cuz i like game ) ,main minus and frankly to say shit thing is that in 2 days after few months of my play i dont play and im hacked that i dont know how since diagnostics shows clean devices and hard drives and through e mail it wasnt even open by any other man thatn i . Im just asking from my side can i get these my 2 items back to continue play. It would be silly to say that my pc is infected ( im not stupid or blind and i am aware of many hacks on online games) only if u want by that term say to me "Im sorry , u wasted yur time here we cant help ,continue to play like this or quit bye". I hope we solve this problem and i hope u can help me. |
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Haven't played since April when my account was hacked.
I see that the policy is still the same on stolen items/compromised accounts. I (and my friends) really liked this game, and was happy to spend money to support it. I would still be playing it. Let's hope the "integrity" and health of the in-game economy(fueled in part by my stolen goods) is worth it. |
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I'm going to quote myself from a post I made on the suggestions forum to solve this policy issue, unfortunately the only reply I got back was a rather unconstructive reply from DirkAustin "-1" who clearly isn't a fan of the idea but I still believe this would be a great way to help players / customers of the game to continue playing when there accounts have been compromised.
Soul bound Item Restoration for Hacked Accounts http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/647516 " " I strongly believe this policy needs to be reviewed, not only is it good business for GGG to keep customers and maintain their relationship but it helps to counter a very serious issue of security when accounts are hacked maliciously beyond the control of the player. Last edited by Valley#1277 on Dec 1, 2013, 4:58:38 PM
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"TLDR: Sell your gear, contact support, still get to wear your gear. No. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" ScrotieMcB it would be very easy for GGG to see if that happens - They do track item trades to counter any RMT. The idea can work. It just needs to be implemented / tested. If you don't have any other ideas for improving on the security policy - It would be far more constructive to support the suggestions made by others or at least offer suggestions on how ideas could be improved on. That would be feedback worth valuing, a dream come true :D |
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" The ne'er-do-wells will infiltrate the game no matter what. If the game is somehow 100% impervious to item-duping there is still going to be botting...RMT will find a way. The economy will always be tainted. That's why the zero tolerance policy seems extreme. GGG could come up with a way to make item-restoration very difficult, or at least a waste of time to try and abuse....I would consider even paying REAL MONEY to restore my stuff. I just refuse to start over again. But devising an item restoration plan directs energy away from game development. So, of course those people unaffected by hackers merrily support the zero-tolerance policy. I get it. I'm just some typed words. I don't exist in your world. That's fine, I guess, but the alternative is for GGG to lose customers.(I had a lot of friends who played and many more that would.) On a long enough time line that is a lot of disgruntled players lost and a lot of potential revenue squandered, all in the name of pixellated in-game currency. |
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hi man have a problem, i join in my account and no have players and i have 4 pj
see pls |
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I created an account with the same email and I to erase this
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" Hey there, If you log back in now, you should see your characters. |
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