The True Fire Witch: Explosive Arrow
hey great guide, mind if I some questions?
1. Why didn't you use LMP instead? I think LMP could cover wider areas, thus making the maps run faster? 2. Have you tried solo map on maps like dungeon crypts etc, the maps that has narrower spaces? I'm having a dilemma between running ktbanh build that focuses on the blood magic passive, rather than EB and auras, EB auras sounds cool cause its near the witch tree, rather than going the long route to the blood magic node and with this wont you have a hard time on maps lng chaos damage per sec, or those chaos snake and alchemist? IGN: flaxburn Last edited by crunchz87#1250 on Feb 22, 2013, 12:45:05 PM
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I play an other, stronger (and riskier) version, and must agree Pyroseien, that LMP or GMP is a high dmg/supportgem loss, by increasing the costs massivly.
I even onehit fireresistent nonboss mobs with one hit(one arrow, not a 5 stack of it), and if the hit not kills it, the burn will easy do it. Map bosses not alive a 5 stack of the arrows, even if i have 2 players at my side that raise the HP of the boss. The only plus u get out of GMP or LMP is, that u can spamm arrows offscreen, to kill the enemys bevore they even see you. But in normal case, set on the burning works mutch finer. I tryed both versions, startet as a GMP version, but later i modified my caracter to a burn based version. @Pyroseien: Ure Kind of build looks interresting. I would love to use auras, but Bloodmagic was the only way for me to pay the manacosts. One question: why not picking the two "+10% burning dmg" in the fire tree at witch? Arent they more effective than the two "+6%firedmg" u skilled in the same tree? @bloodmagic lifecost problem: there are easy ways to refill your whole "mana" instant ;) Wanna meet ingame? Whant to see youre build live. IGN: Toxic_Artillery Obey the Orb: Last edited by IsodorRodosi#0726 on Feb 24, 2013, 1:38:41 PM
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I am planning some other build (Dominating Blow) but this seems pretty nice as I am level 30 and meleeing sucks until I get certain skills/gear.
I tossed these skills on a facebreaker: What else should I put in that blue spot or should I chrom them? I have an Increased Critical Strikes gem I can use in a few levels. My Elemental Proliferation gems are high level and I don't know if I feel like trying to trade for another one. I should have 28-40% increased AOE by level 40-50, so there should be some synergy, but I wasn't really planning this to be an Explosive Arrow build. **edit: I actually forgot my most important question and looked at the endgame build again today. My planned build is really similar to yours, but the main difference is less life (I hate 8% clusters even though they are probably smart to take), going triple perma-curse and I was going down toward Duelist from the middle for +dex for auras (my group needs Haste). Along the way I was going to get the +45% increased skill duration nodes because of how they extend dominating blow. This seems like it will be a negative with Explosive Arrow because ti will make the duration 1.45 seconds, though maybe it is okay if I am not getting Resolute Technique? Last edited by Chypre#0921 on Feb 25, 2013, 5:26:30 PM
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this looks really cool, I wonder.. how n00b friendly would this build be for a 0$ player lets say, fresh no money items or gear?
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Have a quick question for ya regarding EE. In your guide you say to get a +lightning or +cold dmg on an item in order to proc EE before EA explodes. I just wanna make sure i get this correct, so if i have say a 1-8 lightning dmg on my ammy for instance. When i target a mob within a group, hit him with a 3stack, and EA explodes. Now i understand that the mob i targeted will have been hit by the lightning dmg, now am i correct to assume that after the explosion all the mobs that were hit by it now have a +25% to fire resist?
I know whites/trash are easy to deal with and the main reason for EE and having +dmg of another type is for champs/elites/boss's, just wanna make sure i got it correct. Also im woundering how do you calculate your dmg? The character sheet doesn't show what EA can/will actually do, unless im missing something? EA rapes everything atm (only in cruel), so its great but would be nice to know for when i step into merc :) IGN: Aufs_TR_Mine
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I dont get this EE thing on EA, especially on this one when you dont use LMP/GMP, You hit the mob then it explodes granting EE on that SINGLE mob, but the Fire damage explosion on other mobs who werent hit by the added cold/lightning damage attack would have more resist to fire damage on the next explosion until they are hit by your elemental attack?
Is this how it works? Because if thats the case then its not worth getting EE on that, not unless you gonna cast lightning arrow in between EE would have better damage on siggle target mobs. maybe on bosses uniques magic rares, but on other white mobs seems like EE would be useless if you dont hit them with other elements So confused on how EE would benefit from EA IGN: flaxburn
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" yeah I'm still hoping for some confirmation on EE regarding EA, but what I've been doing is tossing up a 2-4 stack of EA then quickly Poison Arrow and Curse before the explosion. With the Increased AoE Area passives Poison Arrow is pretty large and it seems to work pretty well. Having to use LA would suck cause to make it effective you would have to link it with chain otherwise your stuck hitting a max of 4 mobs. Mobs die pretty damn fast and its hard to mouse over them to check their buffs/debuffs before they die, but I'm pretty sure by doing this it raises their Chaos resistance and lowers the rest. IGN: Aufs_TR_Mine Last edited by Aufwiedersehen#5133 on Feb 26, 2013, 2:30:59 AM
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Im still using clarity atm, and ran out of mana pretty fast, are you already using blood magic?
yeah we need a confirmation on EE if that how it works then Its gonna take long to take out a pack of mobs IGN: flaxburn
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" No I don't plan on useing Blood Magic. I'm following this build pretty closely, however since I'm playing softcore I've taken several dps passives instead of full survival early on. I currently run 5 Auras, and have zero problems with mana. Clarity keeps me going just fine, don't really ever stop moving. White mobs, champ packs, elites and bosses drop before i can even count to 5 lol Altho i am only currently lvl 45 and in act 2 of Cruel so i can't speak for endgame content. Here is my current Setup:
And my current build up to this point:
Anyway the 2-5stack of EA>Poison Arrow>Curse>Explosion works great for me :) IGN: Aufs_TR_Mine Last edited by Aufwiedersehen#5133 on Feb 26, 2013, 4:38:45 AM
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I just turned 40 too, havnt allocated any stats since i dont know what to build, hmmm so you took EB, im planning on high survivability for maps when i reach 70 so i maybe taking the marauder root for massive hp and hp regen, really? you never run out of mana? i kept running out of mana even with clarity on, but havnt used reduce mana just yet and i didnt take the route of the witch. whats your IGN? maybe we could discuss more there and see how things work
IGN: flaxburn
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