[2.4] Aim's Malice 100% CRIT Discharger, Fast farms, 6 minutes Full Core Deathless
I think it could be worth running a blade vortex on CWDT.That would fix alot of problems
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yeah.. I also think that somewhere in the build it should be a blade vortex.. in the main combo will be too hard.. like 4-5greens? lol.. but in a lvl 1 cwdt combo perhaps?, I selfcast blade vortex with spell echo and it works very good on bosses, but its annoying and its just temp cause i dont have enlight lvl 2 yet (lvl 1 30%)
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" Good theory crafting. I'm not so good so must try things in practice. If you look at my profile I tried 5 classes already. They all have similar tree. Gotta love std. Pathfinder. can get the whole infinte flasks thing and seemingly max crit with diamonds but miss one press and you die. I tried a few reflect maps and one shot myself a bunch of times from miss clicks. Inquisitor and elementalist crit was too low too much missing. As a CI leech build you dont want to be spinning in packs missing. Not to mention it's just frustrating and slows farming down having to go back for a rare you tried to cyclone through and nothing happened.. I also tried a ~50% block 75% spell block assassin - taking 8 jewel slots and 7 were reckless defense jewels. His issue was the crits that come with using those jewels (one shots) because you cant run enfeeble on hexproof mobs and maps. Plus his DPS was bad. Just settled in on straight assassin with +2 mana on hit jewel to handle no regen and hex proof maps/mobs/boss maintaining 95% crit. If you look a page or two back or so I think mill3nia has the best tree/version of this dual cursing assassins and warlords. Maintain 100% crit and 4% LL. But you need a 4G chest. In HC i'd prolly skip the reflect maps though. As my video shows it's dicey sometimes. GL Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Sep 16, 2016, 6:42:56 AM
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" Thats what I've been doing on the 16 bosses. Much funner and faster to keep the HoI 4L setup going in 15 or less maps. Git R Dun!
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" Its true that that the raw crit chance Assasins gain from the ascendency points is helpful, but is it really fair to use 7 power charges in the calculation? If a character successfully discharged, say on a single target, wouldn't they have only 1 power charge? Most videos I've seen demonstrated a raw 30-40% crit chance on cyclone without powercharges. It's true BladeVortex helps in generating those pwoercharges to icnrease teh chance of cyclone critting, but those videos did not incorporate that and still it seemed sufficient. all that is needed is teh first hit to crit, as the rest will in the sequence. I was thinking of a set-up where one can go, if any other class, pathfinder, using the +3 crit gloves, and good gear, to get like 50-60% raw crit chance without powercharges for cyclone. Using a diamond flask should help achieve a respectable amount of crit chance for the discharge too. Then for bosses, fro pwoer charge generation, one can use a 6link self cast level 1 Blade Vortex set up to get out 20 blades (in 4 seconds) that last for 4 seconds and then start falling off till 0 stacks (over 4 seconds). The total amounts of hits per second is, on average, on par with ordinary blade vortex pathfinders, so i'm thinkigng the flasks whill regain themselves over this course of time. the only crappy part is that after all those stacks are gone, one would have to effectively dash out and take 4 seconds to stack em up, and then dash back in to discharge. Last edited by sudhirking#4476 on Sep 16, 2016, 7:13:38 AM
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as the OP said, pathfinder would be a viable option due to his flasks, with master Surgeon your uptime is easily 100% but you have to be on the ball
However the "safety" of this build relies on leeching, even the first second of an encounter. if you have 80% crit chance and thus 2 chance out of 10 to miss a crit, eventually RNG will get to you and pile up 3-4 misses in a row. If that happen on a white trash mob who cares, but on a boss it would spell disaster and i'm playing hc so i can't have that. Not counting pathfinder is really far away in terms of skill point to templar and witch area nodes and +1 curse making adjustement to the nodes inevitable. I've made some calculation(i may be terribily wrong but the formula should be the right one) and assassin has roughly 80%crit strike chance whitout any buff apart from the golem(it would actually be 40% but assassinate doubles it on full life enemies wich is the part we are interested on)+9 of assassin it become 89. After the first second we would have at least 1 pc up at all times despite discharging increasing both the base crit strike of the weapon and the global overcapping easily, where elementalist for example with the same tree could reach 90% critstrike only with everything on: mark, golem, 7pc, inc crit strikes20/20 and 3% gloves. Whitout all of these things it would be a lot less, like 35% and that, in a build that is basically CoC it's dangerous. The only downside of assassin are reflect maps. Too sketchy to run even with 4% leech, with huge packsize and the right amount of misfortune(hexproof pack, cannot leech pack ecc ecc) you could die, while the elementalist can laugh thanks to his reduction. But again the headiche to make it work in a way that basically is still inferior to the assassin version it's not worth imho, just ditch cospri, get a mjolner and spam all you like Last edited by fuma83#6479 on Sep 16, 2016, 7:53:16 AM
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" you're right, the more crit chance helps a lot from pack to pack on the downtime of powercharges. Now i used the calculations you made for the crit chance on assasins, and the typical tree, and calculated toughyl a 263 percentage increased critical strikes from base tree and ascendency sources. taking then the same numbers, subtracting away the losses from the crit chance from assasin ascendency, and using my tree for pathfinder, im getting a 50% chance to crit on cyclon in the +3 gloves. with diamond flask it's 75. this is wihtout assasins. that's pretty close to 80. enough abotu packs. Let's talk about single target bossing. there two assasins, one without selfcasting BV but running it on CoC, the other running self cast BV and on COc. There is a pathfinder. The first assasins walks into a bar. No powercharges. Dashes into the boss and unleashes cyclone. chance to crit: 80ish because it's on full life it crits, magic happens, BV comes up, final discharge crits. number of powercharges afterwords say are variable, (3-4 are realstic with the BV setup) he cyclones, chance to crit : (3pc) 61 ish%, (4pc): 69 ish%, (5pc): 78 ish%, (6pc): 88 ish%, (7pc): Cap This does not include Chilled bonuses. This is what most people do and this seems successful enough on bosses from the vids I've seen. Second Assasin walks into the bar. No PCs. Self casts 20 stacks. Dashes into and unleases cyclone. Immideatly before bv stacks give him Pcs (3-4 PCs I think is realistic. Could easily be more) Chance to Crit (1pc): 92ish%, Chance to crit (2pc): Cap so it's safe to say he crits then he keeps on cycloning. the previous chance to crit values take over, but he will most likely be at 6-7 pcs thanks to BV. This I think is the best way to do it on Assasin. This should work better then current set ups. Easily gets near Caps Crit Chance outside the full life or low life range. Now the pathfinder Walks into the bar. Stacks 20 blades. Pops flasks. Dashes in and cyclones. Stacks give PCS Including Diamond Flask Chance to Crit (1pc): 80ish%, Chance to crit (2pc): 84ish%, Chance to Crit (3pc): 88%, (4pc) 91%, rest cap. These values are concsitent regardless of low life, full life. They are better than the crit chances assasins get when the boss is not full or low life. Since the assasins work, I belive this supports the conclusion PathFinders will Defininetly work, Whatever Risk pathfinders face, assasins also face (on non full-low life bosses) with even greater chance of failure. There is though 1 extreme benefit to the assasins versions. Once he self casts stacks, he never needs to dash out and self cast. he will equilibriate at 10 stacks. THe pathfinder on the other hand has to dash out after 6 seconds of cycloning, and charge up. This is okay because the falsks will last this long anyway, so it's tune with the nature of the class. that is to say, the rythm is not disrputed. the idea will be stack BV, Flask, dash in, wait till flasks nearly drop, dash out, rinse repeat. But this price is easily payed back and more due to the constant flask uptime. On Single Target non legacy Vinktars will have on average 50% uptime during boss (Variance is huge). But Still all the other flasks will have 100% uptime. And one can run 2 VoV to average out a 100 uptime (but that will require more awarness and active thinking) Last edited by sudhirking#4476 on Sep 16, 2016, 9:28:22 AM
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" Wow! Thank you for sharing your results! Out of curiosity, how many chromatic did it take to get that color combination? |
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~1500 chromes lol
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That's actually not too bad. I was expecting something absurd like 6k or something like that.
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