[2.4] CoC discharge with Cospri's Malice - still a good build(easy Uber Atziri,leech works fine)

Hi guys, i'm sure everyone knows what CoC discharge is and how to build and play it , no need to explain.
So there's just a quick guide how to make it work at a decent level in 2.4
Firstly there's a showcase of a build state post 2.4 patch in regular t14 that I had laying around : PLAZA MAP
Here's another video - DEATHLESS CORE : LINK
Uber Atziri :
I managed to kill her after nerf , but don't recommend you to try it at the current state of the build. Without vagan dagger crits are inconsistent so you can't sustain yourself during split phase , i'm currently trying to find a fix for this.

And what is the changes :
1. We remove Vagan dagger , equipping

this new sword. socket discharge and supports in here.
2. We chrome our voll's protector to be ATLEAST 4greens and 1 blue. mine is GGGGBR

Socket in cyclone > CoC > BV > additional accuracy > inc. crit strikes. This is your 5 links , mine 6th is inc. duration but if you have 5green voll's you can try faster attacks.
3.We use blasphemy + ass. mark to boost our crit chance a bit since sword itself has base crit chance 5.5 and our crit is a bit low compared to 8+ base vagan daggers.
!!!EDIT: !!! For high level maps you need warlord's mark instead of assassin's. 2% leech from gem is not enough to keep you alive on bosses.

passive tree is a little bit different : LINK

This is it , hope you can start enjoying your builds again.

And please remember , it's just a showcase that build is not DEAD as all claimed , you can still optimize it a lot and change anything to suit your needs.

Thanks for reading , let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

UPDATE : So guys, this is the final thoughts on the build probably , since I optimized pretty much everything that I could.
!!!IMPORTANT NOTES ON UBER!!! : Video contains 1 death , while I was not using life leech gem , relying on 2% from Warlord's mark curse.It proves my point that you NEED 4% LEECH to easily do all the content , uber atziri and such.As you can see , as soon as I swap back to LL gem + Warlords mark = it becomes a cakewalk.And as you can see - deathless uber is still easy , but takes a little bit more time overall since damage got cut a lot.

IMPORTANT Notes on gear etc. :
--- If anyone still playing trickster - swap to Assassin , it's superior compared to any other class atm , makes your crit very high with little to no investment.
--- Gloves must be + 1 to gems in order to use Discipline + Purities of Fire and Lightning + Warlord's Mark. And also you must use unique jewel
I have 11 mana left this way and cyclone costs 6/9 ( depending on which gem you use - accuracy or faster attacks)
--- Use 2 Elreon rings , 2 jewels with "2 mana gained on hit".
--- I decided to still use CoC+ Blade vortex setup , since I was not satisfied with how charge generation feels w/o it.
--- I TRIED BOTH , Faster Attacks and Add.accuracy as 4th green and I can't really tell the difference in proc.rate of discharge.For me it feels the same.Use as you prefer. IF you lucky enough to have 5 GREEN voll's ( I wasted 10k+ chroms trying to get it) - use both, remove fortify.
--- For tough bosses(Uber) You NEED 4% life leech to facetank.
---Use Elemental Equilibrium , it's huge dps boost.
Hope you guys enjoy it , let me know if you have any questions.
Last edited by ssMETALURGss#3588 on Sep 21, 2016, 5:03:00 PM
Last bumped on Dec 1, 2016, 5:25:55 AM
Hi sir, thanks for your build, just wanted to ask you if a shield charge discharge is possible since your dagger doesnt do phys damage ? thanks and sorry if its dumb question i'm kind of new to the game and all those mechanics are hard to understand still . :)
Dobrazil wrote:
Hi sir, thanks for your build, just wanted to ask you if a shield charge discharge is possible since your dagger doesnt do phys damage ? thanks and sorry if its dumb question i'm kind of new to the game and all those mechanics are hard to understand still . :)

yes , you can swap cyclone for a shieldcharge if you want to. but prepare a 2nd 6link with cyclone to swap on a hard bosses , because coc shieldcharge single target damage was a total disaster even before 2.4 nerf
added a note about curses on higher lvl maps
Uploaded deathless Core run , still decent.
so whats the point of all those sword crit multi nodes?
Use fortify instead of increased duration.
Use fortify instead of increased duration.
korzasa wrote:
so whats the point of all those sword crit multi nodes?

They also give 75% crit chance with swords and another 50%general crit on the way.
Build lacks critchance because of low base on the sword itself , i'm still not sure about going assassin with elreon rings
ssMETALURGss wrote:
korzasa wrote:
so whats the point of all those sword crit multi nodes?

They also give 75% crit chance with swords and another 50%general crit on the way.
Build lacks critchance because of low base on the sword itself , i'm still not sure about going assassin with elreon rings

ye but you pick 50% crit multi with swords instead of just the 25% crit on the sword wheel. Crit multi with swords doesnt increase your crit multi with discharge, so its a waste of points
Your Build Really Looks Nice and Can Compete again the Old CoC Discharge i think. Thanks for your idea it could be alive again as CoC discharge is my all time favourite build, but I need to make sure of something first, This Weapon Doesn`t follow CoC gem Rules Right? I mean No Cooldown between Casts (0.5s for the spell in CoC). I saw it in video comparing to CoC it seems that i'm right but i want to make sure.
Also i got few things i need to say:
-I'd drop Increased duration for FasterAttacks/Fortify
-Does it really worth all the investment of nodes to the sword nodes only for crit? ... i guess there could be something better, i'll think about it aswell but about
-I think with more investment there's chance to drop maybe additional accuracy for FasterAttacks/Fortify
to have optimum damage and defence aswell

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