Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

Aerinx wrote:
Coal48 wrote:

-no idea why you think there was a need to replace Zana's voice actor, waste of money

They needed to record new lines for the Atlas, probably the original actress was not available to do the work. I'm sad because I really liked her voice, I hope the new one will still have that accent.

may be they want it change on GAY voice? coz all of them loves creating caster item.
TwiceBorned wrote:
After some reading - I'm happy with nerfs. Just PLEASE nerf all bow damage by.. say.. 80%. And all spells by 70. Then it would be perfect. No joke even - END GAME would be well.. END GAME that 2% of playerbase could ever dream of - and 0.2% actually do. Like in old old games..

You want hardcore...lose all elemental resistances, then you will have Hard Endgame
Yep. Everyone was complaining that Reach would be retroactively nerfed, but I knew that was totally infeasible given the current system.

So I made sure to get 3 6L legacy reaches while still in the league XD
Halugar wrote:

After patiently reading the 2.4 patch notes, here my thoughts about existing skills that need to be fixed and still hasnt.

A) First of all, fix the need to forcibily tag monsters with many melee skills unless you use multistrike or floor target melee skills (EQ, sunder, icecrash...). Tagging one by one simply isnt practical, thats why most of melee users use floor tag skills.

B) Fortify support gem must be MORE instead of INCREASED to make it more desireable (despite it could have a smaller multiplier).

C) Melee needs better protection against 1-shoots that were hard to see and avoid, mainly spells, maybe through fortify buff.

D) EVA based chars need a fair protection against unavoidable physical spell damage.

E) Summon Skeletons need lots of love.

F) Spectre summon mechanics need to be fixed.

G) Fluid motion of movement skills is bad and maybe game needs better collision maps.

A) Slot your main melee skill to mouse left click (It would be better if they worked like they do on Left Mouse Click on any key, but this works for now). This will make you hit or move, never miss a swing.

B) Fortify is VERY desirable already, the problem is it can be used by ranged characters too easily, if they could fix that they could maybe buff Fortify, but I'm out of ideas as to how.

C) One shots are either telegraphed or really a barrage of shots very close together, use Immortal Call (with CWDT).

D) Fortify works with any spell that hits already.

E) I don't know about those, I think they are used as cannon fodder for defense.

F) I don't know, I only play melee.

G) It sucks when you click and it does nothing because you're blocked, the character should walk instead when that happens.
Great job GGG, keep up with the good work!
FeelsGoodMan supporting this game.
Can't wait for friday.
Absallon wrote:
Great job GGG, keep up with the good work!
FeelsGoodMan supporting this game.
Can't wait for friday.
Yes you can. And you will. I can prove it to you, ten bucks say you will wait until Friday. (^_^)
that blade vortex nerf hurts.

50 to 20 is way too much imho. 40 or 35 would have been a good mix. all BV builds are going to be useless now.

Why would you nerf a spell because some people are still playing on a pentium III?

I have a shitty 3 year old PC. Never dipped below 40 fps, even when the entire screen is filled with spells.

RIP CoC, last genuinly fun build in PoE.
Coal48 wrote:
+technical performance improvements are always greatly welcomed
+The master limit in the hideout being increased to maximum is a really good improvement

-no idea why you think there was a need to replace Zana's voice actor, waste of money

-if I understand correctly, the changes to incinerate, making it a "channeled skill: completely destroys the build I made?

Maybe some people will help me clarify if it's the case or not, here's how it works:

1. use romira's banquet to generate power charges on non-critical strikes
2. take conviction of power from the hierophant to have 25% chance to generate endurance charges on power charges
3. incinerate cannot crit, so you always generate power charges, so on every hit, you have 25% chance to get a endurance charge
4. incinerate as a fast cast speed so you hit very often and so generate maximum endurance charges quickly
5. from there you can keep them, consume them with immortal call (which is what I do) or consume them with discharge
6. if I understand the mechanic change correctly, the build now only can generate 1 power charge when activated, and so 25% chance to get only 1 endurance charge when hitting something, even if you make multiple hits while channeling, it won't count, you need to stop and activate the skill another time to generate another charge

and if that's the case, that god damn breaks my heart, since I'm a very bad player, this build was my remedy, I guess I can still technically make it work by using a non-channeled skill but it will be vastly inferior and I cannot keep using incinerate anymore

-I have a question about Navali, when you seeked prophecies from her in Merciless Highgate (act4) was it also based on Merciless Twilight Strand? because if not, it would be an inferior choice to seek her in your hideout rather than in Highgate.

-I still don't understand why sweep is always balanced weaker than cleave, the AoE doesn't justify it, Sweep is an inferior choice to cleave if you're using two-handed swords and axes

-why do you write at the end of you phrases "this is a buff"? I'm pretty sure everyone can make tell what is a buff or not, you're not even consistent when you say it...

-The juggernaut was a weak ascendancy, the buff to unrelenting made the class good but now because you've nerfed it, it's back to being weak again, less, but still, the appeal has been removed

Overall I disagree with a lot of the nerfs and will always disagree to leaving legacy items, you destroyed the only good build I made (in my 4 years of playing), there are a few good things here and there but except for the performance improvements and hideout master limits, the buffs and less impactful than the nerfs

Sounds like a fun build to bad is rip now.
Aerinx wrote:
They needed to record new lines for the Atlas, probably the original actress was not available to do the work. I'm sad because I really liked her voice, I hope the new one will still have that accent.

ah, that would explain it

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