Season One, Race Event 1: One Hour Solo

evolite wrote:
yay, rank 40 and a chaos + alc richer :D

Same here xD

Had a lucky drop at the start with a badass Axe, but my tactic sucked cause it was my first race ever...anyway place 1101...happy with that until next time =)
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
skarrmania wrote:
Game is balanced...65% of top 20 are shadow...very balanced ! GG GGG :-)

doesn't matter. you only have to be top rank in your class. so playing a shadow makes it harder to get a good place. no need to balance anything.
Casual Exile.

Shaddw wrote:
Anybody else playing as a shadow next race?

I always do duelist so no
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Can we leave the game after the race has ended? Or do we have to wait for devs?
skarrmania wrote:
Game is balanced...65% of top 20 are shadow...very balanced ! GG GGG :-)

In CB one of the reasons for this races was to reveil such imbalance.
Hope they will use them in OB for the same reasons and take measures!
server stability and desyncs very annoying during race
I only got to level 11 but it was fun. Yay!
Grats to the winners.

Did really bad myself, but found a GCP so I'm happy.

- Top 100 -
Shadows : 46
Duelist : 20
Templar : 15
Rangers : 10
Marauder : 5
Witches : 4

-Top 1000-
Shadows : 353
Rangers : 211
Marauder : 115
Templar : 126
Duelist : 124
Witches : 71

*roll eyes*
Damn it, Powster!!!!
was kinda argh nooo for me - late 5 mins due to work and then died 1 min before league end -.-
IGN: Lyandria

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