Season One, Race Event 1: One Hour Solo
akete u got anawesome flask, bro
Congrats to all Exiles!
Happy Gaming!
It was fun, but I just don't have a system in place to make myself move fast enough.
Funniest part of the race....I ran straight to Hillock with a shadow (which I never play) missed the first kill by 5s then as I zone in there are like 30 other Shadows streaming in the gate. | |
Server Stability was very bad during the race please fix for next one
Wow Nugiyen you sneaky bugger stealing top spot with a minute to go!
I sucked. 11 and a half =/ first 1 hour race tho. still not sure when to stop farming in a specific area... Casual Exile.
died twice (Hailrake rocks) and then i found THIS. Man, if only :(
congrats for all players that finish the race!
Here you have statistics for todays race: - PATH OF EXILE TOOLS
I don't suppose we get to keep our chars/items? Got some nice Quality Gems and Orbs.