Season One, Race Event 1: One Hour Solo

akete u got anawesome flask, bro
Congrats to all Exiles!
Happy Gaming!
It was fun, but I just don't have a system in place to make myself move fast enough.

Funniest part of the race....I ran straight to Hillock with a shadow (which I never play) missed the first kill by 5s then as I zone in there are like 30 other Shadows streaming in the gate.
Server Stability was very bad during the race please fix for next one
Wow Nugiyen you sneaky bugger stealing top spot with a minute to go!


I sucked. 11 and a half =/ first 1 hour race tho. still not sure when to stop farming in a specific area...
Casual Exile.

died twice (Hailrake rocks) and then i found THIS. Man, if only :(
congrats for all players that finish the race!

Here you have statistics for todays race: - PATH OF EXILE TOOLS
I don't suppose we get to keep our chars/items? Got some nice Quality Gems and Orbs.

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