Race Event Season One announced!
" I totally agree with this. For me, this was like the best part about racing. Logging in after the race was over and loading up my reward character to see what orbs I had won. It was like a mini-christmas in PoE. GGG, I know you want to be careful about screwing up the economy with too many orb prizes from races, but the orbs already have a built in "gold-sink" and the vast majority of them would get used up quickly anyway, removing them from the economy. Actually.. I just realized something that might be a factor in this: In closed beta, they had to spend time after every race setting up the prizes for all the participants. Maybe part of the reason for this new prize/reward structure is to allow the devs to spend more time developing patches and content for PoE and less time sorting out the orb prizes after every single race. This means more races without sucking up lots of valuable dev time. Just a thought that occurred to me. I have no idea how true it is, but it would make sense, and would justify the new rewards. Tons of races without costing tons of time for GGG to host. |
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I am gonna say it once more, poor system. Instead of making item sinks and getting orbs as reward we are getting "collectors uniques".
I dont wanna get redbeak or some mirror curse shield. I wanna get orbs and trade them for andvarius. I wanna choose what uniques I want. Also where is Chris , are you reading it? In all honesty and civilness this is so much negative feedback about your prize system that maybe you should change it. +Explain to me how are you going to make money in this game. Its F2P and casuals are paying you and your servers, not these wannabe hc guys. Yet you make total HC system?? also, you said you were inspired by MtG..well in mtg there are prizes for random people. Why not having something like that here? I really dont get it why make unique item that will be won by 1% of the same player group. Really DONT GET IT. Last edited by Kekurikekukaka#1541 on Feb 20, 2013, 4:01:44 PM
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" Give the poor guy a chance. It's still early in the day where GGG are. |
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" I think that is a result of too many races, ironically. :) I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
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The RP prizes are the random prizes and the Demigods are for the "pros".
Friday Night Magic is pretty much the only random prizes given in MTG though at least here in the states. MTG is pretty much a prizes to the top kind of system. Also wanted to point out that while I will be playing a LOT of races, at my current play level I'm hard pressed to hit level 13 in 1HR. |
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This system is a lot better, I'd put in why but it's been said a million times already.
Last edited by Baksteen#5066 on Feb 20, 2013, 4:28:23 PM
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I don't get all the complaints over unique items. I'll take a unique item reward over currency pretty much any day. If you don't like it... sell it for currency?
It would be cool to have some individual race prizes on top of the rewards points though. At least a little something anyway. The bigger problem is how terrible this is for people in the US. Anyone in the US (on either coast) with a normal 9-5 job is not going to be able to participate in pretty much any of the weekday events. I don't want to take events away from people elsewhere in the world so can you just add something around 9pm EST range for the US players? That's late enough that it could work for both EST and PST (that's 6pm PST). That would give us working folk at least one weekday event to participate in each day rather than being confined only to the weekend races. |
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The system as it stands now can work, but the prizes need to be more useful to the average player. The initial prize uniques should be ones that more people can make use of, Redbeak is a niche item that's difficult to make work in a build. There also needs to be more rewards overall, especially at the lower RP ranges. Someone should be able to play one race, do half-decent and get the lowest-grade reward, at least. Maybe some of the rewards could have random factors to them, to bring back the 'mini-christmas' feel of the currency rewards. Like instead of just "white ilvl 100 coral ring" it could be "white ilvl 100 ring of a random type". To ease the workload of the artists the different rings could be small but distinct variations of the current artwork.
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Wow these times suck for East Coast players that have a job during the day.
12:00 AM - sleeping 6:00 AM - leaving for work 12:00 PM - working 4:00 PM - working And the 5:00pm ones. Driving home from work. |
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You guys were not so transparent about this new race season at all. If you had asked the players for opinion/feedback prior to deciding them all, you would not have had all these negative comments. This is so obvious that it hurts.
What were you thinking when deciding on a month worth of race times?? You will have ZERO players on the east coast US. You have 30 days to work with, why not divide weeks by geo location? Also with current reward system, you won't have much people playing. The uniques are crap and race time sucks so not even worth it to "try" it for newer players. Where's the FREE-FOR-ALL PVP (ie cutthroat)? Where's the Boss race? Why is it only SOLO, PARTY, TURBO? Why not add Class race, 1 week Witch ONLY race and such? Do you need some ideas from the players? Well why not make a poll or a new thread for them ideas and you will get plenty! I really hope going forward we will be more connected with content development so that you guys get all the feedback you need to make it awesome. |
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