Race Event Season One announced!
" Can't believe I'm defending the system, wow, but I think u missed the part that there are additional points for top20 rank in each class. And yes, in general the reward system just sucks. And enough with the "This is just Season 1, Season 2 and on will get better". That's just bs talk. If they really wanted Season 1 to be a test run or whateva, what was CB for??? |
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" Your post was full of meaningless/inaccurate points. Don't get mad because I pointed them out. You don't know how many people will participate in these races. Your analogies are poor. You offered your opinion presented as fact and it's a shitty nonfactual opinion. If you don't like the races, PM support or post suggestions in the proper forum. You just want attention for whining. Like I said, get over yourself. You aren't the expert you think you are. " ... to let them know the game isn’t going to be very fair from here on out."
- Qarl |
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" You think it's bad for you? Well the east coast starts at MIDNIGHT, no thank you. The alternate is 4pm... well I work for a living. I was pumped when I heard about more races and an actual season... then I took a look at the schedule and the llama (sorry, just seems a lil lame) rewards. I love the game, love the efforts put into it, however I feel a significant amount of people are not going to be able to participate because, imagine this, real life getting in the way. I vote a nerfed currency reward over items, just my opinion. Also could you set up races over a 24 hour period where players are only allowed to have one character and play the allotted time. If you die your out, game over. If you last the 2 hour event 9orwhatever) its recorded. I'm just rambling (at work) over the disappointing race season due mainly to the times scheduled. I could get over the rewards, but no way in hell I'm going to run a 2 hour race at midnight ending at 2am to get up at 6am | |
Can't wait to start racing and 109 planned events OMG! GGG you rock.
IGN: Arrows_and_Morality
A man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man |
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" I'm responding to the news post to give feedback on the race structure. You're responding to the news post to post ad hominems against me. Who's the waste of space here? |
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Pretty underwhelmed by the rewards. To me, the point of doing the races in CB was to get orbs. Instead, I now get lackluster items that have unique artwork. I understand that to many people this is awesome, however, the point that it is purely cosmetic is a huge "who cares" to many, myself included.
First off, the cosmetic "uniqueness" is only viewable by the person who has it equipped, making the chance to show-off very limited. Secondly, the items that "can" be improved into good items (see: Coral Ring) have a much larger chance of being garbage than good thanks to RNG. Not only that, people will be wasting more orbs than necessary/normal trying to get their unique coral ring to be good, instead of just buying an already rolled one. Third, Lack of instant gratification. Instant rewards are huge. In CB, getting the rewards immediately after the race was a huge incentive and motivational factor in partaking in the races. Not only that, It allowed for instant feedback to others in the form of showing off your randomized loot. Eg) "OH you got a chaos! nice, but i got like 30 jewelers orbs". Fourth, The RP point system does not directly relate to the efforts expressed within the race. Example, in CB say i got 10th in a race, I would get orbs that directly related to my 10th place position, orbs that I could instantly use to make my Main better. Conversely, I know get 10th place, I get 20 RP, but there is no tangible link to my performance in the race. 10th place reverts to points instead of items. Fifth, Liquidity of assets. (liquidity just means how fast an item can be turned into cash or in this case orbs) Chris Wilson advocates that the items will be worth lots in a year or so. This means that while the value of the items at the onset will be small, later on they will be worth more. Raise your hand if you have items in your stash you are planning to sell a year from now. "Ain't nobody got stash for that!". The RP rewards are not liquid enough, their low worth means i cannot turn them into cash/orbs/currency quick enough for them to worth my time in the race. Thanks for reading Polyintrinsic IGN: Shocknami
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With this system there is little reward for participating in races for about 90% of the players. Not only is there no currency reward, but you would have to play more than 5 races a week to even have a chance of earning the medium to top prizes. This is impossible for people that have jobs/school. As someone else mentioned, this also removes the incentive for people to race mid-season after they see that they won't be able to earn the next reward in time.
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Why are all the RPs the same no matter what length the race?
Shouldnt the longer races be worth slightly more RP? I'd hope the week long race would be worth more, since you may have to sacrifice playing multiple short races to keep competitive in the week long race. I can play a few hours a day, if I have to skip the short races to do the week long race, that would suck. I really look forward to the longer races, and want to do those, but it won't feel good knowing I am getting fewer points for my time...... Feeling of being pushed into shorter races :( |
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I love the whole concept of a Race Event Season and I think things will work out great in the long run. The prize structure should provide opportunity for lots of people to win something during the course of a season.
I will however echo the sentiments of others with regard to event times. Anybody on the East coast of the US/Canada (and other US time zones to some extent) that has a regular day job will have a hard time competing in the vast majority of the events. The weekends are also tough for those of us with families. While I understand that those that have time are always going to fare better in these types of events/races, it would be nice if they could schedule these events across a wider range of times so that everybody has a shot to participate in a handful of events. |
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" Haha indeed I did missed that and feel like a complete idiot now, but still I think the overall ladder can be won with just like top 3-10 of class each time and semi decent level, doesn't have to win any races im sure, if you just do them all :) IGN: Rollface
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