Race Event Season One announced!
Do events because they are fun? That's crazy talk!
I must be provided with breadcrumbs and candy to participate! GGG must shower me with gifts and provide me with the right incentives to do absolutely anything! ![]() If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
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Forums were such a nice place in CB :sigh:
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“ „If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Feb 20, 2013, 11:26:07 AM
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" You do realize you're playing an action-RPG, correct? A genre ENTIRELY structured around the concept of providing players with "breadcrumbs and candy?" Last edited by Castanova#3233 on Feb 20, 2013, 11:28:01 AM
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I want to express my thoughts on the Race Events prize structure. Please take this as nothing more than my personal view on this, and just as constructive feedback, to possibly help you GGG guys. I was initially excited about telling my friend about these fun, short races, and wanted to propose we try out one or 2 of the weekend ones together, just for the excitement. However, with this prize scheme, I don’t see how I could convince him to play, nor why I should participate myself, as there is really nothing for us to win, or, more precisely, to show for our effort. The problem is, most prizes are points, and only when accumulating a certain quantity of these points, and therefore only after participating in a few or more of these races, do you receive anything of actual... consistence. We intend on only participating in one or a few of the races, from time to time, whenever we feel like it. Giving it our absolute best!, but only in that specific race, you know? So in the end, the best we will have to show for our time in that single race will probably be 2 or 3 points for reaching a specific level and staying alive. Not very exiting :( My point is, the rewards for a SINGLE race are not exiting enough to entice us to play, as it takes the winnings of several games to actually win... something. Something real. There should be something exiting we get for participating in only a SINGLE race. It doesn't have to be big, rare, or have any value (and it should't for obvious reasons) but it would be great to have... SOMETHING at the end, if you managed to place yourself high enough, in one way or another. tl;dr: A simple, useless and valueless Ribbon that says something like "You placed 123rd, good job! You officially suck!" would already be freakin awesome, and could be kept for memorabilia of your time in this race! It would certainly be enough to make you want to play this single race, and then entice you to participate in the next one, to do better and get a better Ribbon! Last edited by Dreamer000#3253 on Feb 20, 2013, 11:37:09 AM
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" I don't think he does. Path of PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW
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" Way to take it out of context Costanza. That's not what races are about and you know it. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
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I think people need to realize that the goal with the prizes is very much *not* to make racing something that people who don't enjoy racing feel they should do. These are prizes intended to give people who enjoy the competition of racing in and of itself a little cosmetic something. If your interest in racing is contingent on there being powerful prizes to take back to your main, well, races aren't aimed at you. You still have the default ladders to enjoy.
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" It isnt taken out of a context. Its you who doesnt get that arpgs are about time=more items. And is trying to convince us we should adapt some "no items= still enjoying" concept. |
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No races for those who have 8-5 jobs in Western Canada/US (GMT-7). Only possible races start at 10PM/11PM, so you'd be braindead for work the next day as you'd have to play until 1AM-3AM.
Won't be able to get any reward tiers by playing weekend races alone, and no incentive to play a single race (The same hardcore people will always be in the top 40, so no hope of rewards there). IGN: Lothias
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I think people need to realize that good games don't cater to casuals OR hardcore, they cater to both and hopefully everything in between. They have systems that make the hardcore players happy, and systems to keep the casuals coming back.
Right now, this might be a game designed for hardcore players, but it's not going to bring many new players in or have a high retention rate. f2p is a model that thrives on masses of casual players. So designing a game aimed only at hardcore players without systems in place to bring noobs in or keep the casuals interested and then making it f2p just makes no sense. But good luck dealing with your design paradoxes. Path of PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW
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