[HC/SC] Miner Blast Rain with Doomfletch's Prism [Critical]
![]() Hello guys (sorry my english), Sadly my old plan was use Lightning Arrow + Frost Wall abuse, but FW was nerfed in the patch 2.4.0 and cannot used to enjoy the LA spam. But I think that Blast Rain build is enough viable like a miner. :D So you ask me "What is the real advantage of using mines instead of traps?" With mine I can repeat without limitation more attacks that with traps, trying overlap the damage give by Blast Rain and as I have liked enough to use mines to bow skills, I will test this build in Essence hardcore. This build was quickly tested in Standard League with one old character. Old notes:
I confess I never liked mine, I preferred traps. With the new mechanical mine added the game (aka Sabouter, Minefield support gem and Tremor Rod) began to see with other eyes. I was enjoying a build of Arc I saw here in the forum that used Tremor Rod. But the final step to test a build based on mines was the topic [2.3][Saboteur] Theros' MoM/Acro Kinetic Blast Wonderminer, but I wanted to use a bow, Iron Reflexes and a skill to abuse Frost Wall in single target. I remembered the abuse they were doing with Lightning Arrow + Frost Wall (Mathil's Video here), then choose this option, miner + Lightning Arrow, because that LA can "up to 3 randomly chosen enemies within an area around that target will also be struck for the same amount of damage (not just the lightning portion of the damage)." Gamepedia Link about LA. ATTENTION
This build is being tested on a level 85 character in standard league and low-level gems in a 4L, so it is still very theoretical, but has worked for what I've been testing. I will test it on the Atlas of Worlds, hardcore Essence league, then the build is designed for hardcore, and fairly tank. :)
Goal with this build: - Easy to play. - At least medium/fast clear speed. - Low budget to high damage and enough tank. - Stack the maximum possible of projectile speed (look Videos section). - Easy to kill single target with flooded and overlaped Blast Rain mines. - Stack the maximum physical flat damage possible to Doomfletch's Prism. - Avoid (if possible) to use Heralds or Auras. - 11 mines * 4 explosion each mine that can overlap = 44 hits with very high damage My gear just for example:
More projectile speed = more QoL (Quality of life) and QoB (Quality of build):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soRPfR8G7ys Passive Tree Level 85 Full Build Ascendancy Sabouter ![]() Make your way in order to Bomb Specialist > Demolitions Specialist > Explosive Expert (10% elemental penetration, 10% extra fire damage) > Blinding Assalt. Unique items Doomfletch's Prism ![]() With the confirmation of the GGG that the Prophecy League will be incorporated in core of the game, this bow will be available sooner or later the market. Flat physical damage on the gear is essential to use this bow. Kintsugi ![]() With the confirmation of the GGG that the Prophecy League will be incorporated in core of the game [2], this armour is an excellent choice of armour. With IR + Grace you'll have at least 40% reduced physical damage. Daresso's Defiance ![]() Good and cheap. Lightning Coil ![]() The best armour for this build. With it you can turn off the Grace (with the others armours) and turn on the Purity of Lightning. With this you can even run a Herald that will help a lot (I recommend Herald of Ash or Ice). Both (Herald + flat Lightning Damage on the LC) will increased your damage. Depending on your gear, it may be possible to use Abyssus if you use Doomfletch's Prism. Optional but very useful Winds of Change ![]() Good to use, life, damage and projectile speed/damage. Maligaro's Virtuosity ![]() Maligaro's Virtuosity not is more a high tier item. Actually is cheap and the nerf on critical multiplier for this makes this item a little weak, to gain critical multiplier the choice has usually been Facebreaker. Good choise if you want increase you critical chance and the damage, but I think that a good rare glove with flat physical damage is better. Meginord's Girdle ![]() Use it to gain flat physical damage. You can remove this and use a well rolled implict Rustic Sash (24%). Doryani's Invitation, physical variant ![]() A good belt to use instead of Meginord's Girdle. Have a well rolled 30% increased physical damage. Abyssus ![]() How you will use Iron Reflexes, use Abyssus is an option from the deck if you use Doomfletch's Prism. You may have at least 40% reduction on physical damage, then Abyssus may even be a viable option depending on the case (maybe using Lightning Coil can be done). The only problem is getting the minimum elemental resists the rest of the gear. Malachai's Artifice ![]() If you want use Abyssus, this item could help. Combined with Lightning Coil, you put a blue gem and use Purity of Elements to cap elemental resists instead of Purity of Lightning. Rare Items Look for items with evasion and all that can give flat damage. All flat physical damage will reflect the final elemental damage given by Doomfletch's Prism. Try to have a quiver to give you, beyond what is necessary, projectile speed, like this one: Rare 5L Evasion Chest ![]() 5L has dropped frequently and has been very cheap. It's a good choice too if you can get one armour with life and resistance, not using unique chest. Links Skill = 4 more gems + 1 less gem = scary damage 4L: BR + Minefield + Remote Mine + Physical Projectile Attack Damage 5L: + Trap and Mine Damage 6L: + WED Auras and curses/buffs You will use only Grace + Level 7 Clarity. It is enough to your defenses and sustain the constante use of your skills (bow skills has low cost). If you have Lightning Coil, use Purity of Lightning instead Grace and use Herald of Ash or Ice. You'll have Elemental Weakness self cast curse. Physical damage mitigation With Grace + IR you'll have at least 40%. With better gear is possible take more. Reflect damage No problem being a trapper or miner. :D Critical Chance You'll have around 40% critical chance with 5 power charges and Drillneck using Doomfletch's Prism. Is possible take 50% with critical quiver + Maligaro's Glove. Jewels Prioritize always Life + Physical damage to bows + projectile damage + generic damage (the last two double dips with ignite damage). The order shown below is recommended. Magic: Life + Physical damage to bows/projectile damage. Rare: Life + Physical damage to bows + projectile damage + generic damage. Search criteria ready for use (change to your league): http://poe.trade/search/ogikoniramamom Movement Skill Blink Arrow + Faster Attack. Cast When Damage Taken defense Basic and mandatory setup CwdT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration. To 4L you can have Arctic Breath to chilled ground and complicate to enemies. You can consider to use Detonate Mines instead Arctic Breath. Maps mods to avoid - Blood magic you can turn off your auras and run it, not recommend doing this in hardcore; - Avoid no regen life/mana. With reduced mana regen at 60% go with a mana flask; - Elemental Equilibrium; Support Skills Stone Golem helps a lot to use accurately your mines. But it can disturb if he is dying very fast. Use and decide. Frenzy you can consider use to generate Frenzy charges (MORE DAMAGE), only Frenzy + Chain or GMP I think that is enough. Bandits Oak, Oak, Alira. Flask You can have at least jade Flask with "of reflexes" suffix. Have a Quicksilver to clearspeed with suffix "of Stauching" (remove bleeding) and other good suffix. Stibnite Flask is very good, consider use this. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Aug 31, 2016, 10:37:46 PM Last bumped on Aug 31, 2016, 9:37:22 PM
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- 22/08:
Updated Doomfletch's Prism section; Updated Links section; Updated Bandits section; Updated Passive Tree section; - 23/08: Updated Goal with this build section; Updated Rare Items section; Updated Critical Chance section; Updated Cast When Damage Taken defense section; Updated Optional but very useful section; Updated Support Skills section; - 25/08: Each session was colored for better viewing (standard PINK); Added Videos section with one Canyon run; Updated Optional but very useful section, Meginord's Girdle and added Doryani's Invitation; Updated Maps mods to avoid section; Updated Support Skills section; - 31/08: Updated almost all sections; Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Aug 31, 2016, 9:36:31 PM
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video please
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" I created a Video section and put a run on the Canyon map. Note that the build destroys relatively well mobs with only 4L. It will be much better when you get 5L and use pierce gem, increasing the damage in packs in every way. I do not know if this would be a good build to farm Atziri (must be tested), at least I guarantee a good build for leveling well and get level 90 relatively safe and fast. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Aug 25, 2016, 1:38:53 PM
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The original concept this build is dead after 2.4.0 patch, your projectiles dont collide more with Frost Wall. But I think that this tree can be used with Blast Rain (I did small tests) with success. I'll update the tree now, later the night I will update the topic with Blast Rain.
Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Aug 31, 2016, 6:21:15 AM
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Updated topic.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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