Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

DarkenLord wrote:
It would be much easier to make Prophecies drop sealed. Then we should use silver coins to add them to our prophecy tab through Navali (kinda paying her to read the prophecy) instead of the way it is now. That way we could select which ones to activate and which ones to sell / vendor instead of having to backtrack because it is a prophecy we didn't want to do but it costs too much to seal.

i casually check profiles of people that complain about 'backtracking' and some things strike me as odd

how did you manage to NOT complete a SINGLE prophecy chain so far despite having (24) next to your name? are you sure that doing these prophecies is 'backtracking' for you? you do not seem to have many high level characters nor do high level content - is that 'kill some mobs' in souther forest that big waste of a time? or is that a principle thing?

just curious. i understand people chaining T12+ for lvl100 might find these activities less xp/hour efficient (they ofc are) but from the wealth generating standpoint - prophecies are efficient, pretty much every single one of them
theslap wrote:
No Voidheart changes? Basically made melee builds not using it mostly irrelevant.

^this exactly.

Addendum: ive not done a single prophecy chain, and i think i speak for alot of players when i say i didnt do more than 30-40 prophecies at all. Skipped like the whole content. Btw it didnt just ruin the item economy but dropped orb of fusing value by nearly 50%... Id like to tell you more bad things about prophecy but i didnt play this league much since - as you may think by now - there was nothing to enjoy about it for me (and any1 in my friendlist) Stopped playing after 10 days.

etaloisuf wrote:
Worst decision ever. I did not enjoy navali and prophecy at all. Council tho is a thing worth to keep - every endgame boss is. Fated uniques ruined the economy as well as made alot other uniques obsolete. Voidheart is the most stupid item ive ever seen in path of exile since it doesnt have a drawback but insanely boosts all physical melees. I thought GGG was against any coin thing in the game since like paper money it doesnt have a real worth on its own. Currency must have a use other trading!

Of course most players enjoyed the content since it was something new but i got to say this was one of the most boring leagues ive ever experienced. Sorry.

2/10 for this decision.

This post makes no sense at all. Voidheart is very strong, but hardly the most stupid item. Fated uniques did almost nothing to the economy, and silver coins DO have a use! (Hint: it has something to do with prophecies.)

I loved this league and I'm glad to see it being rolled into the core game. I just hope they don't nerf the coin drop rate much. I actually like doing the prophecies, and they're already so rare that I have to buy them constantly. I can see this being a major issue in new leagues if they're "substantially" more rare.
Last edited by BaggerX on Aug 10, 2016, 1:32:51 AM
Not really understanding the hate for this decision from those who don't like Prophecy. It's entirely optional content so you know, just don't seek prophecies...
So, Council fight + fated unique will in in core game? And Reach bow with Voidheart ring will be also available in Standard?
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Reach of the Council no legacy? again? poe continues to disappoint...
+Prophecy - one of the worst(boring/economical destroying/annoying prophecy that doesnt spawn in map properly) league in poe history and you wanna throw it into core, no thx, how about Talisman? or just don't do it?
Last edited by availablex on Aug 10, 2016, 1:46:53 AM
availablex wrote:
Reach of the Council no legacy?

Where did you get it?
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Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
rockdog2161 wrote:
Not really understanding the hate for this decision from those who don't like Prophecy. It's entirely optional content so you know, just don't seek prophecies...

cos it's part of game, you can said then - just don't play in this game... also in case if you don't know - constructive criticism it's good thing.
In regards of the Reach nerf- who has enough exalts to buy a well crafted Harbinger? Rich ppl in Standard. I paid 40ex for a 6l Reach there, equivalent Harb would be +/- 100-150ex.

I have dreamt of playing with a really kick ass bow since I started playing this game but they were always unattainable for me. There are already many bows existing that are as strong or stronger than Reach- I just can't afford them.

If my bow gets nerfed and I am back to staring at Harbs that I can't afford, I'm seriously throwing my toys out of the pram & re-evaluating my gaming choices. I feel like whatever I want to play has a risk of getting nerfed every 3 months, getting thoroughly tired of it.
I am going to fucking make the shit out of that div voidheart ring if you guys aren't fucking with it lol

Likely cancelling reach div card if you're fucking with it.
Dys an sohm
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Mah morn narr

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