lazyness a sign of high intelligence - study

Bars wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Okay, I guess it's not really logic. More like basic psychology. Or cynicism. Whichever you prefer.

A professor tells a student:
'Imagine two guys before a public restroom. One is dirty, the other is clean. Who will enter first?'
'The dirty one, of course - he will want to wash his hands', replies the student.
'Good, good - this is logic. But consider this: he might be ashamed and he might wait for the other one to enter first. This is psychology', continues the professor. 'So, who will enter first?'
The student thinks for some time and says, 'Fuck it, I have no idea'.
'Excellent! This is philosophy'.

The economist will make a probability tree to examine the game theory behind each of the options.
Please contact if you need any assistance.
Gary_GGG wrote:

The economist will make a probability tree to examine the game theory behind each of the options.

The marketing expert will pay for a large-scale study and will determine everything depends on the size and colour of the door, then will start thinking how to monetize his findings.

You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Aug 12, 2016, 12:19:05 PM
Bars wrote:
Gary_GGG wrote:

The economist will make a probability tree to examine the game theory behind each of the options.

The marketing expert will pay for a large-scale study and will determine everything depends on the size and colour of the door, then will start thinking how to monetize his findings.

They will hire an architect for the best position for the door, and an artist to paint it... only to be told by management that there is only budget for one person, who will then hire a consultant to find where the inefficiencies are in the system.
Please contact if you need any assistance.

And then I will arrive in a six-linked Adidas tracksuit, dual wielding a unique baseball bat and a contraband cigarette, and will say in my best Eastern European accent, 'You think you can put door here? Did you ask Piotr the Triceps? You have to pay protection!'

The manager will pay a lawyer who will file a lawsuit, Piotr the Triceps will grease a few palms and bash a few heads and the case will be closed due to lack of evidence.

The door will never materialize, a lot of expenditure will be had and only the lawyers will profit in the end.

The marketing expert will conclude he's not very good at this, so he'll write a scientific article about the entire episode and he'll be tenured as an economics professor in the College of Lower Fuckington.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Aug 12, 2016, 12:51:16 PM
Bars wrote:

And then I will arrive in a six-linked Adidas tracksuit, dual wielding a unique baseball bat and a contraband cigarette,

That public restroom mirror of kalandra.
You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
Bars wrote:
Gary_GGG wrote:
The economist will make a probability tree to examine the game theory behind each of the options.
The marketing expert will pay for a large-scale study and will determine everything depends on the size and colour of the door, then will start thinking how to monetize his findings.
The marketing study will invariably design a bathroom no one likes, because of psychology - when those conducting the survey ask the focus groups which color they prefer, they'll say whatever they think sounds socially acceptable instead of indicating their true preference.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Bars wrote:
Gary_GGG wrote:
The economist will make a probability tree to examine the game theory behind each of the options.
The marketing expert will pay for a large-scale study and will determine everything depends on the size and colour of the door, then will start thinking how to monetize his findings.
Bars wrote:
The door will never materialize, a lot of expenditure will be had and only the lawyers will profit in the end.
The marketing study will invariably design a bathroom no one would like, because of psychology - when asked which color they prefer, the focus group members will say whatever they think sounds socially acceptable instead of indicating their true preference.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 12, 2016, 5:17:12 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
The marketing study will invariably design a bathroom no one would like, because of psychology - when asked which color they prefer, the focus group members will say whatever they think sounds socially acceptable instead of indicating their true preference.


What's the lesson? Political correctness will ruin the world.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Was about to complete my unified theory, but my sister just had to wake me up at four in the afternoon.

lel at door business.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Was about to complete my unified theory, but my sister just had to wake me up at four in the afternoon.

lel at door business.



After three months of various door stratagems and implementations, it is announced that the door is getting nerfed, and is now a small window high up on the wall - but that a new bathroom will be released in a few weeks.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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