[PoE 2.2]Shadow - Trap Bladefall - Uber Atziri Down (Cheap version with Tabula Rasa)

What's the optimal gear for this, I have ex to spend.
Well, u can start it very cheap And beeing effectiv.
If u got more money to spend, ur build will skyrocket. I did put around 10 ex in my miner, theres no limit .
I would say spend ur ex into an 6 link this is by far the most dmg. Then upgrade piece for piece
Hc: Rayzn_
Nemesis: Raynz_
Last edited by kixn#4339 on Oct 15, 2016, 4:35:13 AM
So if I understand correctly for the obliteration wand to work with this build you need southbound.
Can anyone post a sample of their current gear, passive tree and ascendancy with the above mentioned items/setup?
Flame golem, the cwdt setup,hatred, wither/totem setup and blasphemy/enfeeble setup are still viable for this build?
Sitting at 10k dmg at the moment at lvl 67, haven't done cruel/merc lab yet and without unstable munitions passive.
Tnx for the help
I'm sure this is probably a dumb question but why go with ming over le heup? If your starved for stats itll help with that plus it doesnt have a decrease to life. Or is the damage boost from mings just that good? Or is there something im just missing?
I'm sure this is probably a dumb question but why go with ming over le heup? If your starved for stats itll help with that plus it doesnt have a decrease to life. Or is the damage boost from mings just that good? Or is there something im just missing?

Le Heup is an increase, which is additive. Ming's Heart takes a % of your physical, so it's a multiplicative modifier. If you can friend me and loan me a le heup, I'll happily tell you my damage numbers. My traper is essencevoncarstein in SC essence.

So if I understand correctly for the obliteration wand to work with this build you need southbound.
Can anyone post a sample of their current gear, passive tree and ascendancy with the above mentioned items/setup?
Flame golem, the cwdt setup,hatred, wither/totem setup and blasphemy/enfeeble setup are still viable for this build?
Sitting at 10k dmg at the moment at lvl 67, haven't done cruel/merc lab yet and without unstable munitions passive.
Tnx for the help

Obliteration wand should work fine without southbound. See the previous page for my gear and gem setup, which have some differences with the original post. see above on this page for my improvements to the passive tree. The ascendancy is in the original post. Only change is that rapid decay is terrible, I swapped in empower for my bear trap once it got to level 2.
Last edited by roddyriot#2143 on Oct 22, 2016, 3:27:23 PM
Hi anybody kill guardians with this build? I try minataur but failed. I think dmg is not enough for end game chalenges.
Use a (bino mainhand)decay dagger in offhand, it call do everything except the poison immune bosses
Last edited by xGetsuga#1797 on Oct 26, 2016, 2:35:26 PM
this build still do damage with poison?
Got a question. How does yours compare to https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1576332/page/1 ?
Last edited by Korach#4664 on Nov 27, 2016, 11:52:07 PM
Hi! Thank you, smileyhb, for insane build! Seems like is still actually cheap and easy to play endgame content. I love it )

Just like to bump this thread, but also share few ideas and ask other players, what they thinking about.

1. My body armour is 6L Carcass Jack, that gives not bad defences and AoE. Is it good choice, or you can recommendate better armor with same price?

2. I use Vertex (+1 gem lvl) with curse preset: 20/23 Temporal Chains - 20/20 Increas AoE - 20/20 Blasphemy - lvl 3 Enchance (shud like to have 4 lvl, but not enought currency yet). Now cursed enimies are 53% slower. That's nice defence ability, as I think. Also, not sure, poison debuff must counts longer on cursed enimies.
(use Enchance - not Empower, because quality of Temporal Chains gives much more speed debuff, that lvl)

3. Right now I use Eclipse Solaris, lose 1k dps (in comparison with Obliteration), but affect enemies in short radius by blinding. I'd like to try using Blinding Assault and Born in the Shadows from Saboteurs ascendent. Not sure, it'll work succesfully with traps and Eclipse Solaris, so my risk is 20 regrets... Have anyone experience in this moment?

4. It was hard mana issues, before I dont spend few points to mana increases and run Clarity. So, if you just start playing this build, and you not so deft in mana flasks usage, I recomend you to do same. (it's only my oppinion)

5. Right now I'm 89 lvl, have full ele resists, 9k ev, 3.4k hp, 1.7k es. Can do most t13 rare maps easely, instead of hexproof and less mana regen. Is it good to me to take Phase Acrobatics and/or Arrow Dancing?


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