[2.4] Silly Toy: 5M+ DPS Flicker, 2h/1h variants, poison 100% crit, with Cospri's Will
ahh thought i was being so clever with the molten shell haha ill change the color and try somethin else. thanks again for the help..
also....check out this little ring of perfection made from essence of delirium scooped it up for an ex...ill grab u something similar if u want for switch to standard if u wanna reimburse..didnt see u having an essence character....but likely theres something missing that i dont know like im already poison capped but lemme know edit: theres also ring mods that add +33% chaos dmg (max)..i went for the higher poison becuase we do chaos via poison, not chaos applied directly from skill..but again im most likely miscalculating so if the +30% chaos would be better than +40% poison could you give some feedback..although maybe the increase chaos will double dip with atziri and unholy..hate doing math outside of diffy q's course..sry for all the questions Last edited by HPinstinct#6879 on Oct 8, 2016, 7:31:21 PM
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30% global chaos is better because we have up to 50% 75% of physical as extra chaos damage, then it doubledips on poison :/
phys + physical as extra chaos damage * physical/chaos/ globalincreased * More + all secondary mults : vulnerability and shock. 16% of this total damage as chaos over time * chaos/poison/global increased * More * all other secondary mults: vulne and shock. So if you have chaos damage instead of poison damage, you improve damage per hit with physical damage as extra chaos damage and poison. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Oct 9, 2016, 1:51:59 PM
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bah humbug
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anyway thx for the proposition but i dont need one, it's powerfull and all, i like it however it takes a mod, we have already difficulties to be caped accuracy/res/stat, with life and phys dam/crit :/ i cant use one with my gear xD
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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Yeah I doubt I could ever afford something you'd use on your character anyway haha. Still haven't found out whether the increased chaos/poison is suffix or prefix yet. So far it's seeming like neither
edit: suffix Last edited by HPinstinct#6879 on Oct 16, 2016, 12:34:35 PM
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whats this build good for? can it even do bosses?
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Yea it has handled every boss up to t15. Phase bosses are difficult tho due to frenzy generation.
Last edited by HPinstinct#6879 on Oct 15, 2016, 12:59:00 PM
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Yeah, core malachai, atziri/uber and guardians/shaper are the only difficult bosses. (but Very problematic... :/)
Maybe izaro zoo because we need to charge before fight. everything else is Cake. I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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If this build is all about inflating dps, im wondering where the ancestral warchief gem is?
18% more melee damage, while the totem's attack itself can also reach up to a third of your own dps (if run in a 4 or 5-link). The thing is, warchief really isnt just increase or "inflated" dps, it also gives monsters another target to hit. One use of that is safely regaining your frenzy charges with quill rain frenzy while a boss goes for your totem. In this specific build, since targets should be permanently bleeding, it could also be linked to the bloodlust support gem, which has one of the highest "more" modifiers in the game. Personally, i run it in Wyrmsign as a 5-link since im crit capped even without maligaros and have a way to generate endurance charges for the delicious rampage stacks of up to 200% increased damage and 100% movespeed Last edited by RazorRamon#2987 on Oct 18, 2016, 9:18:55 AM
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it is effectively a good gem, it helps.
we are already limited by gems and this 18% more damage doesnt improve the clearspeed ( we wont stop, summon totem then restart because we will be far away with flicker) while it's barely noticeable on normal bosses when we are already charged. They die too fast. The benefit is when we cant kill directly so have time for preparation and hp sponge bosses; or reload frenzy against phase bosses ( the charges expire too fast, or we dont have potions anymore or...), it gives times, a bit of damage and a secondary target, so yeah why not! also the warchief has it's own stack of poison ! but i dont know if the cospri's will "poison cursed ennemies" works on the totem itself... it should be. For bloodlust, it's too tricky to be usefull... if the totem has a delay before his first attack, or the boss moves and dodge the totem for some reason or... .well you lose a gem support for the remaining time... or the totem dies at the start of the fight and you have to recast it... plus it's bonus is NOT huge compared to other support ( it's only melee physical against, so it doesnt double dip on bleed and even if it improves the direct hit, it doesnt double dip on poison. Compared to void manipulation the bonus is not huge, 30% at best) As you see, it's interresting, is it better than vaal haste? against some bosses yes, otherwise no ^^ I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Oct 18, 2016, 9:53:39 AM
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